All is Forgiven, Move On Our Lady of Weight Loss's 101 Fat-Burning Steps - Book Review

Who says releasing extra pounds can't be fun? Janice Taylor would like you to know that taking a lighter approach can make you lighter.

Janice is a svelt, weight-loss artist, author, certified hypnotist and weight-loss coach, but it was not always so. On her way to becoming the creative, fully expressed woman she now is she had to remove 50 pounds of what no longer served her. And she did that in 2001.

In this fun, at times wacky, guide to lightening up forever the author mixes tips, anecdotes, tricks and recipes to help you on the journey. First stop? Forgiveness.

When she was visited by Our Lady of Weight Loss, patron saint of Permanent Fat Removal, many years ago, she was told that this was not just about losing weight and exercise. She was "embarking on a holistic happening. "

The fun begins at the beginning even in the early chapters which states the obvious-- this trip goes down a rocky road but help is always nearby. How? With Janice's crazy but powerful collage art pieces which show up all throughout the book, some with messages and exhortations some just speak through their imagery.

Then we are introduced chapter by chapter to hours of things to do to take your mind off food and keep your hands busy.

There are cheers to chant as you move away from the fridge or past the cookie aisle.

There are get out of jail free cards for those times when "The Devil Made Me Do It."

By using this book you'll take a journey into your mind to find out just what sabotages you, where your weaknesses are, and what you don't know that you don't know that keeps you holding on to those extra pounds.

And until you know what will take you off course and how to create real transformation you'll be stuck.

I'd suggest getting this book and having once a week meetings with like minded friends and do some of the exercises together. Make a recipe or two from the book and talk over a "Forgivercize." These are exercises designed to work on your thoughts and your self talk or your behaviors.

What's most striking is that as playful as this book is Janice comes from such a loving, helpful place with her advice, tips and tools.

Take a look and have a giggle. I think this would make a great holiday gift!

Gregory Anne Cox was one of the early female graduates of the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY. She spent 20+ years in the hospitality industry, and recently, cooking privately for some of the country's rich and famous on the eastern end of Long Island in the Hamptons, NY where she currently lives with her husband and 4 cats.

Currently Gregory offers teleseminars on Midlife wellness, one on one and group coaching, is an author and speaker on the topic of midlife women's mind and body tune ups and heart health. Her newsletter and blog, both titled The You Revolution, keep subscribers and clients up to date on what's new in feeling and looking better than ever in the second half of life.


The Blog:[http://www.theyourevblog.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gregory_Anne_Cox/55712

11 Smart Steps For Burning Fat

You will find 11 smart steps for burning fat in this article. They will ensure that you start losing fat the moment you implement them!

I also struggled with excess body fat and where tired of the rolls on my tummy and not even to mention my thunder thighs. Until I decided that enough is enough and that I am going to get the lean and fat free body that I dream of. I decided that I am willing to put in the effort it takes and I believed in myself.

I finally got the body of my dreams with a low body fat percentage. And you can too - with the help of the exact steps that I used to get fat free. I've made a list of the fool proof steps that helped me create my dream. Here they are, hope they will help you too:

Implement these 11 smart steps that will work to eliminate fat off your body as long as you work for it


You must be motivated in order to achieve such a big task as losing body fat. If you're not motivated enough you may not stick to your goals and you may give up very easily. But if you are motivated you will have a drive to complete your goals and eventually your dream of getting leaner.

To find your motivation you can do two things: write down your top reasons for wanting to lose body fat and cut out a picture of a lean model that has the shape that you want to have. Keep those close and review them often to motivate yourself.


Goal setting will ensure that you have a solid plan as to how you are going to go about achieving your dream. When you set goals make sure to include diet, exercise and also other goals and make them smart - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bounded.

Food dairy

Keep a food diary for the first two weeks before you start your new diet in order to analyze your eating habits and to see where you are eating wrong and where you can improve.

Get a fat burning exercise plan

You got to have a fat burning exercise plan in order to burn body fat. This includes regular weight training (at least 3 times a week) and cardio interval training (for at least 3 times a week).

Get a fat burning diet

Your diet also has to be fat burning. You can make your own fat burning diet by including the following food groups in every meal: lean protein, healthy carbs, healthy fats and lots of veggies and/or fruit.

Schedule time out of your dairy for exercise

Take your dairy and schedule a regular time slot for exercise. You have to see that appointment as just as important as any other and you should make sure that you meet it.

Make a grocery list and go shopping

Take your new fat burning diet, make a grocery list and go shopping for the month's groceries (just do it on an empty stomach.).

Exercise first thing in the morning on an empty stomach

Start your exercise program by exercising first thing in the morning. Not only will it make sure that you do your exercise but it will also burn more fat.

Drink fat burning liquids

Make sure that you drink at least one cup of green tea a day and that you drink plenty of ice cold water - it burns calories just by drinking it (as your body heats the water).

Be consistent, dedicated and patient

One of the most important steps is to be consistent - do your daily exercise and follow your meal plan to the letter every day until you see results (and thereafter as well) and to be dedicated and patient.

Get the help of a professional

If all else fails and you need extra help, don't be shy to get it. I have attached 2 reviews of excellent fat burning products to have a look at.

Just implement these steps and make sure that you follow a regular exercise plan and a healthy fat burning diet and you will lower your body fat percentage sooner or later. Just don't expect anything too soon as it may take some time.

If you need more help and you want an exercise and diet plan that will help you to lose weight and get leaner, have a look at these 2 programs. Those programs are both excellent for burning away fat. Here are the 2 excellent fat burning product's reviews: fat loss 4-idiots [http://loselovehandleshowto.com/product/fat-loss-4-idiots] review and the fat loss quickie experience, have a look at them if you need more help.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Suzie_Parker/327464

Best Abdominal Exercises For Women - Abs Workout to Reduce Belly Fat For Ladies

Many women nowadays are figure conscious and highly concerned on how the public will see them. Today's society is very keen in seeing the simplest detail that is worth criticizing. In the case of women, the stomach is mostly physically seen by many. With this, every woman needs help to look and feel sexy. Here are some of the best abdominal exercises for women highly recommended by the experts.

o Hula Hoop Exercise

This abdominal exercise is very simple yet truly beneficial. It helps increase muscle tone and reduces flabby skin folds. With 5-15 minutes each day, you will surely get a nice tummy that is truly admirable.

o Belly Suction Exercise

Although it sounds similar to liposuction, belly suction is definitely a non-surgical procedure done while on a flat position. While wearing a slightly fit jean, inhale deeply and hold it under your belly button for the longest time possible. A good start may range from 15 to thirty seconds until you reach 1 minute breath hold period. Then, bend your knees until you feel that your abdominal muscles contract, stay with the position for 5 seconds before you extend your knees. Repeat the procedure at least 10 cycles a day.

o Curl Ups

Flat abs is one the desirable results of abdominal exercises. With curl ups, you need to be in a supine position with knees flexed. Slowly elevate your body close to your knees. If you can't reach the knee point, bend over as much as possible. Abdominal muscle contraction is focused on making the tummy flat and firm. At least 20-30 repetitions are needed every day to achiever rapid results.

Best abdominal exercises for women need not to be complex rather they should be simple to gain compliance of women. Although the results are not visible within a week still they are very easy to maintain throughout the year.

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Acai Berry is the #1 "Super Food" because it has so many different elements that help your body, so you can't go wrong with Acai Berries & Colon Cleansing.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Faviano_Torres/250566

Exercises to Reduce Stomach Fat Fast

If you're sick of going to the gym and want some exercises to reduce stomach fat fast, then you're going to love this article. I'm going to share with you 3 secret exercises I use with my clients to flatten their bellies within weeks.

Nothing is hard... I promise that if you read this article and try out the exercises, you'll be hooked and love them. They're actually pretty fun.

Exercises to Reduce Stomach Fat Fast

1. Hula hoop

This exercise really brings some nice feminine curves and lines to the whole waist and hips area. If you want to picture the visual effects of hula hooping, picture a belly dancer's body. It's curvy, soft, and very feminine.

The hula hoop will bring that out in your body as well. Just hula hoop for 10 minutes a day. All at once or 1-2 minutes here and there.

Buy a bigger hula hoop that's weighted. That makes it a lot easier to do.

2. Jump on a mini-trampoline

Look, I'm sure you're just as busy as I am and you have problems scheduling big chunks of time to dedicate to working out. Well, the mini-trampoline solves that problem ONCE AND FOR ALL.

What I want you to do is just jump on it for 1 or 2 minutes at a time. My secret to getting 30-40 minutes of mini-trampoline jumping done each day is to do these during commercials.

1 hour of tv programming has about 21 or so minutes of commercials. Watch 2 hours of tv, there's your 40 minute workout without having to set aside time to workout.

Heck, a nice bonus if you have little kids... THEY LOVE THE THING.

3. Do Hindu Squats to melt fat off your body

Hindu squats are a form of squatting that doesn't involve weights. These are great to do at home. Warning, if you do these as I outline, expect to sweat. If you want fat to melt off your body, just accept that the 5 minute of doing these will kinda suck.

