You can burn stomach fat by following the tips below. But what if you don't want a ripped six-pack stomach? Suppose you just want to get rid of that fat and have a firm, flat stomach?
No worry. It's really up to you. The tips below will not only help you get a flat stomach, but it will also give you the information you need to get a ripped stomach and body, if that's your desire.
To start with, in tip #1, I am going to tell you how to get rid of that stubborn row of fat that hangs out right above your hips.
Tip #1 Stay Away From Refined Sugars
That row of fat above your hips is telling on you. This fat is telling how well your body uses sugar and how much sugar you eat. You see, sugar raises your bad cholesterol, which then causes fat to congregate around you waist just above the hips.
People who eat refined sugars will usually hold a distinguishable ring of fat right above the hips and stomach. You don't have to go on a low carb diet to eliminate that fat, but you do need to avoid sugar.
Tip #2 Get Rid Of Toxins In Your Body
Are you trying to burn stomach fat while your body is full of toxin-filled fat cells? Your stomach is constantly trying to control the damage caused by toxins by capturing and storing them in fat, which makes it difficult to lose that unwanted stomach fat.
The answer to getting rid of and controlling toxins is simple. Stay away from toxin-producing foods such as products with chemical additives, refined sugar products, and fried foods. Then eat lots of antioxidant foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Also take a good Q10 antioxidant daily.
Tip #3 Increase Your Intake Of Healthy Fats
Say what? You heard me right...increase you intake of healthy fat to burn stomach fat. No, I am not suggesting you eat a pound of chicken skin for dinner tonight. That's bad fat.
I am suggesting you increase your intake of good fat. Good fat lowers your bad (LDL) cholesterol and raises your good (HDL) cholesterol.
Recent studies have shown that just one serving of good fats, such as extra virgin olive oil, olives, nuts, avocados, salmon, etc, at each meal can burn stomach fat and greatly improve your good cholesterol.
So if you want a flat stomach, go for the good fats and avoid the bad.
Tip #4 Burn Stomach Fat (And More) With Exercise
It should be no surprise that most people who want to lose weight and burn stomach fat exercise on a regular basis.
The following exercises will definitely help you burn stomach fat and achieve a flat, firm stomach. These exercises will not give you a huge six-pack abs stomach, which is undesirable for many people. But they will burn not only stomach fat, but also your whole body fat for a slimmer, trimmer and more conditioned body.
Cardio Weight Exercises
You simply perform 3-5 exercises in a row without resting then repeat. This will burn fat and give you a good cardio workout too.
15 reps of the dumbbell stand press
15 reps of the dumbbell dead-lift
15 reps of the dumbbell squat (you can do squats without the dumbbell if you want)
15 reps of the dumbbell curls
Repeat the process 2 more times
A good plan is to do this 3 times a week.
To burn that fat, follow the tips above or browse my website to find other weight-loss helps. But do something to burn that fat...and never, never, never give up!
For some good solid fast ways to lose weight, go to Fast Ways To Lose Weight []
In an effort to help you lose weight fast, Claude Anthony shares the results of countless hours of research at []
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