What you eat plays an enormous role in determining how fast you can lose stomach fat and get flat abs. Your nutrition is even more important than your workouts because what you eat feeds the body and determines how much fat is accumulated.
But there's more. While food can't burn fat itself, if you eat certain kinds of food, you will also find it easier to lose belly fat.
This is why it's important for you to include the following 5 foods that increase belly fat loss:
Egg whites - The premium source of lean protein which not only helps to build muscle tissue but also helps you feel full for a long time reducing cravings.
Green tea - Apart from being rich in antioxidants, you will also get a handsome dose of catechin with your tea to help you speed up your internal physical functions and burn belly fat faster.
Grapefruit - This fruit is considered an excellent dietary food. Rich in fiber, the body finds it very difficult to digest grapefruit so it actually burns a lot of calories in the digestive process.
Oatmeal - Rich in fiber and has the ability to reduce your blood insulin levels so you feel less hungry. Oatmeal too takes a long time to be digested so it's keep you full for a long time.
Olive oil - Although this is an oil, it has the healthy kind of fat. We all need fat to function properly and survive so don't try to go on a fat free diet. Olive oil, if it's virgin, is as good a source of fat there is.Naturally, eating these foods alone will not get you a flat stomach. You need to do intensive full body workouts, perform cardiovascular routines, and to lead a healthy lifestyle overall to get a lean body. However, eating these foods on a regular basis can certainly help.
Visit How to Increase Your Metabolism to see how you can burn more fat easily.
Go to How to Get Six Pack Abs to learn more tips to a flat and sexy stomach.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport