How to Burn Fat Fast - Avoid These Foods to Burn Fat Fast

It may not surprise you but one of the main reasons that most people have been unable to burn body fat is because of the foods they have been eating. However, once you are done reading you will be able to know once and for all - how to burn fat fast, and what foods burn fat.

First thing, you need to have the proper knowledge to know that foods are good for you, and use that knowledge in the best way possible to get your body metabolizing fat. And you can do this all without having to count calories or taking dangerous over-the-counter diet supplements.

With this simple guideline you will begin to burn fat fast as long as you implement the knowledge.

A good first step is to read ingredient labels. Chances are, if there is an ingredient on the list you can't pronounce, you shouldn't eat it.

Processed foods is your big enemy. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true. Food manufacturers are so good at creating junk food in a box, it isn't even funny. Problem is that a high percentage of these foods are marketed to our children. It's no wonder why our next generation of children are growing up obese. Processed foods have so much garbage in them, that it is almost impossible for our bodies to burn fat. Eliminating these foods completely from your diet will go a long way to helping you burn fat quickly.

I know what you're thinking, 'that's about 95% of the foods at the grocery store.' You would be correct to think this. Here is a list of foods you should avoid.

Foods to Avoid.

As stated, processed foods are your enemy. Even so called 'healthy' foods. You may not realize this, but the orange juice you buy at the store actually keeps you from burning fat. Why? Because it's been processed so much that it doesn't even have 1/10 of its original nutritional value. Don't forget the high levels of sugar that is added during processing.

So called 'healthy' foods like wheat breads, pastas, cereals, granola, processed soy products (tofu, soy milk, soy meats and cheeses), low-fat products, even 'healthy' diet bars. All of these turn to sugar in your body. Eating these will prevent you from burning fat and getting the body you've always wanted.

Avoiding the wrong fats is critical to burning fat. For years we've been told that eating fats is what makes you fat. But this really isn't the case. Eating the wrong fats, make you fat. These include: Hydrogenated oils, canola and vegetable oil, margarine (which is mostly hydrogenated oils), and substitute fake butters and spreads.

So, you are probably asking, 'what foods help burn belly fat?'. And 'how do I use these foods that burn fat to my advantage?'

OK, we know that processed foods at the main problem. So, logic would dictate to do the complete opposite.

Foods That Burn Fat.

Want to add bread to your diet, but worried about carbohydrates and sugars? Well not all carbohydrates are created equal. Breads that are made from sprouted-grains, rice, spelt, and millet, are excellent, and gets your body burning fat quickly. Quinoa, is another grain to add and will super charge your metabolism to burn fat fast.

While sweet potato isn't a grain, it is healthier for you as opposed to white potatoes. Add some butter and cinnamon for a flavorful fat burning food.

Fruits and vegetables are fair game. If you've used a diet plan in the past and it told you to avoid certain fruits or vegetables, you might want to reconsider. These fad diets are not idealistic for sustaining long-term benefits.

Eating the right kinds of fats will burn fat off your body, and increase the metabolic process. Good fats, yes there is such a thing, are important to good heart health. These fats include things like real butter, eggs, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado and raw nuts. All of these unprocessed fats are good for you, and is what you body needs to burn fat quickly.

Finally, eating high good sources of high-quality proteins will help you to maintain muscle density while your body is busy burning unwanted fat. These include: nuts, fish, eggs, chicken, and beef. It's generally best to find organic meats as opposed to animals injected with growth hormones. Fish should be caught as opposed to farm-raised.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Lamothe

Fat Burning Foods - The Truth Behind Grapefruit and Citrus Fruits

According to an array of research and studies, many citrus foods-specifically grapefruit-help the body to burn fat. For example, the Nutrition and Medical Research Centre at Scripps Clinic in San Diego initiated research and studies that prove how the simple consumption of grapefruit or grapefruit juice led to a significant loss in body fat and weight. While a fad-diet from the 1980s, titled the "grapefruit diet," may have been the first source of the grapefruit fat burning rumors, experts and scientists are uncovering new information that supports the fruit's powerful effects!

The Fat Burning Benefits of Grapefruit

Whether you drink a simple glass of pure grapefruit juice, or if you enjoy the fruit in its whole form, consumers of grapefruit experience significant fat burning benefits. In examining a clinical study of this fruit, leading researcher Dr. Fujioka created a trial wherein 100 obese individuals were monitored as some participants consumed grapefruit while others did not. While engaging in this trial, participants did not make any changes to their diet or exercise habits, other than those who were required to add a daily serving of grapefruit. Dr. Fujioka broke the participants into three groups, and studied their fat burning processes by implementing specific grapefruit requirements:

The first group did not consume any grapefruit
The second group ate half of a grapefruit before each meal, three times each day
The third group drank grapefruit juice before each meal, three times each day.

According to Dr. Fujioka's results and reports, the two groups who consumed grapefruit before each meal lost an average of 3.6 pounds over the course of 12 weeks! When comparing this to the group abstaining from grapefruit, the non-citrus eaters only lost an average of half of a pound during the 12 weeks.

Additional Benefits of Grapefruit

While grapefruit has been proven to work as a fat burning food, consumers of grapefruit will also experience additional health benefits. According to Dr. Fujioka's study, individuals who consumed his allotted amounts of grapefruit each day also experienced decreased levels of insulin, which is a hormone that regulates the body's metabolism, energy, and blood sugar levels. An excess of insulin can actually lead to serious illnesses, such as diabetes; therefore, a steady diet of grapefruit can actually prevent the development of this health disorder.

When examining how grapefruit provides consumers with fat burning and health benefits, some suggest that the lower insulin levels are the main catalyst for enhanced fat burning abilities. Essentially, as grapefruit stabilizes energy levels and insulin levels, the body is able to maintain a more stable energy state. Oftentimes when faced with an energy crash or feelings of fatigue, the body will jump into a hunger-mode, as the body will seek out sugary and unhealthy foods to receive an immediate and fast energy boost. When engaging in these habits, individuals are choosing foods that lead to weight gain. In contrast, when individuals experience more stable blood sugar levels, the body is able to regulate its energy, burning up fat cells in order to invigorate and boost the body.

Additional Citrus Fat Burning Foods

While grapefruit has been the most researched and verified fat burning citrus product, some studies indicate that other citrus foods can also lead to fat burning effects. For example, lemon and oranges may also promote enhanced fat burning processes; however, these fruits are less clinically supported than the powerful grapefruit benefits. When choosing to incorporate grapefruit into your diet, enjoy the whole fruit or purchase a juice with no additives, sugars, or concentrates. Fresh squeezed and all natural grapefruit will deliver the greatest fat burning [http://www.bestfatburningfood.com] benefits.

John Hartie is a recognised authority on fat burning foods, his website, [http://www.bestfatburningfood.com] provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you will need to know about fat burning foods.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Hartie

Best Fruits For Weight Loss

If you are on the lookout for the best fruits for weight loss, let me tell you one simple fact: any fruit can turn out to be 'fruitful' for shedding those extra kilos. Have as many fruits as possible everyday. Fruits can show great results in your weight loss program if you take them in the morning. After that, if you eat a fruit with every meal, you can really speed up your weight loss program...

Let me show you:

The magic of fruits to shed excess weight

1. Fruits usually have less calories than any other food. Fruits can help you lose weight, provide your body with more energy, can lessen the chances of cardiovascular diseases, can help keep the blood pressure in control, can reduce the risk of Type - 2 Diabetes, and can even slow your aging process down. Find low-carbohydrate fruits. Apple perhaps tops the list of best fruits for weight loss. Just make sure you eat the whole fruit and not the juice because it is more effective. It is low in calorie and has fiber that won't let you feel hungry.

2. Grapefruit essentially cleans your entire system from within because of its water content. Plus, it has got fat-burning enzymes. Some other best fruits for weight loss include orange colored fruits like papaya, peach, and mango; red fruits like watermelon, strawberry, tomato; purple fruits like blueberries, and white fruits like pears. Fruits have very less amount of sodium. It makes them capable for lessening your risks of gaining extra water weight.

3. Add these best fruits for weight loss as dessert or make fruit salads. Make dried fruits an integral part of your breakfast cereal. Consume small pieces of fruits at least half an hour before or after your light workout session. Cut your consumption of soft drinks and replace them with fruit juices. Increase the amount of fruits in your daily diet. It will reduce your apetite for high-calorie foods.

There are dozens of varieties of fruits that we have been blessed with. The natural vitamin, mineral and other organic phytochemicals from the plant, the fiber content and the energy density are the qualities that make the above mentioned fruits the best fruits for weight loss.

If you want to lose weight fast and easy, yet not following the same old boring tips like eat a healthy diet etc... I've some free advice for you.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Katie_A._Jones

Tips For Inch Loss That Actually Work! Do You Have Belly Fat?

Don't you wish you could eat anything you want and not gain weight and inches on your body?

Don't you wish that healthier foods ( or should I rephrase that as food better for your body) tasted better?

Don't you wish you looked like you did back when you were younger? And I don't mean 10 years old, more like 20 or even early 20's, your body is done growing, and you can guess what???? Eat anything you want and not gain an inch! I do miss those days, really I do, but with the education I've had, the choices I make today and SO much better for me.

