When you look at infomercials for fitness products you often see sweating sexy models who are exercising in a fast pace. It seems as if the fat is simply melting away from their body along with each drop of sweat.
In most of these infomercials, the role of proper nutrition in achieving and maintaining long term fat loss, is often overlooked or downplayed. This is a shame as nutrition is the most important factor which determines whether or not you will lose fat and whether or not you will keep it off.
Why is proper nutrition so important for fat loss? Why is it even more important than hard workouts?
The first reason has to do with the mathematics of calories. To lose fat, you need to have a calorie deficit, to burn more calories than those you consume. You consume calories through the food that you eat and you burn calories through your activities and your bodily functions.
You can burn a lot of calories with an intense workout. This is why exercising is so important for fat loss. However, it is much easier to eat calories than it is to burn them. You may burn 500 calories in an hour if you put your mind and body to it, but you can eat as many calories and even more with just a few bites of the wrong food. This is one of the reasons why proper nutrition is the most important thing when it comes to fat loss.
The second reason is that to be able to do powerful workouts your body requires fuel. Otherwise, it will have no energy with which to actually do its workouts. This fuel comes from food. This is why you eat. But not all food or the fuel they contain is equal. Good food will provide you with more high quality, easy to use fuel which you can use correctly during your workouts.
So, without the proper food in your system, you won't be able to do the sort of workouts which will help you achieve a long term fat loss. So, food is the basis of good workouts.
In addition, proper nutrition is important for your overall health and well-being. If you don't eat right, you won't feel right. You will lack energy, feel stress, and may suffer a variety of nasty conditions. So, to be healthy and to lose fat, nutrition is key.
For an excellent nutrition tips for fat loss visit Metabolic Cooking Review
For a program that teaches how to combine nutrition and fitness visit Shapeshifter Body Redesign Review
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959