Most of the best low carb diet food pyramids are fairly similar.
1. At the base, it is either low carb vegetables or protein foods.
2. Vegetables are usually chosen, because they are easily digested and have fiber contents. They also help in the body hydration, since a large part of their body is water.
3. On the second rung are usually protein foods, if they happen not at the base. These foods are chosen for their nutrients, muscle building and longer feeling of fullness.
4. On the third rung and up to the top of the best low carb food pyramid are random choices of foods, depending on the individual needs and preferences.
5. Nut and seeds can substitute for other carb foods. Their flours are better in baking bread and other related foods. They contain plant protein, fiber and unsaturated fats.
6. Monounsaturated fats coming from olive oil and the likes, and the essential fats with omega3 from fishes like tunas, mackerels, salmons and others; are the preferred sources of fats over saturated animal fats. These have beneficial use, than those worrisome things we heard about fats.
7. Dairy products have sugar, though this sugar is slowly broken down than other sugars. So for the senior citizens, they have to look for some other sources of calcium.
8. Fruits, legumes and whole grains are lumped below the top of the pyramid. Their consumptions are not discouraged, but must be eaten with refrain.
9. On top of the best low carb diet food pyramid are the sugary and starchy foods that must be avoided. But sometimes they are the tastiest, thus one must find a way to modify them, or look for substitutes. They include- cakes, ice creams, fruit juices, dried fruits, ketchups, salad dressings and others.
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