Many of us are seeking ways to combat belly fat. It seems that most of us accumulate belly fat as we grow older. Much of that is due to lack of exercise and not eating the proper foods. Sometimes, our lifestyle and work schedule just seem to get in the way. Below is a list of some of the foods that are beneficial to staying fit. Many of these ingredients have been shown to help lose belly fat as well as lose weight.
Flaxseed is claimed as the number 1 edible seed to assist in weight loss and belly fat. Many studies have shown that belly fat is one of the main causes of many diseases. Flaxseed is rich in omega-, omega-6, and omega-9 essential fatty acids It contains natural plant estrogens called lignans which target belly fat. It also contains zinc, fiber, protein and B vitamins and has also been shown to ease hot flashes, which plague many women during menopause.
Chia Seeds are full of fiber, even more than can be found in oat bran. Chia Seeds are best known for their use in the Chia Pet novelty. Chia Seeds swell to more than 9 times its size when consumed which cause your stomach to feel fuller and discourages overeating. At one time Chia Seeds were a staple of Native American food and used for medicinal purposes. Chia Seeds are rich in omega-3 and omega-6.
Wheat Germ has been dubbed a super food and assists in weight loss. It contains lots of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids. It also contains highly concentrated vitamins A, D and E, and is loaded with B vitamins, which helps to reduce stress. It also contains niacin and zinc which is very important for skin-cell generation.
Sunflower Seeds will stem your hunger and are great to eat when on a diet. They are very nutritional and contain many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. They can be tossed over a salad, added to baked potatoes and cereals or just nibbled on as a snack. They are delicious with a nutty flavor.
Oatmeal has long been known to have many health benefits from controlling cholesterol levels to weight loss and cancer fighting. It has also been shown to relieve itching skin from bug bites, poison ivy and chicken pox. It doesn't have to be just a breakfast cereal but can be a healthy ingredient when added to many baked goods and other foods.
Walnuts have many health benefits. They are a great source of protein and are rich in antioxidants, magnesium and vitamin B. Often called the king of nuts, walnuts are very versatile. They can be eaten alone as a snack, but are often added to cakes, muffins, cupcakes, candy, etc. They are great added to cereals and salads, just to name a few. They are said to assist in weight loss, lower cholesterol and can help to fight depression.
Blueberries are one of the wonder fruits. They are one of the healthiest fruits you can find and are chock full of antioxidants. Fresh blueberries are not always available but frozen ones are always available and can be used for everything the same as fresh ones. They are delicious to eat alone or mixed with strawberries or other fruits. One of my favorites is mangoes and blueberries. A recent cardiovascular study shows that they may help to reduce belly fat. They are also great in pancakes and many cereals.
Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices and is thought to contain many health benefits. It is most commonly known for its use in cinnamon rolls. Recent studies have shown that it can be useful in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
Yogurt has long been said to contain many health benefits. Yogurt contains many healthy bacteria that are important to our overall health. There are many varieties and flavors but when choosing a yogurt that is the most versatile, choose a plain low-fat yogurt. You can add a variety of nuts and fruits, as well as granolas.
Start you day with these ingredients, which have been shown to help reduce weight, improve skin, reduce stress and give you the energy you need to start the day right.
Great Start Breakfast
Ingredients: Flaxseed 1 tbsp
Chia Seed 1 tbsp
Sunflower Seed 2 tbsp
Wheat Germ 1-2 tbsp
Cinnamon 1 tbsp
Oatmeal 3 oz dry uncooked
Walnuts ¼ cup
Yogurt ½ to ¾ cup
Frozen Blueberries ¼ to ½ cup
Preparation: Mix together the flaxseed, chia seed, sunflower seed, wheat germ, oatmeal and cinnamon. Add the yogurt and mix again. Add blueberries and walnuts and stir together.
There you have a healthy, tasty breakfast that will give you the energy you need to start the day, while supplying your body with many of the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and nutrients it needs
My name is Elaine Gurda and I have been researching and testing anti aging and skin care products for more than 40 years. During this research, I have learned that everything required to maintain a healthy body doesn't come in a bottle or pill. Some of the most important resources are obtained through what we eat and drink, as well as to the type of acitivity we indulge in. By following a healthy, nutritional diet and regular exercise program, In 2011, I decided to share my knowledge with everyone. Many of my friends had been telling me to do this for years and I finally took their advice. To learn more, visit my website where I share what I have learned. Don't give in to the aging process, fight it with everything that you have.
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