How To Really Get Rid of Tummy Fat Fast!

Don't worry, you are not the only person to have this embarrassment - there are many others. This article will show you how to burn tummy fat quickly. Just remember that this is not a long term solution. This is a quick fix for you to get into that perfect dress for the special occasion, that's all.

Before we start, I hope that you have at least a week's time before the special day. Now if you have fewer days, don't panic. These exercises would still be effective, but you will not lose all the fat that you can over a week. Okay, now that you know what to expect, let's get down to the real stuff.

The first step is pretty simple. For this have your upper body straight - you can do this sitting or standing. Breathe in through your nose and breathe out from your mouth. Mentally get a picture of you trying to get into the tight dress. As funny as it seems, it is a really effective exercise.

The next step is to pull your stomach in as far deep inside as you can. Hold it in that position for a count of 5 or 10 or however long you can do it. Then release the stomach slowly.

You would be surprised, but these two simple steps are one of the most effective exercises possible. This exercise strains the transverse abdominal muscles and hence is highly effective. In fact, if you do this regularly, you can reduce your waist size by almost an inch. Now, you never thought that would be possible in week, did you? The best time to do this exercise is in the morning, just after you wake up and before you eat anything.

There is no secret to this exercise; it is just a case of working out the muscles to get the results.

This exercise can be done at any time during the day. The more you do the faster you can see the results. However, the recommended time for this would be early morning, as soon as you wake up. You need to do the deep breathing and the stomach vacuums in one session to get the best results.

Initially, this can be quite a bit of a strain, so do not push yourself too much - control your excitement to get a narrower belly. With every passing day, push yourself a little bit more till you can do a single session of at least five to ten minutes. This is also great for your upper abs.

These exercises are not just great for getting rid of fat, but also to help you control your cravings for food. Whenever you think of eating food out of turn, just do some quick stomach vacuums for a few minutes - your cravings will disappear.

The next aspect of losing tummy fat is to go for low carb diet. This will help reduce the water in your body, which will automatically shrink you a bit.

Though you may have heard this a million times, avoid the sweets, confectioneries, breads and all. Stick to meat, salads and vegetables. Now do not forget that this is a quick fix solution so this cannot be your diet for the rest of your life; it is just an adjustment for a week for the special day.

True, cutting out carbs completely is not the best idea. However, as this is short term, your body can take it. Please do not make this your permanent diet, though.

Last step is to start walking a lot more. You may think a full-fledged workout in the gym would achieve better results; that is great for the long term, but if you are not consuming carbs or are on low carb diet then you should stick to something simple like walking.

Walking is a very effective exercise and can be done almost anywhere. The treadmill, post-lunch break or any other time of the day is perfect for walking.

When you want to dress your best and want to get into that unique dress, every inch counts.

That's it; this is the simple program that will help you burn tummy fat quickly. The exercises are not that tough and the dietary changes too are achievable for a week. Remember though that fats are important for our well-being, you must not stop them completely. Getting rid of excess fat is always good and healthy, but you must do it gradually.

A belly fat diet is the best way to go but there are so many out there. Which do you go for?

If you need help now on a super belly fat diet [http://www.leadways.info/the-truth-about-abs-ezine/], the best resource I have come across is the Tummy Fat Burner Course. Click Belly Fat Diet [http://www.leadways.info/the-truth-about-abs-ezine/] to learn more.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Madusha_Emeka