All you do... squat... up and down... FAST. To start with, I want you to test yourself by trying to do 50 in LESS THAN 3 minutes. If you can do that, then graduate up to doing 100 repetitions in under 5 minutes.

It's hard and tiring, but it's also invigorating and very rewarding. Your body fat considers HINDU SQUATS it's sworn enemy.

These 3 exercises to reduce stomach fat fast are the way to go if you're sick and tired of looking at your belly.

Listen, if you read this article, you're probably unhappy with how your body looks. Don't just read these 3 exercises to reduce stomach fat fast and then STOP and do nothing. You've come too far to not CROSS the finish line.

I'd like to help you further with some other UNCONVENTIONAL weight loss tips. I'm offering a free gift to you that I think you'll like a lot... AND it'll be a big help for losing weight...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE 19-PAGE REPORT "How SPINNING Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss". It's a strange way to lose nearly 10 pounds in 2-3 weeks.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report and get inside my website now for even more free tips. Over 12,000 other women have taken me up on my offer to help, why not you?


Jennifer Jolan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jennifer_Jolan/141264

Reduce Tummy Fat Exercises - 3 Ways to Reduce Belly Fat

Everyone's looking for exercises to reduce tummy fat. The problem is that most people have been misinformed about what it really takes to get rid of their belly fat. This article will make sure you're not one of those people.

The problem is that our body burns fat in an illogical way: you can train one muscle group all you want, it won't matter. Our body burns fat from anywhere it pleases, regardless of where you want the fat to melt away from. Focused exercises do not lead to focused weight loss. It simply doesn't happen this way. If you have trouble burning stomach fat you won't do it with crunches or sit-ups. You need to spend your time on more rigorous and intensive exercises, the kind that burn the most fat.

You also need to make sure you workout in a way that makes the most of your gym time. For instance, don't socialize too much at the gym, you're there to workout not to make friends. Keep your in-between-sets time to a bear minimum to remain warm and focused and to not let your body unwind during the workout. To reduce belly fat Do some complex, multi-jointed exercises, as these generally are harder to do and will get you to burn more fat.

Here are some killer exercises to reduce tummy fat fast:

1. Squat with shoulder press - Grab a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the dumbbells at shoulder height and go into a squat. Make sure to keep your back straight. Rise from the squat and push the dumbbells up in a shoulder press. You're working your body top to bottom with this one exercise and burning a lot of fat in the meantime.

2. Squats with jumps - Go into a low squat, going all the way down very slowly. When you risk, end with a jump and bring your knees toward your chest. This actually works the abs as well as the lower body and is a great way to reduce belly fat.

3. Dumbbell swings - Hold a dumbbell in both hands. Stand with your legs shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Now, swing the dumbbell to the left to shoulder height, bring it back and swing it up again straight up, bring it down and swing in to the right. That's one rep.

These exercises are more complext than what people normally do at gyms. They can certainly help you to burn a lot of tummy fat. Enjoy.

For an excellent way to get flat and sexy abs, visit Your Six Pack Quest

For more killer exercises to work your abs visit Waist Slimming Exercises To Burn Fat
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959

What Exercise Burns the Most Belly Fat At Home?

Burning fat, especially stubborn fat areas like belly fat, thigh fat and upper arm fat, can seem like an impossible task. Oftentimes, people get too caught up in burning fat with exercise. It's important to understand that you can't target certain areas when it comes to losing fat. This is known as spot reduction, and unfortunately, it is a myth. When you focus on a certain area through resistance training, you can definitely build muscle in that area, which will make that spot look more defined and toned. This is a good thing of course! However, you cannot burn fat in just one area.

Body fat is lost throughout the entire body when you create a calorie deficit, either through consuming less calories, exercising more, or both. If your goal is body fat reduction, whether it's to reduce belly fat, love handles, thighs, arms or everything, your first step should be to check your diet. You need to be consuming an appropriate amount of calories, more specifically, macronutrients, that will lead to a loss in body fat. If you're unsure of how to do this, you should read my article about counting your macronutrients to lose fat.

With that said, when it comes what exercise burns the most belly fat at home, your best bet is to choose exercises that burn the most calories per minute. By burning as many calories as possible, it's going to increase your chances of reducing your body fat percentage. Here are a few exercises that burn a high amount of calories per minute that require little or no equipment.

What Exercises Burn the Most Belly Fat at Home?

1. Jumping Rope

Estimated Calorie Burn: 700-800 calories per hour

2. Sprinting

Estimated Calorie Burn: 700-850 calories per hour

*You can substitute things like High Knees or Butt Kickers if you aren't able to sprint outside. Just remember, you have to think sprint speed, so they must be at maximum intensity.

3. Squat Jumps

Estimated Calorie Burn: 600 calories per hour

These are just a few great ideas to add to your at home workout. The equipment at the gym is irreplaceable when it comes to truly changing your body, but that doesn't mean you can't get better in the comfort of your own home. Stick with these high calorie burners and you'll see that you truly can change your body with nothing but hard work!

To download your FREE copy of the Ten Best At Home Exercises, click here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ryan_M_York/1895880

How To Reduce A Fat Belly Without Exercise

If you're trying to reduce a fat belly without exercise you'll need to make the best use of the fat burning tools left in the tool box. Optimizing diet content and structure will be necessary to get the best results.

Is It Possible Without Exercise?

Trying to lose fat without exercise is definitely not the most efficient path, but it is possible to lose a considerable amount of body fat with diet alone.

Because you won't be utilizing a specific behavior (exercise) designed to mobilize and burn fat cells, you'll need to be extra diligent with your diet and the food you eat. If you don't exercise, and don't significantly change your eating habits losing fat will be incredibly difficult.


If you're trying to lose belly fat through diet and nutrition alone, then you should consider utilizing some form of fasting to get the most from your efforts. You can get good results through either short-term fasting (14-16 hours) or more elaborate fasting programs that last days or weeks.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is the practice of separating your day into either eating, or no eating blocks. You would designate 12-16 consecutive hours of each day as your fasting period and would avoid all calorie intake during this period.

Once the short-term fast ends you would then consume all of your allotted daily calories in the remaining hours of the day. How you determine your fasting schedule is very flexible, which allows tailoring the fast to your current lifestyle and habits.

Your sleep cycle is considered part of the fasting period, so you can choose to eat a late night meal then have your first solid food around noon the next day if you're a night person.

Juice Fasting

Juice fasting is exactly as it sounds. The only calories you consume come from freshly squeezed fruits and vegetables. The fast usually last for several days or weeks depending on your goals.

The juice fast has proven beneficial as a cleansing process, because it eliminates a lot of processed food many would normally eat. When on a juice fast it's important to supplement your vitamin and mineral intake to compensate for the lack of solid food.

You'll also want to begin using a fiber supplement to offset the missing fiber from all the fruit juice you'll be drinking.

Junk Food Detox

If fasting is too extreme, or simply too inconvenient, you can begin losing weight through a junk food detox. The term "junk food", is actually pretty liberal and would include many of the processed food you'd find in your cupboard.

Try to reduce or eliminate any food that does not look like real food found in nature. If it comes in a can or any type of box, it's likely processed to the point of being junk food.

The reason you want to avoid processed food during your detox is to avoid all added sugar found in these types of food. Instead, stick mainly to a protein source of your choice with a healthy dose of fresh vegetables.

Using Supplements

There are supplements you can use to give you more energy, and there are supplements you can use to suppress appetite. There isn't, however, a reliable over the counter supplement you can use to specifically burn fat without side effects.

Many of the "fat burners" sold in stores are simply caffeine pills that get your heart racing causing additional calorie burn. These can leave you feeling light headed, dizzy, and nauseous.

Adding a fiber pill to help curb appetite between meals is a safe, effective use of supplements that will yield positive results.

How Long Will It Take?

The time needed will depend on your starting point. The more belly fat to lose, the longer it will take. Avoiding exercise removes a very large portion of the fat burning equation from your arsenal. It can literally cut your fat loss efforts in half, while avoiding exercise.

Some choose this path because of age, and others because of injury. While losing body fat can absolutely be done through diet alone, the more realistic you are about the time needed to accomplish your goal in this manner the better off you'll be.

Quick weight loss results without cardiovascular exercise is unlikely, and will leave you feeling disappointed if those are your expectations.

Need to lose a few pounds? Get more helpful shortcuts and diet tips at the 3 week diet blog. View proven diet and exercise plans to lose 10-20 pounds in only 21 days.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Ernie_Herrera/239115

Top 4 Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Fast

What are some of the healthy ways to lose belly fat? Is belly fat reduction through exercises cost effective? If you are one of those who want to get rid of belly fat, there are various ways on how you can achieve a flatter tummy and that can be done weight loss workouts and eating the right food. Nowadays, with the numerous food options, many just consider eating whatever they desire without knowing their provided nutrients or effects to their bodies. That is the reason why many end up gaining more weight. Fortunately, there are now tons of options on how you can drop extra pounds. Some consider supplements. However, not all get their desired results. For this reason, some end up frustrated and depressed especially when trying to lose belly fat fast. There are several exercises to lose belly fat in a quick manner. Some of these are:

1. Cardio Exercises

Cardio exercises enhance increased lung volumes and one of the common cardio exercises that is considered by many dieters is aerobics. With this, fat loss can be achieved in no time while improving your cardiovascular health. If you can't do aerobics on your own, you can join a particular group of persons who also aim to lose belly fat for you to be motivated and determined.

2. Strength Training

If you like to gain muscles while losing weight, combining your exercises with strength training can be a good idea. In this training, you will be able to form beautiful abs and muscles, which can give you more benefits in the end. Strength training is an important fitness program that reduce body fat, increase lean muscle and burn calories more efficiently. This is because more muscle mass gained enhances the burning of more calories, which then controls weight gain. Common choices of strength training for weight control include push-ups, abdominal crunches, pull ups and leg squats. Others are free weights like barbells and dumbbells.

3. Bicycle Exercise For #Healthy Weight Loss

This is perfect for those who want six pack abs. For you to do this kind of exercise, you must get into the supine position and your hands must be at your head's back. Then, bring the knees to your chest while you are lifting shoulders off the exercise mat. After that, bring your elbow to your knee when straightening your leg. For best results, you can do one to three sets with twelve to sixteen repetitions.

4. How To Lose Belly Fat Through Exercise Ball Crunch

In this belly fat workout, you will need an exercise ball. Also, when compared to other exercises for losing belly fat, your abdomen will do more exerting. But, your whole body is still needed for stabilizing. For you to do this, prepare the ball and lie on it with lower back that supports your body. Place your hands behind your head. Then, lift your torso off the ball and contract your abs to pull your rib cage's bottom towards your hip. This exercise is like curl ups. But, the only main difference is that you're using an exercise ball.

Exercises to lose belly fat are prerequisite for looking fit and smart. To learn more about healthy ways to burn belly fat, visit http://www.bellyfatbanished.com to explore some of the most cost effective ways to transform your body through safe weight loss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Andrew_Okpetu/510933

Weight Loss Workouts - Facts That You Should Know About Fat Loss Arena Today

It is programmed in minds of people that spending long hours in the gym will definitely bring results especially when losing weight. Contrary to what people have believed, there is a saying that 80 percent of results comes from 20 percent of your effort. That's true. Losing weight does not require, ninety, sixty or even forty five minutes in the gym. The truth is you can lose weight by just doing twenty minutes of body weight loss workouts each and every day. But of course don't forget to do the proper warm-up.

It's not yet late. You can still have the chance to change your figure and ramp your way to the beach or to the pool side next summer. You can be proud of yourself soon. While there's no magic pill to cut your fat down, the easiest way to gain improvement is to rely on weight loss programs. There are a lot of them. The question is how you'll able to choose the one the works? Simple, check out product reviews and look for a system that has worked for many people. Obviously, there's no deep reason why it won't work for you. Do not just rely on the price and bonuses because they're often deceiving and confusing. Better stick on the quality of the system itself.

Just like you, I've been also frustrated of the beer belly I have in the past. I know how it feels to be regarded as balloon pregnant of whatsoever they call that. Just like you, I've also tried to find the answer all over the net. But you know what? Instead of find the answer to my problem, I've arrived to dozens of snake oil scams. What an awful experience! Some of the promise to help people in the fastest possible time while many of them are recommending fancy gym equipment gimmicks and weight lost supplement. But it is true that 97 percent of fat loss advices are not real. In short, you are just wasting your time, money and effort in following them.

Everything has changed when I found this legit fat loss system known as Burn the Fat, Feed The Muscle. This online eBook is written by Tom Venuto, a fitness expert. The book is designed for people with hectic lifestyle. As you can see there are so many fat loss programs out there but most of them are time consuming. Since I want to save time, I gave this book a try. I got the copy of it and read everything on it. The difference of this book with other fat loss books out there is that even if you're not a body builder, the system can be also applied to you. And based on weight loss standards, the system grants what it promises. A great read! But what makes this book so amazing is that it uncovers the lies about losing weight. No myths, no gimmicks, no fancy products and no fat loss supplements. The book does not tolerate behind the scenes techniques as well (steroids and other chemical boosters). This book is about pure weight loss workouts.

Being a fatty guy, you should definitely give this book a try. But if you're not yet convinced by this article, you can check out another Burn The Fat Review. Losing weight does not need to be expensive. Patience and dedications are must have things here.

Everything they never told you about Weight Loss Workouts [http://www.bestfatburner.us/weight-loss-workouts/weight-loss-workouts-520/] revealed! For more insider tips and information be sure and check out Burn The Fat Review [http://www.bestfatburner.us/burn-the-fat-feed-the-muscle-review/burn-the-fat-feed-the-muscle-review-450/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Russ_D._Edwards/416640

How to Choose the Best Fat Loss Workout Routine

Being in shape is immensely important to be at par with the fast moving world. Not only your qualification, your appearance also means a lot when you need to prove yourself, and get the best. Being overweight can greatly affect your confidence level, thus it is essential to quickly opt in for a fat loss workout routine, before it gets too late. It is very easy to choose the best fat loss workout routine; all you need to do is go in for the exercise that helps you reach your targeted heart range. You have to workout really hard so that your pulse rate gets increased, as this will aid in burning more of fat.

The exercises that helps reach the targeted heart range are the ones the increases your metabolism and thus burns fat. The fat loss workout routine will not only help you look good by promoting weight loss, but more than that, it will prevent you from falling prey to various health concerns. You surely know that overweight people are more liable to suffer from heart attacks. A seven-day fat loss workout routine can really work wonders for you. To begin with, on Monday you can do strength as well as cardio workout. Start with a bodyweight warm up, which can be followed by split squats and dumbbell chest process.

Next do superset stability ball leg curls along with dumbbell rows. Complete the workout with interval cardio. Tuesday's fat loss workout routine can include some enjoyable exercises, like running errands, traditional cardio or even your favorite sport. On Wednesday do some strength and interval cardio workout. In between the workout you can eat some high-protein snacks, so that your muscles get enough nutrients to rebuild and repair. On Thursday your fat loss workout routine should include 30 minutes activity.

At the same time, make sure that you are eating enough of green vegetables, if possible more than usual, in particular leafy green vegetables. On Friday do some bodyweight exercises, which can include Bulgarian split squats, pushups and some bicep and triceps exercises. On Saturday you could do a 30 minute activity and then invite your friends over, discuss your fat loss workout routine, and perhaps discuss the results that you are witnessing, which shall prevent you from eating food that would only help gain weight. On Sunday go in for a 30 minute activity and prepare your routine and shop for some healthy stuff to gorge in the following week.

Click here [http://absmachine.info] for a FREE presentation about weird exercises and food that help you permanently lose belly fat. Visit [http://absmachine.info]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Emil_Akers/571030

Treadmill Incline Workout Running for Fat Loss - 30 Minutes Fat Blaster Workout Program

When it comes to staying fit indoors, an incline treadmill workout is the way to go. Not only this type of workout is ideal for burning colossal amounts of calories, the incline workouts helps you simulate hill running without struggling to find a good hill to run on or be the victim of outside weather conditions.

In addition, the incline helps you build muscle mass (an effective way to strengthen your gluteal muscles and hamstrings), boosts cardiovascular power, prevents boredom, and grants you a great cardiovascular workout without having to increase speed.

Therefore, if you're looking to incorporate incline treadmill workouts into your training program, here are some practical tips that can help.

What is incline training?

Treadmill incline training is the performance of movements using a surface with an incline. According to many studies, when running at incline, the body relies mainly on the stored fat as the main source of energy, thus leading to better weight loss results. Furthermore, incline training has been shown to increase oxygen delivery to the blood as well as boosting endurance and developing muscle mass in the low half of the body.

Nevertheless, incline workouts are not for the beginner. Therefore, if you're a new comer to the treadmill, make sure first to get acquainted with the machine and build a basic cardiovascular power. Otherwise, expect premature fatigue, injuries and overtraining.

Incline Treadmill Workout Program

To get a clear idea on how to proceed with an incline workout, do the following:

- Start the exercise with a decent warm-up. Jog slowly (with no incline) for 5-7 minutes to get your blood flowing and legs loose and ready for the workout. Breathe deeply and visualize in your mind's eye what you're going to do.

- Start raising the incline by 2 percent increments until you're at or near your max level of incline. Choose an incline and speed that are most suitable to your training goals and fitness levels. Find your sweet spot. With a conventional treadmill, this can be between 10 percent to 15 percent.

- Keep the incline for one full minute.

- Reduce the incline and speed gradually so you can jog slowly for recovery and rejuvenation.

- Repeat the cycle 7-8 times.

- End the workout with a cool down. Get rid of the incline and reduce your running pace into an effortless jog. Stretch afterwards.

