You will find 11 smart steps for burning fat in this article. They will ensure that you start losing fat the moment you implement them!
I also struggled with excess body fat and where tired of the rolls on my tummy and not even to mention my thunder thighs. Until I decided that enough is enough and that I am going to get the lean and fat free body that I dream of. I decided that I am willing to put in the effort it takes and I believed in myself.
I finally got the body of my dreams with a low body fat percentage. And you can too - with the help of the exact steps that I used to get fat free. I've made a list of the fool proof steps that helped me create my dream. Here they are, hope they will help you too:
Implement these 11 smart steps that will work to eliminate fat off your body as long as you work for it
You must be motivated in order to achieve such a big task as losing body fat. If you're not motivated enough you may not stick to your goals and you may give up very easily. But if you are motivated you will have a drive to complete your goals and eventually your dream of getting leaner.
To find your motivation you can do two things: write down your top reasons for wanting to lose body fat and cut out a picture of a lean model that has the shape that you want to have. Keep those close and review them often to motivate yourself.
Goal setting will ensure that you have a solid plan as to how you are going to go about achieving your dream. When you set goals make sure to include diet, exercise and also other goals and make them smart - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bounded.
Food dairy
Keep a food diary for the first two weeks before you start your new diet in order to analyze your eating habits and to see where you are eating wrong and where you can improve.
Get a fat burning exercise plan
You got to have a fat burning exercise plan in order to burn body fat. This includes regular weight training (at least 3 times a week) and cardio interval training (for at least 3 times a week).
Get a fat burning diet
Your diet also has to be fat burning. You can make your own fat burning diet by including the following food groups in every meal: lean protein, healthy carbs, healthy fats and lots of veggies and/or fruit.
Schedule time out of your dairy for exercise
Take your dairy and schedule a regular time slot for exercise. You have to see that appointment as just as important as any other and you should make sure that you meet it.
Make a grocery list and go shopping
Take your new fat burning diet, make a grocery list and go shopping for the month's groceries (just do it on an empty stomach.).
Exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach
Start your exercise program by exercising first thing in the morning. Not only will it make sure that you do your exercise but it will also burn more fat.
Drink fat burning liquids
Make sure that you drink at least one cup of green tea a day and that you drink plenty of ice cold water - it burns calories just by drinking it (as your body heats the water).
Be consistent, dedicated and patient
One of the most important steps is to be consistent - do your daily exercise and follow your meal plan to the letter every day until you see results (and thereafter as well) and to be dedicated and patient.
Get the help of a professional
If all else fails and you need extra help, don't be shy to get it. I have attached 2 reviews of excellent fat burning products to have a look at.
Just implement these steps and make sure that you follow a regular exercise plan and a healthy fat burning diet and you will lower your body fat percentage sooner or later. Just don't expect anything too soon as it may take some time.
If you need more help and you want an exercise and diet plan that will help you to lose weight and get leaner, have a look at these 2 programs. Those programs are both excellent for burning away fat. Here are the 2 excellent fat burning product's reviews: fat loss 4-idiots [] review and the fat loss quickie experience, have a look at them if you need more help.
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