Are you feeling fat these days? Hey, it happens to the best of us. Even if you're just a little more un-toned than you'd like to be, these five quick "how to shrink your tummy" tips should get you on the right track fast.
Some of what I will share with you won't be new. This does not mean it should be ignored. Unfortunately, too many people believe that if they've heard it before, it will not work. These individuals get stuck in the rut of searching for answers, but never taking action on the answers they've received.
Common sense is common sense. And if something works, then it works. Don't get caught up in trying to reinvent the wheel. Okay, so with that little rant out of the way...
How to Shrink Your Tummy - 5 Quick Tips:
Eat healthy fats, especially avocados. This will alkalize your body and teach it to use fat as fuel. Have an avocado for breakfast and one for lunch. They're delicious, filling, and will transform your body into a fat-burning furnace!
Cut out refined sugar and white flour. In fact, all simple carbs should be avoided as much as possible.
What should you have for dinner? How about a main course salad! Lots of greens, tomatoes, lean meats, sunflower seeds, veggies, and more of your faves... as long as they're natural and healthy. Avoid calorie laden dressings. Instead, favor cold-pressed oils, lemon, and sea salt. Yum!
Light aerobic exercise for 30 minutes to an hour each day. This can be anything you enjoy. Jogging, elliptical, biking, dancing, whatever. A mini trampoline makes a great low-impact piece of equipment. Don't overdo it. You should still be able to have a conversation without gasping for breath.
For extra definition on your abs, and for a flatter, firmer appearance, nothing beats simply getting down on the floor and doing a combination of crunches and leg lifts. Pick up a good ab dvd and follow along with it each day.
I told ya, you've heard most of this before. And that's for good reason. This is how to shrink your tummy, plain and simple. It works, but only if you work it.
Wanna Hear A Secret?
There's a super-quick, ultra-ninja way to shrink your tummy in record time. You want to pick up a good natural colon cleanser [], as it will flush out pounds and pounds of toxic sludge and parasites from your body. This will leave you with a much flatter tummy!
Check it out. Go to []
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