First a couple facts you may not like.
1. Our bodies were not designed to eat crap ( such as fast food, sugar, artificial sweetners, processed foods etc) and remain skinny and healthy . It's just not reality. Sorry! (told ya you might not like some of these)

2. Your body IS a well designed machine, but your engine must be in optimum condition in order to give you optimum performance. And quite frankly last into your golden years above ground!

3. Our society today is going so fast that the mere thought of sitting down and eating (and this does not include driving while eating) has to be scheduled in order to actually happen. Folks, when it's time to eat, eat. If you inhale your food you are doing your body more harm than good - this is a fact. Your digestive system is just that.......a system. It needs time to work.

O.K - I think I've given you enough bad new, how about we concentrate on the good news!

I am going to make some of your wishes come true today. I have some facts you may find, well, I hope interesting and exciting.

1. The best one will be last. But all of these will help you stay healthier, skinnier and really live longer.

2. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. I know.....I know......we would rather have nachos or a burger and fries. But this is a must if you want it! And I want it! I dare you - the next time you have the "munchies" - to grab a nice cold apple (pink ladies are my favorite) and munch on that. Then wait a few minutes and I bet you are not only not hungry, but your craving for the junk went away after tasting that sweet, juicy apple. Come on, just give it a try for a few days. Then email me with your results.

3. You CAN have FAT! (see I told you this was good news! The key here is to limit yourself to under 2o grams per day.

4. You can eat ALL DAY! Ya, I know! I was shocked to. It's actually easier on your body to east 5 or 6 small ( now I said small) meals a day instead of 2 or 3 big ones. YA! So go ahead - do it!

5. Move - exercise - even 30 minutes 3 times a week. SOMETHING. Once you get in the "routine" you will feel so much better. Can't you give up one t.v show and walk instead?? ( or DVR that show for later after your walk!)

6. Increase fiber - that is obvious, but so few do it. Read labels. This is what you are putting IN your body. You only get one, take care of it and feed it well.

7. Water, water water. What do you think your body has a lot of - water. What do you think helps "flush your engine". Water. If this is hard for you try these couple tips that work for me. Start by just swapping out one of your drinks of choice a day for a nice glass of water. Just one to start. Once you see how easy it is, you will do it again. Now, to my water I add some lemon and some lime. This is a personal choice, but it really helps me to get the water movin' through me - if ya know what I mean! LOL

8. Cleanse and detoxify! Do you have any idea how many toxins we are exposed to DAILY? It's really pretty scary and of course this has an adverse affect on the body! Scary! Now this is the bad new, but as I promised I have GOOD NEWS for you in this area to! You can rid your body of harmful toxins and chemicals while allowing it to function normally! See I have good news! :-)

I have had great success with the above tips for you! But the icing on the cake (well don't eat the icing if you really want to lose inches LOL) are Herbal Body Applicators. These applicators target those trouble areas (and we all have them) like belly fat, thighs, arms even chin and neck areas. You apply the applicator to your targeted area, wear for a minimum of 45 minutes and the herbal formula actually gets under your skin to break up these nasty toxins. Then the key is to drink enough water to "flush" out those nasty things!

I have lost over 9 inches so far. They feel great, smell great and they work! You are not just losing water like with those expensive salon wraps, because of the special herbal formula. Now this gets even better. If you drink enough water for the next 48-72 hours, you will continue to lose inches! Good news?? I think so!!!

A unique product that is something everyone wants! Losing inches in 45 minutes - yes! I love it! If you would like to take a tour of this fantastic product go here [http://www.TrimInchesToday.com] and if you have questions about them I'd love to hear from you TrimInchesToday@yahoo.com

I am author of this fantastic article who has been on a health crusade for the last 10 years, I have learned SO much and want to help others find the same success, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lisa_Kuhel

Abs Diet - 3 Tips to Lose Belly Fat and Get Ripped Abs

How to get six pack stomach? The most important thing you have to do is to reduce you body fat. This is because many of us already have six packs, but they're hidden under a layer of belly fat. Thus, if you want to show off a set of nicely toned abs you would have to shred those belly fat.

The best way get flat abs is to have proper abs diet plans to burn fat and gain muscle. However, while you are working out an abs diet plan of what to eat you, you have to understand some nutrition facts that can help you lose belly fat and get six pack abs fast. And in case you're wondering, we're not talking about Wendys nutrition or Taco Bell nutrition here.

Here are 3 tips lose belly fat and accelerate your road to flat abs:

1. Avoid hunger pangs during fat loss diet

Don't starve yourself in an effort to lose belly fat. Reducing your calories consumption to less than 8 times your body weight, as some of those 'fad diet' suggest, you are causing your basal metabolic rate to slow down. This will cause you to lose muscle mass and water instead of losing love handles. This is the last thing you want to do when you are trying to lose fat in stomach.

The best way to lose belly fat is to take 5 to 6 small meals a day. By feeding your body with protein and low fat meals frequently throughout the day, you are avoiding hunger pangs. This will optimize the development of lean muscle and lose fat.

2. Eat the right food combinations to burn fat

Do you know that the cells in your body go through a cycle of renewal every 28 days? So in a year's time, all the cells of your skin, muscles and organs would have been regenerated and you are technically a 'new' person.

In order to go through this cycle of degeneration and regeneration, you need a constant supply of nutrients to your body. If you want to make sure that the 'new' you gain muscle and fitness, you have to provide it with quality food that burn the fat feed the muscle. Therefore, it's important that you choose the right food combinations to burn fat with carbohydrates and protein to provide your body with all the nutrients it to renew your body.

Remember to also include vegetables in your fat loss diet because the fiber in vegetables will help in digestion and control the absorption of nutrients to your body. A simple guideline to determine the portion that you need, a portion is roughly the size of your clenched fist.

3. Plan your fat loss diet

Always plan when you eat. Most people only eat when they are hungry, or worst when it's convenient. This way of eating will create havoc to your metabolism. If you want burn fat and gain muscle, you have to plan your meals.

Planning what you need to eat, and pre-cooking it will ensure that you keep to your abs diet plan and minimize your temptation for snacking on unhealthy food. It's also good to keep records of your progress. People who keep track of their abs diet plan and progress have far more success than those who do not.

A proper and balanced diet with optimal nutrition value will help you build muscle and lose fat. Also, you must do regular exercise to burn fat faster.

Now that you know how to lose belly fat, are you interested to learn the scientifically proven dietary and the right food combinations to burn fat that will quickly shrink your waistline and lose stomach fat? Visit [http://www.absworkoutsecrets.com] now.

Ian Kuro is the creator and founder of ABsolute Workouts where he provides valuable tips and resources on how to get lean and muscular six packs. Visit [http://www.absworkoutsecrets.com] for your free workout plans now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Kuro

Six Pack Stomach - 3 Tips For Six Pack Abs

Washboard abs are rapidly disappearing and could soon be an extinct species unless there are major changes in lifestyle in the United States. Highly processed foods, refined sugars, and stressful lifestyles have added millions of inches and pounds to waistlines but there is a belly fat cure. A six pack stomach is attainable by following some basic rules and implementing this into your weekly schedule. The solution isn't in a bottle of fat loss pills because without strong fundamentals for burning fat you will not achieve six pack abs.

Rule 1 - Decrease Sugar and Increase Fiber

A simple way to reverse belly fat is to cut down on simple and refined sugars. Foods like this are abundant and cheap so they have become a staple in the American diet. Snack foods that are low in fat but high in sugar are responsible for a lot of the fat gain. Low fat does not mean you won't gain fat. Excess sugar is responsible for a lot of the fat belly's out there. Sugary foods enter the bloodstream so quick that the energy cannot be used fast enough in the bloodstream so the extra calories are stored as fat and then blood sugar decreases rapidly causing an energy crash. By eating foods high in fiber it slows the digestion of sugars into the bloodstream making it less likely to be stored as fat. Sugary snacks lack fiber so they go right to the waistline.

Foods like vegetables, high fiber breads, and fruits can be eaten with meals to create a balance and slow down the digestive process and release of sugar. It's nearly impossible to over eat vegetables and the body actually uses energy to digest these foods so there is a double fat burning effect. This one rule will help to burn belly fat and get you on the way to a six pack stomach.

Rule 2 - Fish Oil and Essential Fatty Acids

Another really simple thing to add to your daily routine is add some essential fatty acids. EPA and DHA are extremely important in reducing inflammation in the body. Belly fat releases a chemical messenger called cytokines. This is an inflammatory response and cytokines are responsible for making your body gain more belly fat. Fat creates more fat! A simple way to reduce the cytokine response is taking fish oil capsules everyday. This will reduce inflammation and these harmful chemical messengers so that you can turn on your fat burning genes and work on those abs.

Rule 3 - Quick Workouts

A lot of people I know never start exercising because they think the time commitment is several hours per week when in fact you really only need about 3 sessions of 30 minutes each to stimulate a fat burning metabolism. That's only 90 minutes a week which is less time than most people spend surfing the internet or watching t.v. in a single night. A properly executed routine will include several full body exercises to tone the entire body and core exercises for the abs. If you don't belong to a gym you can do bodyweight exercises at home designed in circuits to give a complete workout.

