How many diet reviews have you read in the last week, each one promising to help you lose weight fast? It seems as if every week yet another diet book is hitting the shelves, each one better than the last. The Atkins Diet, The Biggest Loser Diet, The South Beach Diet, The Raw Fish Diet, The Cookies and Cake Diet, are just a few you may have heard of before, or will hear of soon.
Why are these books continually being published, and why aren't people losing weight fast? Where are all the honest diet reviews? While not true of every diet plan, many programs have a very low success rate, and there is a reason for that. Often times these plans have focused on the wrong techniques of healthy weight loss. Losing body weight is not the real issue. The real issue is in reducing the percentage of an individual's body fat to a normal, healthy level. Any diet that ignores this is missing key elements that will leave you struggling to lose weight and forever dependent on the next great diet fad.
Reducing body weight alone often times includes reducing muscle. This is a crucial mistake because lean muscle mass, although sometimes "weighs more" on a scale, helps fight off calories at rapid speed, thus helping form a healthier, better you.
The more muscle you retain, the more fat you burn. The acai berry can help greatly with this. A diet may help you lose weight temporarily, but if it also reduces the muscle mass in your body, the long-term effects will be you gaining all of the weight back you thought you had lost forever. The key of any successful "diet" is in not dieting at all. The key is in life-style changes!
Another major issue in many of these popular diets and weight-loss programs is they attempt to reduce body weight too quickly. Odd as that sounds, it is possible. By reducing body weight too quickly and in the wrong way, you can actually throw into action your body's defense mechanisms.
When this happens the body will begin to conserve as much body fat as possible to keep you from starving. In the end, your body ends up working AGAINST you. Your body was designed for health and optimal weight, so you need to make sure you are working with your body, and not against it!
Without proper nutrition, you can never expect to keep the weight off. It will always, always, always return. Always. Your body must receive the proper nutrients, and therefore work with you in your weight loss goals. It is possible to lose weight quick, but there are no shortcuts. Healthy diet and daily exercise are essential, and there is just no way around it. Study different weight loss techniques, but if you really want to lose weight fast, then commit to doing whatever it takes. This is the real path towards health and weight loss! Thanks for reading my article. I hope it helped you in some small way! See you on Facebook!
Amy Evans lives in Portland, OR and works full time raising her new baby boy, Jesse! =) Click here [] to connect with Amy personally via Facebook, Twitter, or her very own blog!
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