The length and intensity of each interval is not written on stone. Feel free to adjust the training according to your own needs and aspirations. No suit fits all.

Incline Training Form

Proper form is critical when it comes to getting the most out of your treadmill workouts. A proper form helps you improve efficiency and ward off discomfort and injuries. Therefore, when doing an interval workout on the treadmill, make sure to do the following:

- Keep your body relaxed throughout the training session by taking deep breaths and releasing any build-up tension.

- On steep incline-those of 8 percent or more-make sure to lift your knees with every step you take.

- Avoid the bad habit of holding onto the hand rails. Doing so only contributes to bad form.

Here you have it! An incline treadmill workout is a great addition to your training program. Therefore, make sure to put into action what you've just learned as the speed of implementation is key to success.

David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness. If you want more free tips from David DACK, then go to http://runnersblueprint.com/weightlossrunning.html and for a limited time you can grab this special "Weight Loss By Running" (Value $18) report For FREE. Or you could go and visit his awesome blog at: http://www.runnersblueprint.com/blog/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_Dack/650900

Exercises and Workouts - How To Turn A Regular Workout Into A Fat Burning One!

So you might have begun your journey into the world of fitness and have now been doing your workout program for a number of weeks. Feeling proud, you're ready to step things up and finally tackle your goal of losing weight.

But, how should your workout change? It would only seem to make sense a workout designed to help improve your fitness level would be slightly different to a workout designed to help you burn fat maximally. This thinking is correct. While there are not dramatic changes, there are some important adjustments you must know.

Keep in mind the biggest change when moving from a maintenance plan to one where you are losing weight will come with your diet, so you must be sure you are getting this in place accordingly.

That said, here are the key workout program changes you will want to make...

1. Reduce Your Rest Periods. The first technique is to reduce your rest periods between weight lifting sets. This is going to help increase your overall metabolic rate while also adding cardiovascular benefits into the workout routine as well.

You don't want to reduce the rest periods so much you sacrifice good form, but keeping them to around 30 seconds or so is ideal for optimal fat loss results.

2. Try Superset Training. Next, you'll also want to try supersetting whenever you can. Supersetting involves pairing two exercises back to back, not resting until both exercises are completed. This is a great way to jumpstart sluggish fat loss results while also getting into and out of the gym in a hurry.

Pair together upper body movements with lower body movements or try putting together two opposing muscle groups like hamstrings and quads.

3. Focus On Compound Moves. The next must do for any fat burning program is to focus hard on compound exercises as often as possible. These will give you the best overall calorie burn both during the session, as well as for hours after its completed.

These moves include exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench press, push-ups, lunges, bent over rows, pull-ups, shoulder press, and leg press. Be sure that you at least 70% of your program is compound exercises.

4. Add Cardio Intervals. Finally, also consider adding in some cardio intervals as you move through the plan. This might mean adding a set of burpees between your bench press sets, or jumping rope between your walking lunges.

Both will help torch calories and get you burning up fat rapidly.

If you can make these changes to your workout routine, you can be sure you are transforming your session to one that will incinerate body fat and get you in the best shape of your life.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beverleigh_H_Piepers/123142

Weight Loss - Are Workout Videos Effective For Fat Loss?

Exercise is a must for losing weight and keeping it off. Studies show people who are successful at long-term weight loss burn about 400 calories a day with exercise. Even if you increase your activity level to burn just 100 extra calories a day, this can produce a ten-pound weight loss over the period of a year.

If you're considering getting started on a workout program to help shed a few of the extra pounds you've gained, and improve your health so you can manage your blood sugar levels better, you might be considering a home workout option.

Going to the gym takes time - time you may not have, so it's far more convenient to walk into your basement and get fit there. Not to mention, a lot cheaper.

In this decision to try home workouts, you may question whether you should consider a workout video. Will it get the job done? Let's look at the reasons why home workout videos can be effective for fat loss when chosen correctly...

1. Aerobic And Strength Training. The first great thing about many fitness videos is they are designed to include both a cardio component to the workout session, as well as a strength component. Since it's vital you are including both elements in your fitness routine, this can go a long way towards improving your overall fat burning progress.

The cardio will help you burn fat while you do the workout, and the strength training component will help you keep burning fat for hours after the workout is completed.

2. Plenty Of Variety. Which brings us to the next great benefit from workout videos - variety. There are literally hundreds of different workout videos out there for you can choose from, meaning it's easy to keep changing things up, always shocking your body with something new.

This is important to keep yourself both mentally and physically engaged. Those who add more variety to their workout program are less likely to plateau, but will rather keep responding as time goes on.

3. Increased Chance Of Proper Form. The next reason to consider a fitness video as part of your at-home workout program is because it will also boost your chances of using proper form. Since you can watch the instructor performing the workout video right in front of you, this makes it easier for you to replicate the move.

If you are using good form, this will mean better results as well.

So, don't write off at home fitness videos too fast. If you choose one designed for fat burning and is backed by a reputable company, you should have no problem seeing the results you are looking for - while enjoying your fitness sessions as well.

If you aren't one for commercial/public gyms, don't let this stop you from achieving your fitness goals.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beverleigh_H_Piepers/123142

Weight Loss Workout Program - Time Saving Tricks

Most people beginning a weight loss workout program overwhelmingly feel it is a huge time investment to the tune of many hours each week. Please be advised that this is far from the truth. Some of the newest research states effective fat loss workouts can be short, and time efficient.

Pounding away on the treadmill, or elliptical machine for hours is not the most effective, and efficient use of your fat loss fitness program time. That was the old model. Remember? Who has many extra hours of free time these days to spend exercising? Not many .

When starting a weight loss exercise program the question you have to ask yourself is how little fitness is needed to maximize health, fitness, and fat loss. If you incorporate an evidence based approach your weight loss workout program time will drastically decrease.

The newest research from McMasters University in Hamilton, Ontario reveals performing ten, 1 minutes intervals at 90% of your maximum heart rate yields significant improvements in health, and fitness. The improvements were similar to doing long steady state cardio such as walking on the treadmill for 45 minutes. The only difference is the intervals were performed at a much higher intensity for a fraction of the workout time.

The same time saving principles apply to strength training fat loss workouts. Quality always trumps quantity when it comes to gym work. Progressive overload should be the main goal when it comes to your resistance training weight loss workout program. Once the intensity, or volume has been increased from the previous workout you are effectively done. If you are investing more than 30 minutes a session twice a week on strength training for fat loss, then you are doing more than is necessary. Remember, 80% of your fat loss results are determined by consistently being in a caloric deficit. Nutrition is king. Exercise is queen when it comes to melting away fat.

In regards to both high intensity cardio intervals, as well as weight training, it is important to take a progressive approach, and build up the intensity over time. If you are just beginning a fat loss fitness program, and consider yourself out of shape, then start slowly by building a steady state cardio base first. After a few weeks on your endurance building weight loss workout program you can slowly begin short duration higher intensity intervals followed by longer rest periods. As your body adapts then progressively increase the interval time, and decrease the rest.

As always, prior to starting any physical fitness program make sure you are cleared by your doctor, especially if you are going to incorporate higher intensity, time saving interval training for fat burning.

Working at a higher intensity for both cardio, and strength training will save valuable time by burning more calories in less exercise time. Also, intensity keeps your body burning calories for hours even after the fat loss exercise program is over. This is called EPOC.

The next time you feel a weight loss workout program is too much of a time commitment you will know the truth. Do not ever let the number one excuse of not enough time hold you back from enjoying fantastic, life changing health, fitness, and fat loss results.

Click here ----> weight loss workout program to receive free access to the top 20 fat loss workout program mistakes that will sabotage your results.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jim_O'Connor/11047

Fat Burning Foods - Top 15 Foods to Eat to Burn Belly Fat Fast

Consuming natural fat burning foods is one of the best and fastest ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat. There is absolutely no reason to spend your money on expensive fat burning pills and weight loss supplements because they don't work for long-term results. Natural fat burning foods work in this way that you burn more calories then you consume. With these foods your metabolism works harder as well. Here is my list of my top 15 belly fat burning foods and on top of that you get additional fat loss tips on the end of the article as well.

- Green beans
- Brussels Sprouts
- Eggs (the white part)
- Oranges
- Chicken
- Whole grain bread
- Bell peppers
- Salmon
- Radish
- Apricots
- Raspberry
- Strawberry
- Watermelon
- Tangerine
- Lima beans

Of course these are only one small fraction of fat burning foods. There are some other things you must do to get rid of stubborn stomach fat as well. Therefore I add five nutrition tips to this article to melt away belly fat naturally as fast as possible.

1) Drink more water and avoid soft drink. No nutrition plan without drinking at least eight cups of water per day. Water doesn't contain any calories at all and it activates your metabolism

2) Eat foods rich in protein it is the natural fat burner and muscle builder activator

3) Do full body exercises such as mountain climber, front squats and back squats.

4) Avoid eating foods that contain bad fats such as ice cream, doughnuts, cracker, and cookies in general. In fact you should avoid eating foods that comes from an animal source

5) Processed carbohydrates are bad for you so don't eat white bread, pastas and white
rice. Whole grain foods haven't been processed and contain the fiber and minerals
your body needs.

These fat burning foods and nutrition tips are vital to lose belly fat fast and most of them are good to reduce bad cholesterol as well.

Lose belly fat fast.You're about to learn the insider secrets most people will never know about their belly fat and abs. Learn how to lose belly fat without dieting Discover how to get abs without doing crunches and sit-ups.On top of that you get a free ebook.Insider secrets of a lean body revealed. Click here to a healthier you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Frederik_Smith/67847

How to Lose Your Belly Fat and Double Chin by Eating Low GI Foods

I struggled for years to get rid of my fat belly and double chin. This is my story...

I lost my double chin and big fat beer belly after a near 6-year struggle. In the end the solution was easier than I expected. If only some could of told me right at the beginning I could have had 6 years of looking great and not wasting so much money on fads and enjoying the food I eat.

My fat belly made an appearance at the age of 26. I looked ridiculous with my big fat belly. Where did it come from? I did eat a lot of sausage rolls that Christmas, or maybe it was just turning 26. Whatever it was that fat belly was here to stay. Loosing weight was not something I had done before but I believed the answer was easy - eat less food and exercise. I was no expert but this simple formula seemed the most straightforward way to lose weight. It just had to be.

My fat belly motivated me to stop eating and get to the gym. I hit the gym with force. I skipped lunch to cut down on eating; I was sure this would eliminate my beer belly in a shot. After a few months of trying my best at the gym and almost starving myself I had defiantly lost weight; as much as 6kg - a good effort. But looking at my belly it didn't look any smaller; in fact it might even be bigger. I had lost weight on every part of my body except my belly.

Doing too much exercise and not eating enough caused my body to burn muscle to get extra energy. What I had been doing was counter productive, I was reducing my muscles and increasing my fat storage. This was going to be harder than I thought.

Things were about to get worse now at the age of 28 a double chin. I was still at a total loss as to how I still managed to have the fat belly I had tried so hard to get rid of. I swapped weights for cardio - pushing myself for faster times on the bike and running further and further on the treadmill. After only a few weeks eating salad for lunch and hitting the treadmill every day I looked in the mirror and saw I had burned away almost all the muscle I had put on. I was back to square one.

A flyer came though my letterbox for a local gym that advertised body re-shaping by way of a special but sensible diet. I had never heard of Educogym but the flyer did seem intriguing. My own experience of weight loss had made me angry and cynical. But since I was getting married I would make one last attempt to sort my body out and I picked Educogym.

Gina at Educogym explained to me that we would be training every day for 12 days; only 20 minuets at a time but this would be high intensity. Gina then explained to me my new diet. Gina explained to me about a chemical called insulin. Insulin regulates blood sugar in the body and effects how the body burns energy. If your insulin is kept low then your body will burn fat and not muscle. To keep my insulin low I would need to eliminate one particular thing from my diet - SUGAR.

No sugar, and nothing made from flour. Starches such as bread and pasta will absorb itself into the blood and raise my insulin. Even natural sugars from fruit need to be kept to a minimum. Fats on the other hand do not raise your insulin.

Sugar is in so many of our daily foods; it's only when you try to avoid it you realize how often you eat it. To my surprise milk is 40% sugar. No eating white bread, or any bread for that matter. I would have to train my body to burn fat and fat only. So from now on I will be eating only protein and fat. Something in me knew this was going to work.

Breakfast was Bacon and eggs every day, no toast or anything else. No milk in my tea or coffee; but I could use cream which I found very nice. Lunch was meat - beef, lamb, or pork (no chicken), preferably meat with a nice fat content, and some green vegetables. Dinner is more of the same. Adding some walnuts for additional fatty acids was beneficial.

After a few days my body was now in a state of 'ketosis'. That is all the energy used by my body came from fat and not carbohydrates. The fats and protein diet had killed my hunger and prevented me getting sugar cravings for chocolate and other mid morning snacks. I was burning fat and only fat; if there was no fat in my stomach to be burned then it would have to come from that large fat deposit - my fat belly.

I started to notice the difference from day two. The flab around my belly was much softer. The diet was slightly tedious but bearable; I did really miss all those wonderful sugar hits from chocolate and other foods. On day 7 my wife looked at me while I was recovering on the sofa from my hard 20-minute workout and exclaimed, "your double chin has gone!" On day 12 my measurements concluded I had lost some 3% body fat, my double chin was gone and my beer belly was about half gone.

Success finally. After all these years it was a dream come true. My belly was still there but was significantly reduced but there was some work still to do but the trend had been broken. I now knew how to beat the fat.

My struggle to lose my belly fat took much longer than it should have. I knew i had a problem and i searched for years on how to fix it, the problem was very few people seem to know how to really lose weight properly. So many of the foods we eat everyday are bad for us. Learn exactly how to lose that flab at my website [http://www.bellyfat.ozvuk.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Richard_Llewelyn_Jones/1390210

Top 7 Belly Fat Burning Foods to Lose Tummy Fat and Get Flat Abs

In this article, I want to share 7 top belly fat burning foods to help you get flat abs. I believe that if you incorporate these foods in your diet that you will find it much easier to lose weight. If you don't you may get less than optimal results.

It is simply a fact that what you eat is the most importan factor in how fast and efficiently you lose fat and weight. This should be your main focus.

Here are the 7 belly fat burning foods you should include in your diet:

1. Eggs - This superfood is a top source of protein and a host of other goodies. Protein helps to build muscle tissue and boost metabolism and can also help to make you feel full for longer and so is a good appetites suppressant. Whole eggs are fine as the yolk has many nutrients you can use.

2. Oatmeal - Rich in fiber this often underrated food helps to keep you full, improve your digestive process, provides a source of good energy and helps you to maintain the necessary calorie deficit to lose weight.

3. Broccoli - This is a nutrient packed vegatable and actually helps to burn off belly fat because it contains phytonutrients. These are elements that help to fight xenoestrogens, chemicals which are common in our food supply that induce more abdominal fat storage. By eating broccoli, you reduce the effect of xenoestrogens on your body.

4. Almonds and nuts - These are sources of protein and lots of healthy fats. You need healthy fats to function properly and to lose belly fat, so these foods are an essential and excellent addition to your regular meals.

5. Low fat dairy - While these foods do not actually induce more fat burning (although they are rich in protein), research shows that a greater consumption of dairy helps your body to get rid of fat through its secretions. This can amount to a few pounds a year so it's worth noting.

6. Garlic - While this food may not be the best food to eat before a big date, it is considered very healthy. Garlic contains allicin, an element with multiple health benefits which is also said to fight off fats in your body.

7. Tuna - Another rich source of protein and healthy fats for greater metabolism and more rapid fat burning.

Eat these belly fat burning foods regularly and you will see faster results.

For more killer fat burning food visit 5 Foods To Fight Abdominal Fat [http://truthaboutgreatabs.com]

For the best way to shed belly fat visit TruthAboutAbs Review

John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He is an affiliate of Mike Geary and an author. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/John_Davenport/92959

Dining Out: Foods To Avoid With High Cholesterol, Ulcer Or Belly Fat

Knowing what will be on your plate certainly helps to take the hassle out of ordering the right food when dining out. It is a juggling act of figuring; wise food choices, food preparation method, your taste inclinations, spicy or bland; and kind of accompaniment sauces and all that best sum up a healthy eating experience for you.

Foods To Avoid With High Cholesterol: Deep Fried Foods

Deep fried vegetables would mean high calories, high fat content and loss of fat-soluble vitamins A and E. For example, I have a great aversion to anything - onion rings, sliced mushrooms, green peppers and zucchini - dipped in batter and deep fried; as I would rather eat them lightly-fried, crisp and freshly flavored, with all their natural juices sealed in. In fact, deep frying can pose some nasty health risks.

You run the risk of high cholesterol heart disease, cancer and obesity, when you run the gamut from deep-fried vegetables to potatoes and nuts, rich in bad fats like saturated fat and trans fat. Worse still, foods fried in fat on high heat may contain acrylamide, a possible carcinogen. Scary, isn't it?

Foods To Avoid With Ulcer: Spicy Foods

Despite what some may say, that spicy foods do not cause heartburn or stomach ulcer, I am more inclined to think otherwise. Just think - if chopping raw chilli peppers can burn your skin, what worse things it can do inside your mouth!

An Oxford article reported that capsaicin, the active ingredient in chilli, is effective against prostate cancer cells 'in an average way'. That is putting it mildly, kind of lukewarm, not wishing to disappoint nor hurt.

Then I hit on a more strident note coming from John Prescott, a university professor and journal editor. Yes, he says, capsaicin can cause tissues to become inflamed; worse, it can also damage the lining of your stomach or intestines, that is, if you have eaten chilies just enough to be a hazard. That sounds more like it as I do not even trust a pimento for all its acclaimed sweetness.

