What's the Fastest Way to Burn Fat? 5 Simple Tips to Transform Your Body

With the New Year upon us, many will make resolutions to lose weight. Maybe you are one of those that are looking for the fastest way to burn fat? Excessive holiday indulgence will start showing within a week or so and you will be adding those pounds. Burning fat has become overly complicated these days with all different diets around. The carrot diet, the soup diet or the South beach diet. The list can go on and on. If it works for you then great, if not then the following tips may just help.

Start eating more small meals instead of larger meals throughout the day. For example, eat 5-6 meals daily with plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and lean meats. Eat carbs daily but think of it as fuel foods. Eat enough carbs to keep you energized but don't overeat.
Drink plenty of water. If you only do two things, i.e. watch what you eat and drink plenty of water you will burn fat. Drinking plenty of water hydrates the body and speeds up your metabolism.
Consume products that contain green tea. Green tea is known to speed up metabolism. You can also use supplements that contain Acai Berry. Acai berry speeds up metabolism when taken in conjunction with a balanced diet.
Start exercising more. Jogging, running, skipping and resistance weight training. It is not necessary to join a gym you can lose weight at home. The fastest way to burn fat is to combine high intensity workouts with low ones. You need to change your workouts so that your body does not adapt to the same routine. When you do this, your body will respond by burning more fat.
Rest and recover. Make sure you are getting between 7-8 hours sleep. If you lack resting time, you will notice your body will add weight. Try to reduce your stress levels. Again this effects your weight. If you smoke or drink, try cutting down.

The fastest way to burn fat requires a lot of commitment but you can do it in the shortest possible time.

One of the fastest way to burn fat is to use Acai supplements. Used with a balanced diet and regular exercise you can achieve fast results.

Acai berry is known to detox the body and provide good antioxidants. Be sure to check out the FREE trial offer [http://FASTESTWAYTOBURNFAT.INFO] today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Azghar_Rizvi