Weight loss isn't instant. It won't happen overnight. But, as in anything, with the right information, it can be easier.
A skilled author is more likely to write a good book than a novice. And, once you are doing the right exercises, you will lose belly fat faster.
I'll tell you the right exercises in a minute. But, first some needed background.
Exercise Myths
This widespread theory could be sabotaging you. It is known as 'spot reduction.' It is the idea that in order to lose weight you must 'make it burn where you want to lose it.' The idea being that to lose belly fat you must do a lot of crunches. Be careful...
Spot reduction was disproved 50 years ago. So why base your exercise routine on it today?
Fat loss has been scientifically proven to be systemic. Which is just some medical jargon meaning that it affects your whole body at once.
You've now avoided the first major pitfall. ( there's another one ) You won't have to waste hours of your time doing abdominal exercises and getting no results. But, there's another one that might get you.
Imagine yourself walking into a modern gym. What is the first thing you see? Wall-to-wall cardio machines. From treadmills to bicycles. And,
Cardio exercise is great. But, it doesn't do what you think it does.
What happens when you hop on one of those machines and go the same pace for 30 minutes? Well, you will burn some fat and raise your metabolism for up 2 hours. Yeah, Sounds great!
However, there are exercises that raise your metabolism for up to 2 days. Excuse me waiter, I'll take #2.
Big Difference. Read on...
The Right Exercises
You want to know the right exercises to do. The ones that give the best results. Here's the thing. It isn't complicated.
You might be tempted to dismiss this because of its simplicity, but that would be a mistake.
You don't need to add a long list of lifts to your routine. ( -whew- ) Just one will do. Start doing the 'Deadlift.' Now, before you draw any conclusions, let me explain.
The exercises that give you that advantage, that 2 days metabolism high, are full-body, compound lifts. Don't mind the fancy-pants lingo. It just means exercises that use most of your body at once. But, not all of those exercises are the 'best.'
Why? Here's one for starters. The deadlift is easy to learn in good form. That is just some more of that fancy-pants lingo. Doing an exercise in good form means you are doing it properly. ( in a healthy way )
Doing exercises in bad form causes damage to your body. ( not exactly an appetizing idea ) Another full-body, compound lift is the squat. It is hard to learn in good form. And the price to pay for doing it in bad form is knee surgery. ( that dessert is a bit pricey. check please. )
The deadlift is far easier to learn in good form. Also,
Lifts that use many muscles at once are ideal. They will burn more fat in less time. This is why the deadlift beats another competitor. The bench press is a great compound lift. But, the deadlift wins for maximum fat loss.
Wait, there's more.
How to Get a Flat Stomach
Unfamiliar with the deadlift? If so, talk to a trainer at your gym. Or, you could seek additional resources online. Do this to burn belly fat:
Start out by getting the deadlift into your routine. Do it twice a week. Most important of all, keep at it. ( the more consistent you are, the better the results )
So, there you have it. You now know how to avoid those two big pitfalls and what to do instead. With your metabolism at a full-time high, be ready to see some oh-so-pleasant changes in your body.
Weight loss takes more than information. It takes a
lot more. There isn't room here for everything, but
you can find more here: How to Get Motivated [http://mimoia.com/blog/getting_what_you_want/simple-tricks-to-motivate-yourself-what-do-you-want-out-of-life]
I'm dedicated to helping you achieve your wildest dreams.
All the Best,
Dante Romero
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dante_Romero