3 Essential Rules for Burning Belly Fat

Get a Free Six Pack Stomach workout that includes some great meals for Six Pack Abs.

3 Fat Burning Keys Included:
Workout Plan
Fat Burning Meals
Best Natural Fat Burning Supplements List

Set some personal goals and get started on your six pack stomach. It only takes a couple weeks to see real and lasting results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Porter

How to Get Flat Abs Fast - 3 Tips to Say Goodbye to Your Fat Belly!

There are tons of weight loss products that claimed that they could really get rid of your flat abs fast - but are these products really able to help you to eliminate the excessive bulge on your stomach? You could not accept the fact that you are the "victim" of stereotype - of having a flabby tummy which most people would label you as "fat and lazy human being". Therefore, many would find all sorts of solutions that could shape belly into flat and toned abs but it is still no avail.

In today's culture where many are well-adapted to fast-paced living style including fast-cooked foods, gaining instant pleasure like watching TV, playing games as well as internet surfing and chatting - these are the main contributing factors to excess body fat particularly at the abdominal area.

It seems that it is getting difficult to lose your unattractive belly fat - how could you possibly get flat abs fast? Here are a few tips that you should take note of:

Tip #1: Concentrate on your diet - Back to basics, you need to start categorizing food into "bad" and "good" food categories. For instance, stop consuming fatty foods that can increase unnecessary belly fat. Avoid foods that contain saturated fat and sugar which are extremely difficult to digest and it will deposited within your abdominal area.

Besides that, there are also "bad" and "good" carbohydrates (or commonly known as "carbs") - "bad" carbs are cereals, bread, pasta; which these food cannot be consume along with meat (which is contain protein and fats. Many are not aware of two categories of carbs, which cause constant calorie increase that affect the size of their belly.

Tip #2: Doing the right workout - Besides dieting, you need to shed excessive belly fat is through regular workouts. Many are still misled by various resources that they could possibly get well-shaped abs by performing "spot training" - workouts that are specifically targeted at abdominal area. In fact, you need to perform a routine of workouts that are meant for the whole body.

Hence, you need to concentrate a wide spectrum of workouts including cardiovascular and resistant workouts. In addition, you can add-in contemporary workouts like burpees and Russian twists, which are well-known in building up core muscles as well as burning excessive calories within the abdominal area. By performing such workouts consistently, you will get flat abs and a perfect healthy body fast.

Tip #3: Picking the right stretching exercise - In order to enhance your belly fat reduction process, you need to perform simple stretching exercise to can possibly tone and strengthen your abdominal muscles. For instance, in a crawling position, hold your back straightly. Then, inhale and slowly pull your stomach up and hold your breath for 10 seconds. Next, exhale and slowly bring your stomach down, then rest for 5 seconds, and repeat. Perform this exercise about 20-30 reps per day especially after those workouts that are mentioned earlier.

Hope that these abovementioned tips are able to help to get flat abs fast - it requires hard work and persistence to achieve positive results.

Can't wait to say goodbye to your fat belly? Get started with the right way of getting flat abs fast by visiting this website - CLICK HERE.

It is surprising that you could not lose your belly fast by following Truth About Abs method as this method has helped many people to lose their unwanted belly fat which seemed impossible to accomplish.

If you are seriously looking for the best method to lose belly fat fast - visit MikeGearyTruthAboutABS.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Decaprio_M.

Tips on How to Lose Belly Fat Fast and Easy

How to lose belly fat fast and easy is a very important question for a lot of people. Everyone wants to be lean, fit and healthy, not overweight, out of shape and unhealthy. Most people who have belly fat want to get rid of it and they have tried it many times, but these tries end with failure nearly every time. I am sure you have tried to lose belly fat many times and gaining all the weight back, that you lost can be really frustrating, so hopefully some tips here, will prevent that from happening.

Tips on how to lose belly fat

Changing your lifestyle

One of the main problems, that prevents people from losing belly fat permanently, is because the methods they are using are temporary, not permanent. It is impossible to get permanent results with a diet that lasts for 3-4 weeks. When a diet ends, then people go back to their old lifestyle. But if you want permanent changes, then you have to make permanent changes to the way you live and your habits, that you maintain for the rest of your life. That is not as hard as you may think, it is.

Do not use strict diets

The vast majority of diets work, by reducing your calories very rapidly in the beginning. This makes you lose weight really fast, but it is never permanent. A much better option is to start slowly and then bit by bit increase the intensity of your exercise and lower your calories, if necessary. If you are overweight, then you do not need to put in a lot of effort to lose weight. There is no need to starve yourself to lose belly fat.

Do not starve the fat, burn the fat

If a person wants to lose belly fat, then the person need a calorie deficit, so the calories that are stored as fat, would be used. The majority of people try to create the deficit with diets, but in reality it is much better to burn the fat, rather that starve the fat. Then there is no need to starve yourself and you are less likely to give up.

Check out the top 5 Fat Loss Programs out there right now, in my opinion. All of them work very well, but people are different and what works for some, may not work for others. I am sure you will find the right one, that works for you. http://www.easyandfastfatloss.info

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jaan_Tamm

Growing Muscle Without Gaining Fat - Easy Tips For Having Muscles and Get Rid of the Fats

Every person wants to have a well built body but in their quest for gaining muscle they also gain excess fat. A strong and well built body should have a good amount of muscle mass but hardly any extra fat as muscles provide the strength and shape to the body. Most bodybuilders would agree that they would love to gain muscle without gaining any fat. Gaining muscles without gaining fat is possible if you not only consume the required amount of calories but also increase the metabolic rate of your body so that the extra fat is converted into muscles.

Here are a few helpful tips you can follow for gaining muscle without gaining fat by boosting your body metabolism:

1) Eat a healthy and nutritious diet
An important step to gain muscle without gaining fat by improving your metabolic rate is to eat a healthy and nutritious diet. If you eat right and cut out all the unhealthy foods that contain unsaturated fats you can build a strong body which has a good amount of muscle mass and no excess fat. Your diet should be rich in carbohydrates and proteins and should consist of food items like cereals, whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables.

2) Drink plenty of water
Water is important for staying healthy and energetic. You should drink lots of water for gaining muscle without gaining fat. You will need to work out regularly to build muscle mass. If you don't increase your daily water consumption it can have a negative effect on your body. You should drink several glasses of water at regular intervals throughout the day. Water helps to keep the muscles hydrated and plays an important role in distributing essential nutrients throughout the body to keep it healthy.

3) Plan your meals
You have to plan your meals so that you don't stay hungry for an extended period or eat too much in one particular meal. You should eat at regular intervals and plan out five to six small meals throughout the day rather than just two to three large meals. You should also ensure that each of your meals contains the right amount of protein, carbohydrates,vitamins and other essential nutrients. When you eat a number of smaller meals throughout the day instead of two or three larger meals if helps boost your metabolic rate and you don't have to worry about gaining weight while you build up your muscle mass.

4) Get enough sleep
An important aspect of the muscle building process is to get sufficient amount of sleep on a daily basis. Sleep helps to relax the body and mind and improve metabolic rate thereby playing a crucial role in the process of gaining muscle without gaining fat.

You can follow the above discussed tips for gaining muscle without gaining fat. A strong and well built body is loved and admired by everyone but you should know what you need to do to achieve it so that you can do it in an healthy way and get the desired results.

Tommy Steinbeck is a fitness fanatic. He created a site to be a resource page for health and fitness and for those who want to know on how to grow muscle.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tommy_Steinbeck

Tricks to Reduce Belly Fat - 2 Tips & Tricks to Reduce Your Waistline

People often search for tricks to reduce belly fat since it can be some of the toughest fat on the body to lose. Most people often put on fat first on their abdominal region and then later on the rest of their body which makes it even harder to lose belly fat. If you want to lose stubborn abdominal fat then continue reading as this article will tell you about two tricks to reduce belly fat easily.

First trick to reduce your waistline easily

The first way you can reduce your waistline is to use a superfood supplement such as Acai Berry, Matcha Tea or Maca. These natural supplements work by increasing the metabolic rate of the body which results in quick weight loss. Since most people first put on fat on their bellies, a fast metabolic rate helps people lose belly fat before losing fat on the rest of the body. Acai Berry supplements also prevents people from bingeing on fatty foods that causes weight gain. Since Acai Berries are rich in antioxidants the person feels energetic within 2 hours of consuming these pills.

Second trick to reduce your waistline easily

The second way you can reduce your waistline is to use Colon Cleanse supplements. These supplements contain many natural ingredients that cleanse the colon and promote weight loss. Some of the cleansing ingredients used in the supplements include black walnut, psyllium husks, flax seed husks, bentonite clay and herbs. Some colon Cleanse supplements also contain probiotics that increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the colon.

People who use both these tricks to reduce midsection fat and do not put it back on easily. These supplements not only help people lose stubborn fat but they also help people prevent future fat gain. The combination of Acai supplements and Colon Cleanse products is unbeatable since Acai Berry increases the metabolic rate of the body while Colon Cleanse products remove old fecal matter that causes weight gain.

Click Here to see My BEFORE & AFTER 150 Pound Weight Loss PHOTO!

