Do you really want to know the best exercise to lose belly fat and get six pack abs? Well when it comes down to getting rock hard six pack abs, it's all about doing the proper exercises. If you are doing sit ups you will only end up frustrated, save yourself the trouble and do not do sit ups, they are less effective. Instead only focus on ab exercises that will not only save you time in the gym but produce results.
The best exercises for the abdominal muscles are going to be ones that reduce your overall stability and produce the most muscle resistance. This is the reason why sit ups are less effective when you are trying to get six pack abs. When you do crunches or sit ups you are only really targeting the muscles that do not produce the best results, you may see little results but know where close to the results you will see when you do exercises that reduce your overall stability. The reason for this is because reducing you overall stability in your ab workouts will involve all your muscle tissues, even the ones deep within the core, to contract in order to maintain balance.
Balance? What do you mean by balance? The best exercises to lose belly fat are the ones that will significantly reduce your balance and cause resistance. These exercises should be done on unstable surfaces. So what are some unstable exercises that affect your balance? The best exercises to lose belly fat would comprise of movements like walking on a balance beam, or doing one leg, leg squats. In addition you could also do one arm shoulder presses, bent over dumbbell rows while standing on one leg.
You should also use an exercise ball when you are laying and doing abdominal movements. Also, great ways to assist in getting six pack abs are BOSO balls in addition to stability ball exercises. If you have a stability ball and a pair of free weights, those exercises would be the best for losing belly fat in the comfort of your home.
If you really want to step it up and get those six pack abs rockin, the most effective lower abdominal exercises are hanging leg raises. While doing them, it is best to rotate your pelvis using your abs. Lying leg raises and cable crunches are also effective in getting solid abs.
Taking the initial action to performing these exercises on a regular basis in addition to a nutritional diet is the best way to lose belly fat. In fact, dieting should not be overlooked. Regardless of how man exercises you do, you will not see any result if you do not get rid of that flabby fat covering your abs. This is where you diet comes in, it will provide you will all of the essential nutrients to help build muscle and lose belly fat. Your diet should consist of fat burning foods. These foods include fruits and veggies, eggs, whole grain, olive oil, lean meat cuts, low fat diary products, and beans. These will help increase you metabolism, keep you energized and provide you will all of the nutrients you need to lose the belly fat and get six pack abs. Dieting is the real secret to getting six pack abs. Oh yeah; don't forget to drink lots of water. I am sure you have heard this one before, but it is a necessary component in getting six pack abs.
Are you struggling to get the perfect abs? If you really want six pack abs and want to discover the Best Way To Lose Belly Fat. I highly recommend you check out Mike Geary's The Truth About 6 Pack Abs [] eBook. For more information check out: Truth About Abs []
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