Secret Tips to Lose Belly Fat - Kick Start Your Way to a Sexy and Firm Tummy!

If you are looking for fast working tips to lose belly fat this article will help you trim down your waistline and prevent it from coming back. There are healthy ways to reduce weight loss on the stomach area without the need for radical exercises or diet pills, take a few minutes to read this article and discover just what will burn off the fat and tone your abdominal area.

Belly Fat is a universal issue and more women and men worry about it than almost any other part of the body.

Here is what you need to know about how to lose it:

Diet Tips To Lose Belly Fat:

Fatty Foods - fat equals fat. Fats and oils are the highest calories food and will simply convert into body fat. Avoid saturated fats and trans fats. Here is a list of good fats: fish, nuts, seeds and olive oil.
Chose lean protein, as most of it converts into muscle once it's processed (especially for men) before it has a chance to turn into fat. Here is a list of good sources of lean protein: white fish,
chicken ( NO SKIN), lean red meat, pulses and low-fat dairy products.
Choose the right carb food - the only carbohydrates that will not add fat to your belly are the complex carbohydrates such as whole-grain or whole-meal pasta, rice and bread. What you need to watch out are the add ons such as pasta and dairy sauces, butter and cheese. Stay away from simple carbs such as sugary foods (cakes, biscuits etc)
Green Veggies - an excellent way to lose belly fat is to eat green vegetables and salads so eat plenty of these along with lean protein and a small side plate of complex carbohydrates.
Cut down on your alcohol intake. Most of the alcohol you drink goes straight to your belly.Burning the Fat around the Belly:

No amount of abs workouts will give you a flat and sexy stomach if the muscles are hidden behind a layer of fat! So combine the following exercises specifically designed to lose belly fat along with small and frequent meals that include: lean protein, small portions of complex carbohydrates and green vegetables, the more coloured, the better!

Exercise Tips To lose Belly Fat:

You will need to work your abdominal muscles on a daily basis. Start off lightly with a 2 minute abs exercise, working your way to 5 minutes and then finally to 10 minutes a day and include these 2 powerful belly fat exercises: weighted crunches and push and pull or as it's also known as the ankle strap routine. Do these exercises 5 times a week and you'll soon notice firm muscles and a sexy six pack you'll be proud to show off!

Power walking, cycling and swimming are another excellent and fun way to burn off the surplus fat.

Now Also Pay Close Attention To This: What I am about to reveal to you is a secret fat loss that will make you lose belly fat [http://www.the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight.info/] FAST and HEALTHILY and give you a flat stomach to dream of. If you are serious about burning fat then click here and learn more about how to do it without starving yourself. Visit: [http://www.the-fastest-way-to-lose-weight.info/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cristina_Stone