Find out what Weight Loss Method I Wished I had Known! at http://www.ChandrasDietSuccess.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chandra_North

3 Ways To Avoid Gaining Belly Fat Over Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, your fitness and healthy eating schedule can be easily forgotten. Everybody is entitled to a few treats over Christmas, but you don't want to start suddenly gaining belly fat when you've been trying to lose it for the past few months. Controlling your weight and fitness over the Christmas period can be easy if you plan ahead and carry on with your workout routines.

Here are 3 ways to avoid gaining belly fat over Christmas:

1. Quick Workouts

Resistance and strength training is one of the best ways to avoid gaining belly fat at any time whether it's Christmas or not. If lack of time is an issue, do your workout in the morning so it's done before everything else. Try combining exercises together to save time, such as squats with an overhead press or lunges with a bicep curl. Also, get some cardio exercise into your day by using the stairs at work, parking your car a bit further away from your destination or get off one stop early if you're using public transport. You can also plan things to do during the Christmas break like a walk after lunch or games in the park.

2. Watch What You Eat And Drink

Over-eating lots of high-calorie, non-nutritious foods is one of the main reasons for gaining belly fat during the Christmas holidays. But if you follow a rule of portion control, it will help. For example, if you're eating from a buffet, take what you want and then go and sit somewhere else. If you eat next to the table you will eat more. Also, eat small, healthy meals or snacks throughout the day to keep your energy up and then you can enjoy your main meal without over-eating because you're feeling starved.

Alcohol is a major cause of fat belly weight gain. Two bottles of beer can have more calories than a large slice of sponge cake. To avoid gaining belly fat when enjoying your favourite tipple over Christmas, opt for a low calorie mixer or soda. Also drinking water in between alcoholic drinks is a good way to minimize your calorie intake and also helps to keep you hydrated.

3. Control Your Stress

Christmas can be a stressful time and stress is a one of the reasons for gaining belly fat. When you're extremely stressed, your body produces cortisol, which can increase fat storage in the stomach area. Many people turn to comfort foods, like chocolate, when dealing with stress. The key is to be conscious of your stress and try different techniques before turning to food for relief. Exercise is a great stress reliever, so don't give up on your workouts. Another way to control stress is to slow down your breathing. Deep breathing can help slow your heart rate and blood pressure while relaxing the muscles and calming the mind.

Do you want to know more on how to get a flat belly? Are you confused about healthy eating and do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? For nutritional tips, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and the whole recipe for fat loss with safe, natural and proven methods please visit http://howtogetflatabsfast.org/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

List of Fat Burning Foods That Reduce Belly and Body Fat Fast

You Have Resolved To Lose Weight But Still Not Getting Results

Your New Year resolution has been to lose weight and acquire a svelte figure. You have been sweating it out at the gymnasium for the past couple of months in order to achieve your goal. You have been dieting, climbing office stairs, and walking about to the nearest mall. But you have not been all that successful in getting trimmer around the middle. You are probably not eating right foods to get the best results. Here is a List of Fat Burning Foods to help you reduce belly and body fat fast.

Fat Burning Foods To Trim Your Tummy

If you want to lose weight around the tummy opt for protein and fiber rich foods. Proteins take longer time to digest than fats. If your diet contains more proteins, your body will use more calories to burn it. Eggs are very rich in proteins. People assume that too much of them could lead to high amounts of cholesterol in your body. Dietary cholesterol affects blood cholesterol negligibly. Dietary fat is harmful for the body. It raises the level of harmful cholesterol. If the thought of cholesterol still worries you, avoid the yolk. The whites are also very rich in proteins. The helpful vitamin B12 is also found in eggs. It helps to break down the cells that have fat in them. Dairy products are generally very good for the body as well. You can easily opt for low fat milk in order to avoid fat around the stomach. Yogurt that is free of fat and milk that has less fat should be consumed few times per day. It will help you lose 70% more fat as compared to people who are consuming less dairy products. Products like milk and yogurt help make your bones stronger and play an important part in reducing fat in the body.

Make Beans Your Friend

The next on the list of fat burning foods is beans. Beans are rich in iron and proteins. They also provide the much needed fiber for the your body. Beans that help you lose body fat are navy, white, kidney as well as lima beans. Baked beans as well as refried beans should be consumed in less quantity. Beans that are fried again contain huge quantities of saturated fat. Canned baked beans are often full of sugar. On consuming such type of beans you will get the protein you require, but along with loads of fat and sugar. If you can, select the healthier ones listed above whenever possible instead.

Edamame - High Protein Belly Fat Buster

A vegetable that goes by the name of Edamame is included in the list of fat burning foods. It is an organic soybean and you will usually find these as an appetizer in Japanese restaurants. They are delicious and good for losing belly fat. One serving gives your body about 10g of protein. Edamame is usually available in shops that specialize in organic foods.

Enough To Get You Started But There Is More You Can Do

There are many other great items that could easily make the list of fat burning foods, but the ones mentioned above are some of the most effective and will help get you started in reducing belly and body fat fast.

Are you ready to take your fat burning weight loss [http://www.BurnBellyFatFaster.com] goals to the next level? Then you will want to check out our free video presentation on the latest techniques and tricks to burn away your excess belly fat faster than you ever thought possible!

Visit [http://www.BurnBellyFatFaster.com] to check it out for yourself right now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karena_Svens

Lose Tummy Fat Through Diet and Exercises

There is no wonder heal that would aid one to burn tummy fat, typically due to the reality that stomach is one of the most stubborn fat that holdouts for many people. There are no diets or medications suggested for immediate result.

The most significant technique in aiding an individual to lose his tummy fat is to work out on cardiovascular on daily basis. It does not indicate to have normal walks. Usually it depends upon one's age; one must workout for at least half an hour regularly at the zenith heart rate. Some of the activities can help losing tummy fat like swimming, jogging, running, dancing, aerobics, cycling, climbing stairs and walking on an inclined jogger etc. The tummy shrinks when you lose weight.

One must consume a balanced diet, which should incorporate foods with high fiber and protein. One must evade fried, oily and junk foods. Try to shift to boiled and baked foods. Drinks are also harmful like sugary sodas and alcoholic drinks. Make efforts to drink plenty of water. Consume lot of fruits and leafy vegetables. Try to have vegetarian foods only. Following the Food Pyramid diet also helps in loosing tummy fat.

In order to lose tummy fat quickly one must sacrifice meals. Keep in mind that you take right amount of food. The more you move your body or the more you work out, easier it becomes to burn fat from the entire body. Do lot of abdominal exercises to lose tummy fat rapidly. The more you sit and work the more you gain weight. In order to get rid of tummy fat one must follow the cardiovascular workouts and do lot of abs exercises.

For Cardiovascular Exercise: Initiate with walking on an inclined treadmill or on a hill. In order to reduce the tummy fat, this is the most outstanding workout which a person can do and will also see the results quickly. A mini change makes a vast difference.

Men gain weight mostly at the tummy area whereas women generally gain weight in the thigh area. Definitely there are exceptions. To make the tummy rigid and compact one must lose weight from all the portions of the entire body. One needs to make efforts to lose weight faster by eating dinner on time and not late night. Eat two hours before you go to sleep. You need to be stable for your daily workouts. If one does the same workout for few weeks or for two to three months continuously, at a point of time, workouts would stop helping you in reducing your fat because your body gets habituated of your daily exercise routine. So make changes in your workouts. Do not give up; make efforts to stick to your target.

It is not sensible to initiate from the difficult exercise at the beginning of weight loss curriculum. Start losing weight with little efforts. Making use of relaxation process like deep breathing, which helps to make you feel better and to some extent also aids in loosing fat.

Copyright © Ryan Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

Read about Carb Blocker Pills to stop fats from being deposited in the cells. Also find powerful Herbal Weight Loss Pills.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryan_Mutt

Five Unknown Foods That Get Rid of Tummy Fat

Do any foods demonstrably get rid of fat and quicken your metabolism? By munching the following 5 foods, you can accelerate your metabolism and trick your body into quickly eliminating fat.

Below are five foods that eliminate abdomen fat - these are some of the best foods that eliminate stomach fat.

A lot of folks are familiar with Vitamin C as a supplement to increase your immune system - but its secret power is as one of the leading five foods that eliminate stomach fat.

Vitamin C improves your ability to reduce fat by doing two things: it quickens your metabolism, and it also has an effect on your fat storage. The citric acid seems to decompose fat molecules, making them more likely to be eliminated and removed from the body. This impact is markedly noticeable with fresh lemon juice and lemons, but is true for additional citrus fruits as well.

Due to their exceptional Vitamin C content, citrus fruit is one of the leading 5 foods that get rid of belly fat. By and large consuming the complete fruit is healthier than simply drinking the fruit juice. The whole fruit includes fiber (another fat fighter), which helps you feel satisfied and reduces the speed your body processes the food.

Ginger is another of the leading five foods that eliminate abdomen fat. It is a vasodilator, which is a fancy way for saying it expands your veins and improves blood circulation. Increasing blood distribution can create a large boost to your metabolism. Some studies imply people who ingest ginger eliminate 20% more fat than their non-ginger consuming friends.