Foods To Avoid With Belly Fat: Thick Sauces And Gravies

Thick sauces are synonymous with thick waists! When food is served smothered in gravy, the natural, delicate flavor of whole foods is lost. The high fat content and not-so-healthy thickener like all-purpose flour are mostly to be blamed.

In fact, there are quite a number of healthier, gluten-free alternatives to flour: tapioca starch, cornstarch, arrowroot, and potato starch. Then there are sauces without thickening like low fat fruit and vegetable sauces which whet your appetite and the nutrient content of foods served.

However, food cooked with flavoring ingredients like onions, and garlic seldom need to be doused with thick sauces, as bulbous and green herbs can make healthy food more appetizing and palatable.

Feeding plants leads naturally to an interest in trees; just as wholesome home feeding, to whole foods, natural remedies and a plant-based diet. This briefly encapsulates the natural world of Kez Sze, author, publisher and researcher.

Please visit http://dietthatworks1.com/2014/09/16/hello-world/ and http://www.DietThatWorks1.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kez_Sze/784804

The Best Food to Lose Belly Fat Easily

The balance between eating right and exercise can help us reduce weight easily. Learn about the different foods, which are beneficial for weight loss and step in the path of weight loss. It is important to follow a healthy lifestyle rather focusing on starving.


Breakfast like a king is the key to weight loss. People who want to lose weight easily should eat fiber-rich oatmeal that stays in your stomach for hours. Snack attack increases the blood sugar levels so avoid sugary flavored varieties or stave off from doughnut.


Almonds and walnuts are the best nuts, which can help you, lose fat fast. Nuts help in keeping one full for longer period of time. However, do not overeat and skip salted nuts as those are not healthy.

Olive oil

Olive oil is always a good option as it helps in keeping cholesterol under control and satisfies cravings. The monounsaturated fats found in olive oil are best and they are not loaded with unhealthy trans fat.


If you love fruits then go with berries. Add it to your oats, wheat flakes, or salads and make it an interesting food. Berries have lots of filling fiber in them. Go for strawberries, blueberries, raspberries or any other berry for a healthy lifestyle. However, jelly is not a good option.


Eggs contain vitamin B12, which helps in metabolizing fat. People who eat eggs have been found to lose weight than those who ate bagels every morning. People who have high level of cholesterol in their body should avoid eggs completely.


Beans are low in calorie and are packed with protein and fiber. It is the best food as it helps in toning up the body and losing weight. You can always make bean dish and add it into your burritos or tacos for a healthy combination.

Lean meat and fish

You body burns more calories when digesting protein. Fish such as tuna and salmon are full of omega 3 and thus helps in preventing stress chemicals that promote fat abs.

Green vegetables

Vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are added with fiber and are also low in calories. You can start your meal with a salad made from arugula, romaine or spinach for a healthy diet.

Herbal medicines

Herbal medicines are the best way to lose belly fat. Popping two tablets a day can make you live smart and fit.

Herbal cart is an US based company that sells different products related to health, skin and weight loss. Besides, these herbal medicines, many other kinds of medicines are available triggering men's health and women's health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Maria_R_Teresa/2110235

3 Foods To Burn Belly Fat Naturally

Some fruits and vegetables can help lose belly fat. The preparation of some easy recipes using natural foods contributes to weight loss while sculpting the body.

There are plenty of effective foods to lose weight and help lose weight, including cinnamon, pepper and cucumber.


Cinnamon has a thousand medicinal properties! It is a thermogenic. Indeed, cinnamon has a tendency to produce heat through metabolic stimulation of what makes the body burn fat, including belly fat.

We must take ground cinnamon and avoid cinnamon bark oil which can lead to ulcers and mouth sores.

Cinnamon is a spice that can cook with food.

How to use it?

- Sprinkle a teaspoon of cinnamon on beverages like tea, coffee or even milk.

- Add cinnamon on toast or muffins lightened...

- Add cereal with cinnamon powder.

- Sprinkle some cinnamon on salads, dips and sauces.

Hot pepper

Originally from America, the hot pepper is rich in several types of antioxidants that protect the body from different cardiovascular diseases, certain cancers and some age-related diseases.

The pepper is rich in capsaicin (antioxidant) which has thermogenic effects. A study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that daily consumption of capsaicin helps to burn belly fat and increases fat oxidation. So spice up foods to lose belly fat!

How to use it?

- Add hot pepper to soups, eggs, sauces and meats.

The cucumber

Cucumber is an ideal food to lose weight, and what is interesting is that it is also excellent for burning body fat!

Elizabeth is a dietician and in her book "Nutrition for women", it proposes methods to lose weight. She says that cucumber is rich in sulfur and silicon. These allow to burn body fat and belly.

Cucumber is rich in water and acts as a diuretic to prevent bloating of the belly. When eating cucumber with a little lemon juice, it increases metabolism and breaks down abdominal fat.

It is also an anti-cancer. Indeed, the cucumber contains cucurbitacin which have anti-inflammatory properties and can inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

For people who wish to have a beautiful silhouette, they are advised to eat the cucumber because it promotes satiety and helps to lose weight by reducing abdominal fat.

Note that the cucumber contains 96% water and only 45 calories in whole, it's to consume without moderation!

How can you eat cucumber to lose belly fat?

- Add a few slices of cucumber with breakfast.

- Prepare a cucumber salad by adding some lemon juice fillet, pepper, salt or vinegar, some herbs and olive oil to make a tangy treat.

- Nibbling cucumber when hungry.

How to keep the cucumber?

- We can keep it in the crisper of the refrigerator for one or two weeks.

- Protected with plastic wrap.

- Avoid keeping the nearby fruit, releasing ethylene, help to increase the bitterness of the cucumber.

Visit our website that contains many solutions on weight loss and natural beauty: http://bestweightlosskey.com.

For men who are interested in losing belly fat, may be interested in: how to burn chest fat

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Youssef_Smaili/2187107

Treadmill Incline Workout Running for Fat Loss - 30 Minutes Fat Blaster Workout Program

When it comes to staying fit indoors, an incline treadmill workout is the way to go. Not only this type of workout is ideal for burning colossal amounts of calories, the incline workouts helps you simulate hill running without struggling to find a good hill to run on or be the victim of outside weather conditions.

In addition, the incline helps you build muscle mass (an effective way to strengthen your gluteal muscles and hamstrings), boosts cardiovascular power, prevents boredom, and grants you a great cardiovascular workout without having to increase speed.

Therefore, if you're looking to incorporate incline treadmill workouts into your training program, here are some practical tips that can help.

What is incline training?

Treadmill incline training is the performance of movements using a surface with an incline. According to many studies, when running at incline, the body relies mainly on the stored fat as the main source of energy, thus leading to better weight loss results. Furthermore, incline training has been shown to increase oxygen delivery to the blood as well as boosting endurance and developing muscle mass in the low half of the body.

Nevertheless, incline workouts are not for the beginner. Therefore, if you're a new comer to the treadmill, make sure first to get acquainted with the machine and build a basic cardiovascular power. Otherwise, expect premature fatigue, injuries and overtraining.

Incline Treadmill Workout Program

To get a clear idea on how to proceed with an incline workout, do the following:

- Start the exercise with a decent warm-up. Jog slowly (with no incline) for 5-7 minutes to get your blood flowing and legs loose and ready for the workout. Breathe deeply and visualize in your mind's eye what you're going to do.

- Start raising the incline by 2 percent increments until you're at or near your max level of incline. Choose an incline and speed that are most suitable to your training goals and fitness levels. Find your sweet spot. With a conventional treadmill, this can be between 10 percent to 15 percent.

- Keep the incline for one full minute.

- Reduce the incline and speed gradually so you can jog slowly for recovery and rejuvenation.

- Repeat the cycle 7-8 times.

- End the workout with a cool down. Get rid of the incline and reduce your running pace into an effortless jog. Stretch afterwards.

The length and intensity of each interval is not written on stone. Feel free to adjust the training according to your own needs and aspirations. No suit fits all.

Incline Training Form

Proper form is critical when it comes to getting the most out of your treadmill workouts. A proper form helps you improve efficiency and ward off discomfort and injuries. Therefore, when doing an interval workout on the treadmill, make sure to do the following:

- Keep your body relaxed throughout the training session by taking deep breaths and releasing any build-up tension.

- On steep incline-those of 8 percent or more-make sure to lift your knees with every step you take.

- Avoid the bad habit of holding onto the hand rails. Doing so only contributes to bad form.

Here you have it! An incline treadmill workout is a great addition to your training program. Therefore, make sure to put into action what you've just learned as the speed of implementation is key to success.

David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness. If you want more free tips from David DACK, then go to http://runnersblueprint.com/weightlossrunning.html and for a limited time you can grab this special "Weight Loss By Running" (Value $18) report For FREE. Or you could go and visit his awesome blog at: http://www.runnersblueprint.com/blog/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_Dack/650900

Weight Bench Workout Routine Charts - Muscle Building Fat Loss Bench Workout

A free workout for just a weight/bench press bench? You got it, here it is.

