4 Easy Tips on How to Tone Your Stomach in Weeks!

Well, summer's right around the corner and the swimsuits will be out in full force before you know it. So now's the perfect time for you to sculpt those abs and get your midsection ready! Here are four easy tips to quickly tone your stomach and surely make you the talk of the beach:

1. Do some light-to-medium cardio every morning before breakfast. You can run, ride your stationary bike, or whatever you like. Just get a light sweat going for about 20-25 minutes. It's best to do this before breakfast, because you'll have an empty stomach then, and whatever calories are burned will be excess fat calories. The more fat calories are burned, the more definition you'll get. For advanced exercise tips, please visit my website listed below.

2. Instead of reaching for the bagel, go for the orange. Eat fresh fruit instead of cereal. Not only will the nutrients energize you, they'll also boost your metabolism, enabling you to burn more fat throughout the morning. They're filling too, so if you have an orange and an apple, you won't feel hungry.

3. Space out your meals. You can eat pretty much whatever you normally eat, but rather than having three big meals, it's best to have five smaller meals instead. This will supercharge your metabolism, such that it won't need to burn through big meals at one time, and can instead focus on burning more fat! This change need not be drastic at all. Instead of the sandwich for lunch, how about half of the sandwich and a salad? And then you can come back to the rest of the sandwich a little later. If you spread things out, you'll never be hungry, AND your metabolism will have a chance to take out the excess fat.

4. Do some light abdominal exercises in the evening. These exercises can be whatever you want: sit-ups, crunches, leg-lifts, etc, for about 5-10 minutes. They don't have to be strenuous at all. Most of the work has already been done with the cardio and smart eating, so these exercises are simply for toning up.

And there you have it! Isn't that easy? You don't have to join a gym or make drastic lifestyle changes to get you all nice and toned. All you have to do is get into the habit, and within weeks, you'll be sculpted and ready to go! So what are you waiting for?

*As always, please get medical advice before taking on any new exercise regimen. If you ever feel light-headed, please stop exercising.

For advanced tips on toning your midsection and looking your best, please visit Tone That Stomach! at http://tonethatstomach.blogspot.com/ Your abs will thank you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_T._Wallace