Ginger and Citrus flavors work very well together, both in terms of flavor and as fat eliminating foods. Asian dishes especially take advantage of this mix. Eat citrus and ginger and you can lose weight quickly without depriving yourself.

Nuts and Beans
Nuts and Beans are high fiber foods that will keep your desire for food in check for extended periods of time. They are foods that are slow to metabolize and are invaluable because they don't spike your insulin level, which has been verified to expand fat storage. Nuts and beans also include protein. Protein is critical for building lean muscle, and muscle gets rid of fat much more fat than fat tissue.

Oatmeal and Other Whole Grains
Oatmeal is a nutritious, high fiber meal which stabilizes glucose levels and prevents fatigue crashes that come from spikes in your glucose and insulin levels. It's a sensational way to start your day off right.

The carbs in oatmeal and other whole grain foods impart a sustainable amount of energy that can get you through the whole day. They are complex carbs that are metabolized at a slow pace during the whole the day. Oatmeal also reduces cholesterol - an additional bonus!

Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil is one of the top five foods that burn stomach fat because it contains unsaturated fat. Olive oil has been praised by doctors for its cardiac and vascular health benefits. The unsaturated fat increases the measure of HDL, or good cholesterol, in your blood. Hdl cholesterol helps cleanse your arteries and eliminates the bad cholesterol in your blood. By substituting extra virgin olive oil for butter, you can boost your metabolism, eliminate more fat, and scale down your bad cholesterol.

These 5 fat reducing foods will help you lose weight quickly and safely. Be certain to drink plenty of water, and you'll have a dead-on formula for success!

Jason Ettinger is a certified nutritionist and personal trainer, and has been working in the health and well being field for more than 20 years. He currently has a blog on How 2 Lose Stomach Fat [http://how2losestomachfat.com/] that focuses on safely and quickly losing weight through diet, exercise and other lesser known techniques.

He has also written a review of Fat Loss for Idiots [http://how2losestomachfat.com/review-of-fat-loss-for-idiots/] as well as some other guides on losing weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Ettinger

How To Lose Stomach Fat - Five Foods To Help You Get A Flat Tummy

You need to do two things to lose stomach fat: eat the right foods and do regular exercise. While the two go hand in hand, eating the right foods will have the most impact initially. Listed below are five foods that will help you to get a flat tummy.

Oatmeal is a very good source of fiber and a great way to start the day. The fiber makes you feel fuller, so you will not be looking for food again for a while. It also helps get rid of the toxins in your body by proper elimination, which helps you lose weight and protects you against colon cancer. Because it lowers cholesterol it helps fight heart disease.
All berries are good for your body and you need to include them in your diet. They are a source of energy and nutrients. Because some of them are high in antioxidants - blueberries and cranberries - they strengthen your immune system, which helps your body fight disease. In addition to that they are low in calories. This means you are getting your energy from good food that will not put on weight.
Avocado has been described as a 'whole food' because it is so full of goodness you could live of it. It is rich in fats but they are good fats. It also contains a high percentage of potassium, which helps control blood pressure.
Grass fed bison is one of the best forms of protein because it contains a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids, but without the heavy metals that can be found in some fish. Protein is important, as the body has to work to digest it. In the process it burns calories, which means just by eating protein you can lose weight. Other good sources of protein are lean beef and lamb, chicken, eggs and fish.
Most nuts are high in energy and are another source of protein. Walnuts are especially beneficial because they have a high concentrate of omega-3. The protein will help you lose stomach fat and the omega-3 fatty acids will help protect your heart. Try to include them in your daily diet - they can be handy as snacks, rather than cookies or candy.

This is a short list of some of the good foods you can eat to help get a flat tummy. Where you can, use fresh foods that require preparation like lean proteins, vegetables and fruits. Processed, ready to eat foods often have very poor nutritional value. In addition to that, many are cooked in trans fats, which are bad for your heart and will add to your stomach fat. If you follow these guidelines you will be healthier, feel more energetic and gradually lose your stomach fat,

You can lose your stomach fat by eating the right foods. You can find out how to have a flat tummy permanently by visiting http://www.loseyourstomachfatnow.info William Burnell enjoys the benefits of following a healthy lifestyle and likes to help others to do the same

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Burnell

How to Tone and Flatten Your Stomach

The ab muscle tissues are a number of 6 muscles that are located on your rib cage to various locations on your pelvis. They provide action and support to the back area, sometimes known as the core. They also assist in the respiration process. These 6 muscle tissues create up the 'six package abs' overall look in the waistline that many individuals want to be able to see on their abdomen area.

But, are you one of those individuals who have fought for years on your overall look but just cannot flatten your stomach?

The Key of How to Tone and Flatten Your Stomach

The secret of how to flatten your stomach and decrease tummy fat is not what you think:"Ab exercises are not the response to six package abs!"

This may be the complete reverse of what you think is the best exercise to decrease tummy fat but ab-specific exercises are the least essential training factor in getting a smooth tummy.

The real solution on how to flatten your abdomen is simply to reduce your body fat to a low enough level to where your abs become noticeable. In reality, most individuals already have a six-pack concealed beneath their abdomen fat and do not know it!

The most critical facet to getting noticeable abs is actually following an effectively designed course, along with good nourishment that can be managed for a lifestyle and not some short-term trick diet.

How to Tone and Flatten Your Stomach: Exercise

If you want to know how to flatten your abdomen, you have learn how to exercise properly. This does not mean limitless hours on a fitness treadmill machine. Actually, analysis has revealed that cardiovascular training is not necessary for fat loss!

Recent studies suggest that having a varied workout system is one of the main factors to consider if you want to know how to flatten your abdomen. This means doing exercise in bursts of effort followed by recovery. In other terms, a stop-and-go action.

How to Tone and Flatten Your Stomach: What to Eat

If you want to know how to flatten your stomach you are going to have to change what you eat. You need to avoid unhealthy meals as much as possible. Eat fruits, vegetables and veggies as your main source of carbohydrate food and eat average amounts of top quality proteins at each meal.

How to Tone and Flatten Your Stomach: Your Lifestyle

One of the most significant things to get a slimmer abdomen is that it has to be become part of your way of lifestyle if it is ever going to accomplish your goals long-term. You need to create your health and fitness as an issue in your lifestyle, and you must enjoy it, whether it's because you actually appreciate the actual exercise and healthy eating, or because you appreciate the feeling of energy or confidence that it gives you.

You can avoid wasting your time on worthless abs exercises or gimmicks that promise to show you how to flatten your stomach in only 2 minutes a day while sitting on your couch. Discover the most popular abs program on the internet that truthfully shows you how to flatten your stomach with a safe, proven and long lasting system at http://howtogetflatabsfast.org/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jon_Allo

3 Stomach Toning Exercises That Work All Year Round

There is a huge misconception when it comes to stomach toning exercises. How long have you been told that sit-ups, crunches, and oblique workouts were the tell all, be all. Unfortunately men and women around the world spend hours doing all of them and the results are only minimal. Plus, these three options are probably the worst to do when it comes to staying motivated.

Today we want to go over a few different stomach toning exercises you should seriously consider instead of the traditional methods. After you take advantage of them you will be able to notice the fat in and around the mid-section will begin to disappear. However, you still need to have a proper diet, and the motivation to reach your goal. If you have all three it will be easy to get that hard and toned stomach.

Think Aerobics

One of the best ways to melt away the pounds is with aerobic exercise. It allows you to boost your metabolism and keep it at a higher level. Granted, this all depends on whether or not you stick with your weekly regimen, but aerobic exercises are definitely one of the keys to your success. Just remember to also utilize regular exercises so you can tone your stomach the best way possible.

Exercises Built for Your Stomach

When it comes to stomach toning exercises you want to find ones that will work all the areas of your mid-section. If you do something like a sit-up or standard crunch you're only going to benefit in the areas each one of them focus on throughout the exercise. Unless you are specifically working on part of your abdominal muscles you don't want to waste your time going with traditional methods.

It's time to take a different route and really discover the ins and outs of the best options when it comes to stomach toning exercises. Make sure your choice can be strenuous enough to raise your metabolism levels and work every abdominal muscle there. You want to work smarter, not harder, and the only way to do that is with the best exercises for your stomach.

Additional Help

Even though the right stomach toning exercises are beneficial, there are other things you can do to get the best results possible. One of them is by eating a healthy diet. Keep in mind; the foods you consume should not increase your weight. There are a lot of so called "healthy" foods out there that can do this, so just be mindful. Instead, try focusing on foods that will help you burn fat. We have a long list of choices for you to add to your weekly diet planning.

Get Started Now

The longer you wait to utilize the right stomach toning exercises, the longer it will be until you see the results you enjoy. Even if you start out by eliminating sit-ups, crunches and obliques and utilize the exercises we're about to show you it can make a huge difference. Once you have a handle on this area you can put more emphasis on your diet and hopefully use them at the same time.

