Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe - Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 7 Days

When people found out that hospitals were feeding patients with weight loss problems with a Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe, many became curious as to how it works. They say that you can lose up to 15 pounds in 7 days just by cooking this dish, but none really knew how to cook this. This article will tell you more about this so make sure to prepare your cooking skills to cook this amazing dish.

To prepare the Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe, you will need the following ingredients: one bunch of blended celery, one or two large cans of tomatoes, one huge head of cabbage, two green peppers, parsley, six green onions, and salt and pepper to taste.

Below are the following directions to prepare our Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe:

1. With all of the above ingredients, chop all these vegetables into small to medium pieces and wash thoroughly.
2. Heat a pan filled with half water and boil for about 10 minutes.
3. Upon boiling, slowly drop all the chopped ingredients and reduce to simmer.
4. Season it with salt and pepper.
5. Continue cooking until the vegetables feel tender.
6. Serve while hot or you can also pour in a thermos for the next morning.

After learning how to cook Fat Burning Cabbage Soup Recipe, we will give you helpful examples of daily meal plan for optimum result:

1. On the beginning of the week, you can choose from a variety of fruits to eat excluding bananas. Your best options are watermelons and cantaloupes because of their low calorie contents. On top of these fruits is the soup and cranberry juice or water.

2. Afterwards, you can eat vegetables that are either fresh or cooked. As much as possible, choose the green leafy vegetables and refrain from eating corn, peas, or dry beans. Indulge yourself with a buttered baked potato at dinnertime and the soup.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Faviano_Torres