Fat Loss Foods - Fat Loss Foods For Top Results

If you're like most people, you are constantly thinking about what you're putting into your mouth and wondering if you're eating the best fat loss foods. Each diet you go on will have set guidelines for which foods should be eaten and which should be avoided.

This is common of pretty much every diet out there, well except for maybe the Cheat Weight Loss Diet.

The thing that many people don't realize is that no food should be a 'bad' food - all can be worked into your fat loss diet so you'll see results.

What Are Fat Loss Foods?

First, you need to ask yourself, what are so-called 'fat loss foods'? Basically, a fat loss food is any food that will allow you to lose weight.

Now, ask yourself, what is the number one requirement for losing weight?

Taking in fewer calories than what you burn off during the day. By doing so, you basically force the body to turn to body fat for fuel, speeding up the weight loss progress.

So, theoretically speaking, any food that fits into your daily allotted calorie budget then becomes a 'fat loss food'.

Taking Satiety Into Account With Fat Loss Foods

Next up, we do need to look at satiety. I will be the first to admit that a bowl of oatmeal and a bowl of candy are definitely not going to fill you up in the same way.

The oatmeal will stick to your stomach, while the candy will produce a sugar high, followed by a sugar crash. There's no denying this fact.

But, if you were to eat 200 calories of oatmeal or were to eat 200 calories of candy, assuming all things stayed equal, do you really think one would speed fat loss results?

Nope. Sorry to say, but if your daily calorie total was still the same, they both would produce incredibly similar results.

Nutrition And Weight Loss

In addition to the satiety factor, we do need to look at nutrition too, since over the long-run this is important.

You will get more nutrients from the calories you do eat while on a fat loss diet by focusing on lean protein, vegetables, fruit, and whole grains, this again is true.

So, yes, these should make up the bulk of the fat loss foods you choose to eat.

But again, if a piece of pie sneaks in there every now and then, will this really affect your overall nutrition status?

I don't think so.

A good diet should consist of about 90% fat loss foods centered around wholesome grains, proteins, and unsaturated fats.

The rest of the 10% though, those fat loss foods should be - FUN!


Because when you actually enjoy your diet, you're going to stick with it. Ask yourself, how many of those super strict diets in the past that only had you eating super 'clean' foods actually worked? If they did, you likely wouldn't be reading this.

Why didn't they work? Because you likely were having cravings so intense that you fell off eventually.

If you allow those foods in the first place, you've just solved your problem right there.

So, choose to make no food off limits.

The Cheat Weight Loss Program [http://www.cheatweightloss.com] will make dieting fun again - it's guaranteed.

Shannon Clark is a certified personal trainer, fitness writer, and co-author. She specializes in helping those looking to make dramatic changes in their body reach their goals. View more information at www.cheatweightloss.com [http://www.cheatweightloss.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shannon_Clark