Although I have mentioned a number of exercises, get the complete list of stomach toning exercises [http://www.bestexcercisetolosebellyfat.net] by visiting my blog at [http://www.bestexcercisetolosebellyfat.net] and those sexy six pack abs you've always dreamed of.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joanna_Johnson

Ab Toning Exercises - Get the Best Abdominal Strengthening Exercises

When it comes to abs toning exercises or abdominal strengthening exercises, most people think about aesthetics only. However, you have to think beyond skin-deep level. The core muscles - the muscles in your abdominal region and chest - give strength and balance to your body. Without their proper functioning, you will not be able to pick up a pencil from the floor and stand up on your own. Thus, it is essential that you should tone your core muscles. Learn more than a set of exercises to achieve your fitness goals.

The Top 10 Abs Toning Exercises are:

Bicycle Crunch
Captain's Chair
Vertical Leg Crunch
Reverse Crunch
Crunch with Heel Push
Long Arm Crunch
Basic Crunch
Crossover Crunch
Oblique Crunch

You need to focus on all the different muscle groups - the rectus abdominis and obliques. Rectus abdominis are what you see as six-pack abs. Oblique muscles are another set of muscles, which is not easily visible outside. It is important that you work both set of muscles for a well-defined core. Without a proper exercise plan, you will not get a great set of core muscles.

Another important factor is you should exercise enough. Most people do a few crunches once a week or two and think they get enough exercise. This is not true. Your body can't get enough exercise if you hit the floor only once a week. Most people who lack a properly trimmed body also can't do enough repetitions at a set.

Depending on the exercise, you can perform 3 to 30 reps a day. Do as much as your body requires. However, don't exhaust your body with more exercise than it can handle. There is a fine balance. People make both mistakes. Some stop well before they reach optimum number of reps. Some far exceed the target. Both are mistakes you need to avoid.

If you want your efforts to shine through, you have to combine a diet plan with your abs toning exercises. That is, the best abdominal strengthening exercises can go waste if you have unhealthy eating habits. Include more of vegetarian food in your diet, if you haven't started it. For a starting, eat lots of fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts. Eat the fruits and vegetables raw or with as little cooking as possible. It will give you dietary fibre, minerals, and nutrients your body needs. In addition, it will also lighten the fat-burden your body suffers.

Let's recap what we've learned so far:
The exercises to burn tummy fat are cardio exercises and strength training.
Walking, dancing, rock climbing, etc are good exercises that promote fat metabolism.
To flatten your belly, you need a combination of exercise and diet planning.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Hayford

Toning That Flabby Belly - How to Exercise and Tone Your Lower Stomach

Most people have complaints on their flabby belly as they store fat in the lower abdominal section. Fat is often deposited in this region for several reasons. For one thing, genes play their part, and it happens to be the area where the body deposits its fats. Unfortunately enough, no one can dictate their fat to go away and instead stay in another section. Another reason is indigestion. If the food is not properly digested, it can cause a bulge in the lower stomach region. Irritable Bowel Syndrome is another cause of flabby belly. If the problem is related to something besides bad diet and lack of exercise, better consult a physician. However, if it is not, then the first thing to do is change the diet.

Before starting with any exercise to tone the lower belly, diet needs a shift. Healthy diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, legume, lentils, whole grains and lean protein are the must-have. Also, drinking enough water is very important. As to the exercise in toning the flabby stomach, spot toning is out of the question. To tone down the belly, the individual must lower the total body fat percentage. The following exercises are recommended.

1. Double Straight Legged Stretch. This exercise is very efficient in toning up the lower stomach region. After five repetitions, one can feel that region to be working. To do this exercise, the individual must lie on his or her back and legs straightened. Slowly raise the head and neck off the mat similar to the basic crunch position and put the hands behind the head. Bend the two legs and elevate them. Straighten and point them into the air at 11 o'clock and keep the head and neck off the floor. Move the legs down slowly until they are close to the floor, raise them back up, and repeat the act 10 times.

2. Chair Leg Lifts. This exercise can be done in almost any kind of office or desk chair. Begin by sitting upright with the back flat against the back of the chair and place the hands on the desk in your front or on the chair by the legs. Raise the knees toward the chest slowly and hold the position for five seconds before lowering them back down. Breathe out when the legs are raised and breathe in when the legs are lowered. For starters, it is common to find this exercise difficult to repeat. However, as the stomach strengthens, you will be able to repeat more.

3. Pelvic Thrusts. Start by lying on the back and knees bent while the arms are straight in your side. Raise in an upward direction the pelvis and tilt it slowly. Breathe out. In tilting the pelvis, ensure that the lower back is kept on the floor to get the most out of the motion. Hold the motion for about five seconds and breathe in. Relax the buttocks back down on the floor. Perform 10-15 repetitions, have a 90-second rest, and repeat the performance four times.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harold_McDaniels

5 Tips About Best Diet to Lose Belly Fat

Are you looking for a diet to lose belly fat? Here are five tips that can help you. Remember that the key to having a flat stomach is to lose the amount of fat you have overall. The stomach fat is just the last to go, so it's the toughest. Here's a diet to lose belly fat.

First of all, you need to eat more fiber. The major reason women are getting fatter these days is that they do not have enough fiber in their diets. As we eat more processed foods and less whole grains and produce, the natural fibers in our diet are becoming scarcer. An average person should try to get at least 25 grams of fiber per day. People who are serious about a diet to lose belly fat should get 35 grams of fiber.

Secondly, realize that carbs aren't the devil that some diets make them out to be, but too many calories from carbohydrates can increase your middle mass. Carbohydrates should make up no more than 60 percent of your calories when you are on a diet to lose belly fat. But, make sure that they are at least 45 percent of your diet. As you can see, balance is the key here. Most of your carbs should come from fruits and vegetables and you should avoid high carb, empty calorie foods like cupcakes.

Third, drink your water. Many people mistakenly believe that drinking a lot of water will give them puffy abs. But, water actually flushes sodium out of your system which reduces puffiness. Here's a couple of ways to tell if you have enough water. Are you thirsty? Then you are already dehydrated. Don't ever lack water so long that you feel it. Another way is to monitor the color of your urine. If you're drinking enough water, your urine will be close to colorless.

Fourth, limit your sodium intake as it leads to puffiness. A woman only needs 500 mg. of sodium a day for the body's natural functions to work. But the average American woman gets up to 6,000 grams! A Chinese take out entry can have 3000 grams by itself. You can limit your sodium by choosing fresh, natural foods. That's one way to be on a diet to lose belly fat.

Fifth, have a small dinner and shut the kitchen down afterwards. Having your calories during the day when you are actually burning them is key to losing weight. Evening eating is often mindless eating. You sit down in front of the television with a brand new bag of chips and before you know it, half the bag is gone. Another benefit of eating light at night is that you'll wake up hungry for a good breakfast. People who eat good breakfasts are more likely to lose weight.

If you are wondering how to get a flat stomach, monitor what you are eating. When you eat healthy, natural foods, you are going to develop the body you want. And, that's the guidelines for a diet to lose belly fat.

Tired of spinning your wheels when it comes to try to lose weight ? I know the feeling ! Take a minute to visit Diet Info Blog [http://dietinfoblog.com] to get more great tips on weight loss, diets, meal plans. Designed to make your battle with losing weight just a little bit easier !

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gina_G.

Eat More and Still Be Able to Lose Fat in Belly

No, this is not another diet program. This article will not tell you what to eat and what not to eat, although fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs and lean meat will do wonders for you instantly. What this article is about is to tell you how to change your lifestyle for the better. You get to eat more often and still be able to lose fat in belly.

Sounds impossible, right? Wrong! You can actually eat the food you want, eat more than three times a day and still lose fat in belly. In fact, that is the goal of the whole program; you have to eat more than three times a day.

The metabolism of the body helps burn the food you eat so it is turned into energy. You use the energy for your physical activities. The energy that is not used are stored as fat. If your metabolic rate is slow, you turn less food into energy making you feel weak and making you have that pot belly as well. If you have faster metabolic rate, the more calories you can burn.

How do you increase your metabolic rate, then? You can do this by eating six times a day in small proportions. The trick is to eat less more frequently. Instead of having a hefty breakfast, lunch and dinner, you can have snacks in the middle so you do not have to eat a lot of food. This will make you feel full all throughout the day and it will not make you feel deprived of food unlike other diet programs.

If you start this process today, a month from now you can see the changes in your body. Not only will you lose fat in belly, you can get the weight you desire and feel active and energized also.

A lot of people hate their belly because of the bulging belly fat, but you can change it and get nice flat tummy. For more information, tips and truths how to lose fat in belly [http://www.losefatinbelly.com] fast and easy, please visit www.losefatinbelly.com [http://www.losefatinbelly.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jan_John_G

Top Ten Foods to Lose Belly Fat and Trim Your Waist Line

Losing weight, especially that pesky belly fat, is never easy but with some nutritional information in hand, your job can be a little easier. Eating the right food combination and avoiding or minimizing the foods that help build belly fat will go a long way in lowering your caloric intake and maximizing your metabolism. But diet alone won't do it. Good nutrition along with sensible exercise is a combination that will work for you. Here are some foods that will help you lose belly fat.

Oatmeal is low in fat and loaded with fiber and soluble fiber. Fiber makes you feel full for longer periods of time and slows the release of sugar into the blood stream preventing hunger pains. Soluble fiber travels through the digestive tract and turns into a gel which traps bad cholesterol and flushes toxins out of your system. I guess we can call oatmeal is a dual purpose food.