Free Workout Routine for Weight / Bench Press Bench

You want a workout that targets the whole body to achieve massive fat loss and build a heap of lean muscle in the beginning. This is exactly what this workout provides.

Back squats - 4x10 (just raise up the bench press holds)

Bench press - 4x10

Deadlifts - 4x10

Calf raises - 4x10

Body rows - 4x till failure

Tucking crunches - 4x till failure

Barbell rows - 4x10

Behind neck shoulder press - 4x10

I have put 4x10 for most of the workouts because that is the best number to get a mix of good blubber burning and build muscle, if you are just after muscle building, lower the 10 reps to about five, pick a heavier weight and do more sets, about 5-6.

If you are just after fat loss you would do 2 reps at 10 of a moderately heavy weight and then 2 reps at about 25 with a lighter weight.

Muscle building is all about absolutely working with muscle into oblivion and challenging it to work as hard as possible, losing weight is all about getting your body sweating and huffing and puffing like made, not to say that muscle building and fat loss don't do both of these sometimes.

If you are serious about your goals, consider finding a coach or trainer who can help you achieve these results, somebody who will guide you step by step to get the exact body you are after.

I can be that person. I have a brand new guide to your fat loss and muscle building success.

Download "Step By Step Fat Loss System" free here today: Fat Loss Guide [http://www.absrightnow.com]. Plus I also include access to talk with me if you have questions.

Johnny is a full time fitness instructor and author. He has been helping people lose fat, get six pack abs and build muscle successfully for the past few years after achieving his own success in redesigning his body.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Johnny_Palmer/14326

5 Steps For An Effective Fat Loss Workout Program

If you want to lose weight, sooner or later you are going to need to start a fat loss workout program. This does not mean that you need to be spending hours in the gym everyday, but you should plan on exercising regularly. These 5 tips will help you to face your fat loss workout positively.

1. Begin Slowly.

You will need to start your fat loss training program slowly. If you make it too tough at the outset you may strain a muscle not able to exercise for a couple of days or even weeks. Your body will need time to get used to the extra exercise. Get started with a slow and gradual pace and then increase the intensity as you become comfortable with your new regime.

2. Weight Training.

An effective fat loss workout will need to include an element of resistance training, or weight training. Your body will create muscle when you workout with weights and because muscles help to burn calories and fat, the more muscle mass you have the better. If you are working out with weights 2 to 3 times a week you can reach your weight loss goal much faster. If you don't have access to weights, use cans or water bottles.

3. Cardiovascular Exercise.

Most fat loss training programs include some type of cardiovascular exercise. Any exercise that raises your heart rate and keeps it up can be considered cardio exercise like cycling, running, walking or swimming. In addition to increasing your heart rate, it also conditions your lungs, and burns fat. To get the maximum results from your cardio exercises, use interval training where you swap between higher intensity exercise with low intensity recovery periods.

4. Don't Want To Go To the Gym? No Problem!

There are many good ways to exercise at home to stay fit and healthy if you don't want to go to the gym. There are some great pieces of equipment that provide good ways to exercise at home that do not cost the earth to buy. Simple things like free weights, an exercise ball, resistance bands and a yoga mat are generally low cost and you can often pick up second hand exercise bikes, elliptical trainers and treadmills in your local classified ads or car-boot sales.

5. Be Regular And Be Patient.

Just doing one fat loss workout is not going suddenly make the excess weight drop off. Successful weight loss requires regular exercise and a healthy diet. You need to burn more calories that you consume and combining regular exercise with a healthy diet plan will give you weight loss success. But it will take time. Remember it took years to gain all that fat and it could take a year or more to lose it all. With determination, focus and motivation you will succeed.

Do you want to learn more ways to lose weight and get fit? Are you confused about healthy eating? Do you want to know the best workout techniques to get the results you want? Get more nutritional information, the best exercise programs, fitness motivation and a FREE eBook with over 100 tips for losing belly fat here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jon_Allo/1079948

Burn Belly Fat Rapidly! Get the Six Pack Abs You Want in Just Two Weeks

If you have a tummy and want to get a six pack, read on. There are lots of reasons as to why you have a fat belly. Your diet and exercise are the main factors. If your diet and exercise is right, you can have those six packs easily.

There are tons of exercises that you can do to burn belly fat. But the problem is most of them aren't effective. Doing all the exercises won't help you burn that fat.

Doing just one super effective exercise can make all the difference required. Like Bruce Lee said, "I fear not the man who practices 1000 kicks but the MAN who practices one kick one thousand times" . Here are two super effective exercises that can burn belly fat faster than any other workout...

Hindu Pushup Variation - This exercise is a body weight exercise. It increases your endurance and strength. At the same time, it burns belly fat faster than any other exercise.

Keep your legs wide apart and your hands planted on the ground. Assume the position of the normal bomb-diver pushup. Tilt your head forward and incline your body.

Maintain that position. Don't rise from that position. Hold that position for around ten to fifteen minutes. You will soon find out that it gets really difficult. If you can master this one exercise and do it for twenty minutes every day, you'll get abs within two weeks.

Breathing Exercise - You don't need to work your body for this exercise. It makes use of your respiratory system. This exercise relaxes your mind and burns fat too. It can be difficult at first. After two days of doing it, you'll get the hang of it. It can stress you at the beginning.

Inhale as much as you can. You will reach a point where you can't take any more breath. You will feel a stinging sensation in your throat and tightening of your stomach muscles. Take in a little more for another two seconds and exhale all the air. Exhale it until your belly gets hard and your body craves oxygen.

Inhale and exhale the same way for another five to six times. Do this exercise once in the morning and once in the evening. Don't do it inside your house. Do it in some place where you can get a lot of fresh air. This exercise will also increase your life span.

Pay Close Attention Here-

Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to watch the video on the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which allow you to get rid of any amount of belly fat and at the same time eat what you want. Yes that's right...You can eat what you like and at the same time burn fat rapidly... I strongly urge you to watch the whole video on the next page - Click Here [http://www.low-carb-diet-tips.info/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/David_Copas/507824

The Best Way No More Exercises to Reduce Tummy Fat

Exercises to reduce tummy fat fast don't have to be torture sessions where you wonder if you're going to live through it! For centuries Asian women have mastered being able to get a flat stomach and skinny waist without starving themselves and without long workouts. Let's take a look at just one of their methods and how you can use it to get the body of your dreams faster than you think.

No More Exercises to Reduce Tummy Fat - A Better Way

Let's just get this right out of the way now: You will NOT be doing any sit-ups or crunches, I promise.:)

I can't remember ever seeing my Chinese Mother or Grandmother ever lying on the floor trying to touch their elbows to their knees...instead they would do simpler techniques to maintain their size-2 tiny waists.

One of these ways is found right in your bathtub...

The Magic Properties and an Epsom Salt Bath

Epsom salts are named for the mineral rich waters of a village in England called "Epsom", where they were known at least as far back as Shakespeare's day. The salts were quickly found to be effective for treating the aches and pains our bodies often go through, along with removing toxins from our system which then resulted in weight loss!

Toxins can take many forms, including certain fat compounds, and if they are blocked or not being released for whatever reason they will accumulate into a topical layer of fat that many people call cellulite.

The reason Asian women take Epsom salt baths is because when combined with hot water the salt can draw toxins out of the body at a tremendous rate. This works by hot water infused with Epsom slat bringing toxins out of the body to the skin surface, while the water cools it and then washes it away.

When Epsom salt is absorbed through the skin in a bath it also sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, is a natural emollient, exfoliate, and much more!

Below is the actual Epsom salt Detox bath recipe that all the Women in my family have used forever:

- 1 x Cup Epsom salts

- A handful of sea salt

- 2 x Tablespoons of bath oil

Be sure to pour all of the ingredients into the tub while the tub is filling up because Epsom salt gets lumpy when exposed to wet bathroom air. For a typical bathtub use about 1 cup of salt.

Soak for 20 minutes or so, and let your mind relax and unwind.

The Bottom Line is You Must Take Action

I hear a lot of people telling me they're sick of the latest diet programs on the market these days, where you're either STARVING or trying to live through BRUTAL workouts to drop weight. Instead...

...download and read my newest FREE eBook to quickly learn a simple but powerful technique that Asian women have been using forever to get skinny fast without suffering. Let me teach you another technique how to reduce tummy fat fast in just a few minutes a day even while relaxing in front of the TV!

I'm limiting this free eBook to the FIRST 100 PEOPLE ONLY, after that it will be priced at the usual cost of $19.95.

Take advantage of this free launch offer while there is still time by clicking the link and downloading it NOW: http://www.skinnyasiandiet.com/free-book.htm

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Catherine_Cheng/783914

What The Best Routine to Remove Tummy Fat ? - Top Exercise Tips to Remove Fat in Your Belly!

