"Oh my gosh! I've eaten way too much, I think I've gained like 5 pounds this weekend!" Does this sounds like you? Did you overindulge on your mothers favorite recipe's, baked goods and chocolate?
Don't sweat it! I've got your back! Just follow these 6 simple recovery steps and you'll be back on track!
Step 1. Drink lemon water
This is a great first step especially if you've been boozing it up! Adding lemon to your diet is easy simple and very effective for returning your body back to it's healthy state. Lemon has many benefits to your health like detoxing, digestion, burning fat, relieving constipation, alkalizing the body and providing an abundance of antioxidants.
Slice a couple of wedges and add it to your drinking water. Drink 2 liters a day.
Step 2. For The Next 3 Days Only Cut Out Carbs
Carbs are great! You need the healthy complex carbs to provide you with energy and to spare the protein's job. The problem is you ate way too many and you ate the wrong kind. (Processed carbs) To get back on track just follow this simple trick I use with my clients. Cut the carbs out for 3 consecutive days and then return to normal eating afterwards. This means no bread, pasta, potatoes, rice or any other starchy carbohydrate for 3 consecutive days.
Step 3. Eat Healthy Foods
I shouldn't have to say this but many folk make the careless assumption that the food choices they have are better than they actually are. Many experts believe that people who are very particular about diet and nutrition have larger tendencies of thinking and believing that their food choices are healthier than they really are. It is always advisable to eat whole, fresh, and unprocessed foods whenever possible to stay health and fit. In addition to your "3 Days No Carbs" be sure that the rest of your meal is healthy!
Step 4. Eat 5 Meals
Even though you're cutting back on carbs to recover from your binge fest it doesn't really work if you have 1-2 meals a day. In order to recover and have adequate nutrients in your body you need to consume 5 meals comprised of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and two snacks.
Don't think you're eating too much when you're actually not. Doctors say that one of the most common mistakes people make is that they overestimate and underestimate the amount of food their body needs. People are advised to monitor the portion sizes of your food to ensure that they are getting the key nutrients that their body needs.
Step 5. Don't Have Two Stomachs
Someone once said this to me; a statement I will never forget. They said, "do you know I have two stomachs" I replied, "what do you mean?" They went on to explain that they have one stomach to eat their intended meal, ie. dinner and then another stomach for desert and alcohol. They further explained that even though they were completely full from dinner in a matter of seconds they can switch to their second stomach for ice cream and beer. I replied, "what nonsense and that's why you're fat."
You must know when to eat and when not to eat. Experts believe that overeating and under eating may put an individual's health at risk because it disrupts blood sugar and insulin levels. Knowing when to eat and when not can ensure that the person will get the nutrition the body type needs. Always make sure that you eat something every three hours or so and don't starve before eating the next meal.
Step 6. Exercise
If you really want to recover then you must exercise and although this is not a diet step it couldn't be left out! You should never neglect the importance of regular exercise. There is no denying the wonderful benefits that regular exercise can do for people especially to those who want to achieve optimum health and fitness. To ensure that you stay healthy despite being on a diet, make exercise a regular part of your life can definitely contribute to your overall wellness.
There you have it! Follow these simple steps and you'll be back to your pre-Easter weight in no time. Who knows, these very steps may cause you to turn over a new leaf!
Let me know how you do!
Chris Walker is a Women's Wellness & Weight Loss Expert. He helps women to get into the best shape of their lives in 90 days or less. You can get started with his help by visiting http://www.chriswalkerswellness.com and requesting a free consultation.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Chris_O_Walker/2109278