The most effective known way to lose body fat is to expend more calories than you take in. If you don't, your body will restore the fat loss from all types of food you eat. The fat absorbed by your body from food will always be stored as body fat. Carbs, on the other hand, might be stored as glycogen, but when your body's fuel tank is full, the left over carbs will be converted and stored on your stomach or thighs as body fat.
In reality, you burn relatively few calories during most exercise sessions, usually between 200 and 500 in an average hour-long aerobic or weight lifting session.
Strength training by lifting weights is becoming more recognized as an effective way to achieve weight loss, by causing your body to burn more calories. By building muscle your body will burn more calories to maintain that muscle. This is not known by most people in their attempts to lose stomach flab and get those rock hard abs they are striving for. For every pound of new muscle you add to your body, you will burn 20 to 30 calories just to maintain that pound of muscle. On the other hand, a pound of fat needs only 2 calories to maintain itself on your body. So by having more muscle, you'll burn more calories every day even while you watch T.V. or sleep.
To build muscle effectively, use exercises with weights that work many large muscles at the same time (called compound exercises). Bench presses work the chest, shoulders, arms and lats at the same time. Squats work the calves, thighs, buttocks and lower back muscles simultaneously. Pull-ups or pull-downs on a machine work the large muscles called lats and your arms and shoulders. These are good exercises to start with. Choose a weight you can lift 10 to 12 times and do 3 sets of 10 to 12 repetitions with a minute or 2 of rest between each set.
Every workout you should try to either add more repetitions or add more weight to force your muscles to become stronger and larger. Exercise 3 days a week, with a day of rest between days, doing a full body workout. Good luck on losing your stomach flab and getting those rock hard abs, and maybe I'll see you in the gym!
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