Of all the places where body fats are stored in the body, those in the belly is probably one of the most unsightly and most difficult to shed off. You've probably tried the best routines to remove tummy fat, but with little success. It's not that what you're doing is wrong. It's probable that you just need a few more exercise tips to flatten your stomach. In the next few paragraphs we'll give you several tips on how to achieve the best routine to remove tummy fat. Let's look at some exercise tips.

Start your routine by stretching for about 10 minutes. When you stretch your muscles, it also helps "loosen" tummy muscles in preparation for an abs workout. Cardio works out like cycling are the best way to give a mean workout to your belly muscles. It may be the best routine to remove inches in your belly. The secret lies in the motion which utilizes the belly muscles. Here's an exercise tip while doing this routine. Try to tighten and tuck your abdominal muscles while doing this routine. You'll feel that your abdominal muscles are strained and thus fat belly is burned.

After 30 minutes of cardio workout, do a number of crunches. Combining cardio and crunches is probably the best routine to remove tummy fat. Most people are not keen on doing crunches but this is one exercise tip that actually works especially if you're aiming for a 6-pack. You need not do some very complicated crunches. If you have trouble doing this one alternative is leg lifts. You lie flat on your back on a bed or mat on the floor. Raise your legs and hold it for 30 seconds. Do about 15-30. There you have it, some exercise tips to remove fat in your belly.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Faviano_Torres/250566

Top Secret Exercise to Reduce Tummy Fat and Get You in Shape Fast

Mose of the exercises to reduce tummy fat and get you in shape fast are, for the most part, bogus. The truth is, you can't target a particular spot on your body for weight loss, even if you do incorporate exercises into your healthy eating plan. Your body just doesn't lose weight like that, so it's biologically impossible! Your body can store fat up on your body in different amounts in different places, but when it comes to burning the fat, it burns at the same rate everywhere, so trying to lose weight in just one area won't work.

So how do you exercise to reduce tummy fat? You have to exercise all over (and eat right, of course)! You can try focus exercises (such as stomach crunches or situps) to reduce tummy fat, but those types of exercises will build muscle, not reduce fat. In fact, if you perform these types of exercises too much, you'll end up keeping the same amount of bulk - or even building up more bulk - as the muscle replaces the fat in your tummy! If you don't want this to happen, you should limit how many exercises you perform to reduce tummy fat.

To get yourself in shape fast in your stomach area, you should focus on reducing the fat on all areas of your body. As your tummy fat gradually reduces (along with fat everywhere else), you can gradually ramp up the exercises you perform on your tummy. This allows you to get the tummy in shape fast, but without making it seem like you aren't losing weight due to the muscle replacing the fat immediately.

Mickey Rutherford is a weight loss and dieting expert, and helps thousands of people every day with his blog about losing weight and eating healthy to lose weight without exercise.

Articles like these make it easy for people to reduce tummy fat as they focus on losing weight without exercise.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mickey_Rutherford/803762

Take CrossFit Exercises to Lose Weight and Tummy Fat

CrossFit is a series of workout methods primarily intended for enhancing strength and conditioning. It focuses mainly on Olympic style weightlifting but at the same time consists of several routines that aim at developing various physical attributes such as endurance, strength, speed, coordination, balance, and more.

What separates CrossFit workouts from all other methods out there is that majority of those who use it find it effective. Although the training provided in most routines are for strength and endurance, CrossFit is also an effective proponent for losing weight and tummy fat. In fact, all kinds of exercises performed are aimed at burning calories and fat. So now let's find out nine of the most ideal CrossFit exercises for losing weight and tummy fat.

1. Cindy Routine

The Cindy routine is a full body strategy that is composed of pushups and body weight squats. It has a time frame of 20 minutes. It can be performed the next day and the athlete must ensure that there is progress. This routine is an effective fat-burning exercise because it is short, quick, and works your entire body. It is specifically designed to add up muscle in the chest and shoulders while at the same time allowing a high work rate for fast calorie and fat burning.

2. Filthy 50

Filthy 50 is a very rigorous and demanding CrossFit workout that requires you to perform 50 reps with ten kinds of exercises. The list includes box jumps, pull-ups, kettleball swings, lunge steps, lifts, push press, back extension, ball shots, burpee, and double unders. It is obvious that this routine is physically demanding - which also means that it can maximize the amount of calories burned in just one session alone.

3. Thrusters and pull ups

This routine is done repetitively. You can start with the maximum number of thrusters and pull ups you can perform and then you cut the number down in the repetition. This routine is likewise an effective means of shedding some stomach and tummy fat.

4. L-sit

Sit-ups will always be the best form of abs and stomach exercise. Just like the L-sit, you can lose a significant amount of excess part in the mid section by performing a routine where the body is supported by the arms while the legs are held straight in front.

5. Double under

The double under is a jump rope routine that will surely give you an adrenaline rush. It is performed by jumping over a rope and making sure that the rope passes twice before you land. It requires a higher work capacity, which in turn results to greater amounts of weight and fat burned.

6. Fast run and pull ups

You lose more sweat and burn more calories when you go for a run. Distance exercise routines are always an effective way of losing excess weight, not only that, if you pair it with pull ups, you'll be improving not only your stamina, but arm and upper body strength as well.

7. Dip

The dip is a good routine exercise for improving a muscle group, not just one. For instance, the ring dip routine gives you added strength and balance while you manage to stabilize the rings in both sides of your body. Upper body strength is the focus, but the same as the others we mentioned, it requires strength and power to perform. This corresponds to tons of effort and sweat - making you burn fat and lose weight.

8. Dead lift + run

Dead lift and running are two potent exercises that can certainly give you the right means of losing weight and tummy fat. In this routine, you are to perform a series of dead lift sets and then run for 1.5 miles. This is done with repetition until you show progress.

9. Double under + sit-ups

We mentioned earlier about the benefits of double under and how tough it can be. If you combine it with sit-ups, you're getting the right combo for getting rid of that tummy fat and make your midsection a lot more attractive to look at.

On a final note, one should remember though that every type of exercise or workout routine can never be considered as effective when it comes to losing weight when it is not combined with a healthy and balanced diet. So do not try to engage in Crossfit exercises if you are convinced of practicing a healthy diet.

Want to get fitter, faster and stronger in under 1 hour daily? Try out our daily workouts that are written in our Whiteboard which you can see in our iPhone app. Download and install our App for Fitness today! Everyday our workouts are different, FUN and innovative! You CAN literally get fitter, faster, stronger in under 1 HOUR Per Day! To learn more about fun workouts and intensive kettlebell trainings for strength, fitness and conditioning, visit Gym in Singapore

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Chun_H_Jia/1132951

What Exercises to Lose Belly Fat? - Fast and Easy

Exercises to lose belly fat don't have to be endless amounts of crunches and sit-ups each day. Asian women do a number of simple things to help them trim down their tummies that anyone can learn and learn quickly. Let's take a look at one of their favorite techniques and how you can benefit from it.

Exercises to Lose Belly Fat - Fast and Easy

Millions of Chinese women practice the ancient martial art of Tai Chi, which you've probably seen as that slow, graceful movement older ladies do in the park. Well they're not doing it for fun, they're actually doing it because it's a great toning routine for their mid-section and thighs.

You may not be a Tai Chi master but you can adopt some of their movements in a different way to lose belly fat at the same time!

While standing in place, I want you to raise your leg by bending your knee and bringing it up towards your body, as if you're about to take a step on a gigantic stair. Now put that leg down and switch, bringing the opposite leg up as high as it will go.

After you've got the basic movement down now begin doing it quicker until you're switching legs at a pace of one second (or less) each. Continue this pace for a full 60 seconds, and then rest for 30 seconds. Repeat for four sets and you'll soon feel a burning sensation but it won't be in your legs...it will be in your abs!

It works because the motion of raising your legs is actually 80% dependent upon your stomach muscles. The more blood flow and stimulation you give your abdominal muscles the more stomach fat you'll burn, and it's critical that you push yourself until you're a bit out of breath. The exercise will still work if you do it slowly, just as Tai Chi works, but I want to accelerate your tummy fat going away by ramping up the pace a bit.

Always remember to pull your leg up as high as possible as I want you to get the maximum stretch in your stomach muscles to activate them 100%. Start out slow, speed up, and lose that belly fat quickly!

You CAN Achieve Your Dream Body

Everyone I talk with these days is sick of the latest diet programs, where you're either STARVING or trying to live through BRUTAL workouts to drop weight.

Instead, let me teach you a simple method that will quickly drop 10 pounds off your belly and thighs in less than a month without any sweating. The technique is so easy that I actually recommend doing it while relaxing on the couch watching TV!

To read about this unknown secret that skinny Asian women have been using for years along with exercises to lose belly fat just click on the link.

WARNING: I'm limiting this free eBook to the FIRST 150 PEOPLE ONLY. After that you will be available to purchase it exclusively at my online store for $19.95.

Take advantage of this free pre-launch offer while there is still time by clicking on the link and downloading it now: http://www.skinnyasiandiet.com/free-book.htm

Love and good health always,

Catherine Cheng - Founder, The Skinny Asian Diet

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Catherine_Cheng/783914