Green Tea is high in the antioxidants that increases metabolism, which in turn hastens and increases calorie burn. Make sure the green tea you drink is brewed and not one of the processed bottles of green tea found in a convenience store.

Natural peanut butter contains niacin which keeps the digestive track on the straight and narrow. Natural peanut butter also prevents stomach bloat.

Asparagus contains asparagines. This chemical is an alkaloid that improves the circulation process and stimulates the kidneys. It also helps remove waste from the body by breaking up the oxalic acid. Oxalic acid makes fat stick to cells. Asparagus is low in calories and high in folic acid and adds bulk to your diet.

Horseradish, not a terribly popular condiment, is rich with nutrients that promote fat breakdown and helps rid the body of toxins and other waster material on an as needed basis.

Jalapeno peppers, containing a chemical called capsaicin, not only adds spice to your diet but speeds up your heart rate and kicks you metabolism into high gear to eliminate fat.

Coffee contains caffeine which speeds up your heart rate and helps burns more calories. It doesn't matter if the coffee is hot, iced or somewhere in between. Of course, adding cream and/or sugar to your coffee will negate any health effects black, unsweetened coffee will bring.

Pork is an excellent source of protein and the more protein you consume, the harder your body has to work to digest it. A working body burns calories. Make sure your pork chop is lean and grilled is better than pan fried.

Salmon contains Omega-3 fatty acids which lowers the level of lepton, which is a hormone, in your body. The lower the lepton level, the higher the calorie burn.

Turkey is a great source of lean protein. Protein increases metabolism and promotes a higher calorie burn. Skinless turkey will reduce the fat calories. Turkey has the same effect no matter if it's eaten hot or cold.

As your belly fat disappears, your waist will trim down as well. A long term sensible eating habits and regular exercise will keep you looking fit and trim.

Bonus Tip: If you really want to Lose Weight fast, there is a proven step-by-step technique that can help. You can shed pounds every week with this method!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=G._Crandall

Best Leg Toning Exercises

Leg Press or Squats: If you are new to squats then I would highly suggest using the leg press machine at the gym. This machine allows you to carry out the exercise in a controlled and safe approach working your quads, glutes and calves. Start by sitting within the machine with your feet planted firmly about shoulders width. Next, with a comfortable weight selected, press up to standing unlocking the release bars. Then slowly sink all the way down bringing your knees into your chest. Make sure not to spring back up, but push up using your leg muscles all the way without locking your knees. If you want to push yourself a little further, contract your glute muscles at the peak of each repetition.

Seated Leg Extension: Although this is more or less a simple and basic movement, we are going to elevate the stakes a bit to get your legs burning oh so good!! Make sure the seat back is accurately adjusted so your legs hand comfortably with the pad resting on your shins. You could possibly also have to alter the height of the leg pad so it's precisely on your shins immediately higher than your shoes. You should always be controlled, but this time instead of only lifting and lowering your legs, you're going to hold the weight at the top a squeeze your quad muscles as hard as you can for a second or two. Do this at the top of each rep and I promise you'll feel and see a difference. Another thing you can insert is at the end of your set, put the weight down, remove your legs from the pad and straighten and flex your leg muscles for ten seconds. It will burn like hell, but it'll be worth it.

Leg Curls: This exercise focuses on your hamstrings which most people don't dedicate much if any time to. Leg curls can be done either seated, lying on your stomach or standing. Most gyms will have both the seated a lying version. Choose a machine and/or position that is most comfortable for you. Choose a weight which is difficult, but not painful so you are able to complete a 12-15 repetition set. Again use slow controlled movements squeezing hard at the top of each rep. This exercises is particularly important to stretch the muscle before, and after each set. A forward bend is the best stretch for your hamstrings. Try to touch your toes for at least 20 seconds breathing deeply and going a little deeper with each exhale. Repeat for 3 sets.

With these core lower body exercises united with your increased cardio regime you are well on your way to obtaining those skinny toned legs and butt you're looking for. As you're melting the fat away with your diet and exercise, those muscles are being firmed and toned and just waiting to exhibit their stuff. Take into account, everything takes time and promise and a lot of sweat! But enjoy the process and you'll be able to enjoy the results even more!!

To learn more about the Best Leg Toning Exercises [http://guide2gettinginshape.com/best-leg-toning-exercises.php] please visit: [http://www.guide2gettinginshape.com]

It is packed with valuable information on How to Get in Shape for the average person.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_G_Reynolds

Best Glute Workout - Top 5 Glute Workouts For Firming and Toning Buttock Muscles in 4 to 5 Weeks

Gluteus muscle or glute is considered to be the most important lower body part. Everyone craves for a well-toned glute for looking attractive. Performing some of the best glute workouts can easily help you in attaining a nicely shaped lower body. Healthy nutrition and proper rest also plays a major role in molding your body.

Top 5 Glute Workouts

* Cardio workouts are extremely beneficial for shaping your lower body. Exercises such as running and bicycling mainly involve your lower body. These workouts can boost your metabolism, which consequently burn fats in your body. Your hamstring and quadriceps sculpted by these workouts.

* In order to tone up your buttocks in 4 to 5 weeks, you should perform workouts such as wide stance squat, waiter's bow, lunges, deadlights etc.

* Leg extensions are considered to be an extremely effective workout for your glute, hip and thighs. You can perform this workout by using a chair.

* Seated inner thigh squeezes can be performed for attaining a nicely toned butt. It is always advisable to use a medicine ball for squeezing.

* Four ways hip extension machine can easily help your body to shape your hips, glutes and thighs with ease.

In order to perform these workouts, you need lots of endurance which can be easily obtained by consuming Nitric Oxide. You should necessarily include protein and nitric oxide supplements in your diet for maintaining the energy levels and blood flow in your body. Nitric oxide helps in muscle pumping by supplying oxygen and water to your buttocks. It also decreases your recovery time and enhances your immunity levels. There are several health benefits of nitric Oxide. It can act as an anti aging agent and prevent cardiovascular diseases with ease. It boost metabolism and stimulates fat loss in our body.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lauren_Watson

Tighten & Tone Your Butt, Abs, & Thighs With Full Body Exercises

There are three body parts that never fail to top almost every woman's "better body wish-list" and I'm betting at least one of them is on yours. Getting more toned in the butt, abs, and thigh area is easier than you might think, but most women are going about it all wrong...

Have you ever tried to tackle these "trouble spots" with separate exercises for each body part? Maybe you've done crunches to get abs, donkey kicks to work your backside, or the aductor machine in an attempt to melt the fat off your inner thigh area. But the truth of the matter is that tightening and toning these areas can (and should) be done with full body exercises, not isolated exercises.

Full body exercises do just what the name suggests - they work your entire body. So there's no need to complicate things by working each body part separately with isolated movements. With full body exercises, you'll target your butt, abs, and thighs all at the same time. Better yet, full body exercises require more energy than isolated exercises - burning more fat and calories as a result. And in order to reveal that sexy muscle tone, you've got to burn the fat!

Here are my top 5 full body exercises that are guaranteed to get you a better butt, flatter stomach, and thinner thighs:

Lunges With One Arm Dumbbell Press Ups - Hold a dumbbell in one hand supported on your shoulder. Lunge, then press the dumbbell straight up overhead into full extension. Bring the dumbbell back down onto your shoulder, then come up from the lunge. Repeat and alternate legs.
One Arm Overhead Lunges With A Dumbbell - Hold a dumbbell overhead in one hand with your elbow completely locked out. Lunge while keeping the dumbbell overhead. Alternate legs and repeat.
Overhead Lunges With A Barbell - Press the barbell up overhead. With your arms fully extended, perform lunges and alternate legs.
Overhead Squats - Press the barbell up overhead. With your arms fully extended, sit down into a full squat and repeat.
Side Lunges With Alternating Dumbbell Press Ups - Bring the dumbbells up to a resting positing on each shoulder. As you move into a side lunge, press one of the dumbbells up over head until your arm is fully extended. Bring the dumbbell back down onto your shoulder before coming out of the side lunge. Repeat to the opposite side and press up with the other arm.

Squats and lunges are the most effective thigh and butt exercises hands down. And anytime you press a weight overhead, you automatically engage your abdominals -- even more so when you support a weight overhead. This causes a slight imbalance, engaging your core and making your abs work even harder to get you that flat, sexy stomach.

These are just a few of the many full body exercises that you can do to get your beach body. If you've never done any of these exercises, make sure you start off with light weights until you get used to holding a heavier weight or barbell overhead. Mix these exercises up and include them in a circuit or interval training format and you'll be bikini-ready in no time.

Shin Ohtake is the author of the world-famous fitness program, MAX Workouts. To learn more about how you can get ultra lean and toned with shorter workouts, visit http://www.MaxWorkouts.com

Ready to join others in your fitness quest? Join the club at http://www.MaxWorkoutClub.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shin_Ohtake

Butt Reducing Exercises - Top 3 Butt Slimming Exercises For a Toned and Firm Buttock Revealed!

