Getting Rid of Belly Fat - Learn Some of the Best Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat

Throw away all the books and programs that you have purchased promising to give you the secret to getting rid of belly fat. The reason you are going to throw them all away is this, they will not work!

I do not care how many celebrities are on the cover or who has lost a jillion pounds with the getting rid of belly fat secret. The simple truth is this - you have to have fewer calories going in than are going out, period. No voodoo secrets or targeted exercise is going to do it for you. You will have to eat less or exercise more and in the best circumstances do a little of both.

How do you Gain Weight?

In order to understand how to lose weight it can be helpful to know how it is gained. A calorie is a unit of energy; energy is what we expend through every action of our bodies. Food contains the calories that provide this energy. The problem came in when we began to eat more food and move our bodies less, making getting rid of belly fat impossible.

When this happens, the body begins to store the energy to be used later. This is what is known as fat. Where we store this excess energy will depend on our body type and genetics. In other words, cheesecake will not bypass your stomach and head for your hips, the fat will store in the place predetermined by genetics or body structure. Meaning that getting rid of belly fat has many possible answers.

It should be noted here that not all calories are created equal, Trans fats and saturated fats are the worse kinds of calories we can consume. This is largely because they can cause a host of other problems in the body besides weight gain and getting rid of belly fat.

With that being said, what remains is getting rid of belly fat means getting rid of all kinds of fat. That means that our life style will have to change.


Food as a whole is not the enemy, one specific food group will not cause more fat in one area than another will. Getting rid of belly fat will require you to balance your diet, with fruits and vegetables taking up the largest percent. Do not make the mistake of cutting away whole food groups thinking it will aid you in getting rid of belly fat or losing weight in any targeted area, as stated above that will not work. Be conscious of the caloric value of the food you are eating, for instance did you know that some of the choices on the McDonalds menu equal nearly half a day's recommended caloric intake?


The common thought for getting rid of belly fat is to work that area of the body in order to lose weight there. Just as no food will trim fat from a specific area neither will target exercise.

Start with a good cardiovascular workout and over time, increase the length and intensity. Once you are comfortably able to do this, add in some strength training for getting rid of belly fat.

Strength training may initially add weight on the scales but do not panic. This is normal because lean muscle weighs more than fat. You want to build this muscle in order to increase your metabolism and speed up the process of getting rid of unwanted fat.


Getting rid of belly fat will take time and effort on your part, there is simply no other way. Do not lose heart though once you put these ideas into practice the results will all be worth it.

Read more useful information from Tim Gooding about how to lose belly fat [http://stripthatbellyfat.com/the-fastest-way-to-lose-belly-fat.html] by visiting his website at [http://www.stripthatbellyfat.com].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_Gooding