Butt reducing exercises are the best way to obtain a toned and firm buttock. The most interesting and sexiest part of woman's body is obviously the butt. There is no doubt about its credibility. Everyone craves a well shaped tush. There are many causes that affect the contouring of the butt. Lack of exercise, excess junk food intake and stress creates that extra flab in their buttock area. You can't dream of wearing a sexy pair of jeans without a well toned tush. Every gal desires for an exceptionally well-curved rear. Most men treat their eyes by looking at women tush. According to surveys, it is the most appealing part of a woman's anatomy. The importance of a well-toned rear is indispensable.

Most people think that they can easily shape their rear with squats that is nothing but a sheer myth. Cardio workouts are the best butt reducing exercises for toning and firming your tush. Drinking lots of water is equally important for maintaining your body temperature, which generally gets higher due to lots of fat burning during these workouts. We should also take a balanced diet for obtaining a desired rear. Avoidance of red meat and diary products is extremely important for shedding those extra fats from your body.

Top 3 Butt Slimming Exercises For A Toned And Firm Buttocks

1. Bicycling is considered as one of the best butt reducing exercises. It mostly involves your lower body. It encourages metabolism and helps your body to burn fats. During cycling, your butt gets sandwiched between your legs and your upper body. You can also take up mountain biking for toning your buttocks.

2. Cardio Workouts such as running or sprinting can help your body to burn fats easily. This exercise can nicely mold your butt.

3. Butt Slimming Exercises also includes Aerobics. In order to get a nicely toned and chiseled rear, you should perform these exercises regularly.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Holman

Top 3 Arm Toning Exercises to Help You Tone Your Arms in 14 Days

Toning arms is one of the most sort after exercises by women. Finding the best arm toning exercises aren't as easy as you'd think because there are many arm toning exercises to chose from. This article will help you find the top 5 exercises to help you get toned arms in just 14 days.

You cannot tone arms or muscles unless you lose fat. That's an absolute truth. Building muscles is one thing but having a layer of fat over it means that you will never be able to tone unless you lose the fat. Weight training is a good way to go about both gaining muscle and losing the fat. You also need to follow a good cardio workout program and healthy diet plan. Remember that these are the most important part of toning your muscles, specially your arms and the following exercises will only work if you combine it with these.

Here are the top 3 arm toning exercises.

1) Bar Bell Biceps Curls

This should be the basis of your biceps workout and is also the easiest to get do with the right form. You can also lift more weights with this exercise safely. Stand with feet slightly apart and lift the barbell up. Raise your chest and lower your shoulders as you curl the bar towards your chest. When you reach just above your pecs start lowering the bar slowly. Don't move your elbows as you go through the motion.

2) Skull Crushers

This works your triceps. Done correctly it will yield fast results. Done wrong, it can cause serious injury! So be careful.

Lie down on a flat bench holding a bar bell with your palms facing upwards and lift the weight up. Now slowly move the bar backwards as if you were trying to drop it down to the floor above your head. Move until your triceps are pointed behind you. Once there start lifting the bar up and straightening out your arms. Lower it slowly again to where you began and repeat.

3) Alternate Dumb Bell Curl

This is a great biceps exercise that help you focus and isolate one arm at a time. You can also lift more weights per arm without the weak arm stopping you from doing it.

Grab 2 dumb bells and stand with your back straight. Curl one dumb bell up to your chest and try to curl as if you were going past your shoulder and flex your biceps. Slowly curl it down as you twist you arm on the way to where you began, next to your thigh. Repeat it with your other hand.

Those 3 are the top 3 arm toning exercises to help you get tones arms in 2 weeks.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kevin_Dillan

Fat Burning Foods For Easy Dieting

Weight loss can be difficult, but scientists have discovered a variety of foods that can help make the metabolism faster and boost up fat burning. Foods that are low in fat are believed to be the best for losing weight. Here are some foods that add a little extra fat-burning power to the diet.

Cabbage - cleanses the body from waste substances since it contains sulphur and iodine. It assists in the washing out of the mucous membrane in the stomach and intestines. Cabbage is a great food to those in middle age spread. The diuretic cabbage will help to break up body fats.

Carrots - contains carotene which is a type of Vitamin A with the purpose of starting a fat flushing reaction in your system. This response will factually wash out fat and waste quickly. The carotene will be developed into vitamin A in the intestines. This development will generate acceleration in your metabolism and makes a reaction in your cells to take away fat deposits.

Cucumber - contains a high silicon and sulphur content. Works to stimulate the kidneys and wash out waste elements such as uric acid. When uric acids are washed out, fats are also removed and release the fat from the cells.

Horseradish - dissolves fat in cells with no side effects. It also serves a cleansing effect on the body.

Lettuce - contains iron and magnesium. These minerals will enter your spleen which helps the body's resistance and defends it from illnesses. It will also helps the liver, increases metabolism, and washes out fatty cells.

Tomatoes - have high Vitamin C and Citricmalic¬oxalic acids. The acid will speed up the metabolic process. It also helps the kidneys to discharge extra water and aids to wash away fat. The natural acids mix with the enzyme activated minerals in the kidneys to clean out large amounts of fatty deposits which will then be eliminated from the body system.

Grapefruit - eating half a grapefruit three times a day prior to each meal assists people in losing an additional 3.6 pounds over twelve weeks, without altering their cut down in some other way. Grapefruit juice is also an effective diet compound. Grapefruit works by regulating insulin levels, helping the body to process the foods more properly and reducing appetite.

Tea- One or more cups of tea a day for at least six months has been shown to give people almost a 20% lower body fat percentage. Tea works because the catechins in tea stimulate the body to use up existing fat for energy.

Eggs - Rich with protein, minerals and enzymes. Eating eggs help dieters to burn fat in the muscles and get lean.

All of these foods can be part of an easy healthy diet plan.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Meadow_Summers

Fat Burning Diets - The One That Works Best

Chances are you have seen advertisements for many fat burning diets. Have you tried any of them, and did they work? It isn't easy to stay on most of these plans, either because of calorie restrictions or the expense of special diet foods. There is a plan that teaches you how to use real food to burn fat, and it's one of the most popular diets ever!

Most fat burning diets leave you feeling hungry and deprived, which usually leads to snacking in between meals. This totally defeats your purpose! The true secret to losing weight is eating healthy food and feeling full. By doing this, you not only burn fat but you don't have the desire to eat processed and unhealthy foods.

There is an online plan that teaches you what foods to eat and how to combine them for the most efficient fat burning. This is easy, and you can lose a large amount of weight fast with this plan in a healthy way. In fact, this program will actually improve your overall health while helping you lose weight faster than ever!

Many fat burning diets consist of special meals or supplements that you have to purchase. These meals consist of foods that are practically tasteless and leave you hungry. Not this plan! You eat real food, and don't even have to count calories.

By learning what the best foods are to burn fat and how to eat them in a way that is most effective, you will train your body to burn calories and your metabolism will be much faster. This is so easy - and cheap, too.

Are you tired of weight loss programs that just don't work and cost you a lot of money? I suggest you try this popular and effective plan. It's absolutely the best of the fat burning diets you have ever tried - guaranteed!

Tired of fat burning diets that just don't work and cost you money? This plan is the BEST ever, and there are no special foods or supplements to buy! Find out more at http://lose-weight-and-burn-fat.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teresa_Tackett

How to Burn Body Fat Without Extreme Dieting - Lose Weight Fast!

Are you ready to learn how to burn body fat without suffering and starvation? You really don't have to resort to drastic calorie reduction or vigorous exercise to get rid of body fat easily. Contrary to popular belief, burning calories and body fat is fairly easy to do!

You hear so many different opinions on this topic. From fasting and ridiculously low calorie diets to lifting weights, running 3 miles a day or doing exhausting cardio, there are so many stories you don't know what really works. I will give you a few tips on how to burn body fat that truly work, and aren't hard to accomplish.

First of all, who can live on those special diet meals that contain about half of the food you normally eat? Besides that, the food usually isn't too tasty. Just the thoughts of those meals is enough to send you to McDonald's for a double quarter pounder with cheese!

Now, here are a few things you should know about burning body fat, and how easily it can be done.

1. Fat burning foods - No, these aren't rabbit foods. They are real foods that you eat every day. Lean proteins, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, nuts - these are all good fat burning foods. Calcium is a super fat burner!

2. Combining foods - There are some secret little tricks to combining your foods in a way the increases calorie and fat burn tremendously. When protein, fat and carbohydrates are combined in the right manner, your metabolism goes through the roof.

3. Eating more often - Think 3 meals per day is the right way to lose weight? Think again! How often and when you eat makes all the difference.

These are just a few tips on how to burn body fat. There are many other little secrets you probably don't know. Did you know that you must have calories in your body for your metabolism to work properly? That's why starvation diets don't work. Your metabolism slows down drastically, and you stop losing weight.

If you are ready to finally get rid of excess fat and achieve the slim body you've always wanted, you can. Are you ready to learn more about how to burn body fat? Visit the links below and get the body you want in no time flat!

Ready to learn how to burn body fat without suffering or extreme diets? It's much easier than you think, and you don't have to eat expensive and tasteless diet meals! Read my reviews on the best quick weight loss plans at http://lose-weight-and-burn-fat.blogspot.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teresa_Tackett