Americans are among the most weight-conscious people on the face of the earth. Not only do they spend more than any other nationality on exercise and weight loss programs, but they also diet incessantly. It is a cruel irony that they also happen to be the fattest people in the developed world. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. are officially obese and about two-thirds are merely obese. More troubling still is the rapid rise in childhood obesity, which has trebled since 1980.
Many healthcare professionals have already gone on record saying that obesity-related illnesses are at nightmare levels. Largely preventable conditions and diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer have all experienced shocking increases in the past few decades.
It almost seems as if Americans have replaced one bad habit with another. We are speaking of course about smoking vs. overeating. In 1960, about half of the population smoked cigarettes or cigars. But in 2010, the percentage of Americans who smoke is below twenty percent. Unfortunately, since the 1960s the national waistband has been expanding at an incredible rate.
Now, we are not suggesting that Americans take up smoking again. That would be ridiculous! But it is clear that folks need a familiar, pleasurable, and social way to relieve stress. And it may just be that eating has replaced smoking as the most popular activity for people who are always on edge. What do we do?
First, we must realize that being an American is incredibly stressful. Not only do we work longer hours than our European friends, but we also have far less security. At present, there is no universal healthcare, no fee college, and no early retirement for most Americans. It is no wonder why we eat. Food provides comfort, pleasure, and security. Unfortunately, it is also killing us. Obesity recently replaced cancer as the number one cause of preventable death in the U.S.
What we must do is redirect our energy in a more positive direction, not only for our sake, but for the benefit of future generations. For as much as Americans like to point the finger of blame at greasy fast foods and unhealthy school lunches, the average child still eats most of his meals at home.
Yes, eating habits are learned at home. Studies have shown that if a child sees his parents eating unhealthy meals and snacking on fatty foods, he is far more likely to mimic their bad eating habits. Although it may be hard to own up to, the American addiction to fast food didn't begin at McDonald's, it began at home with microwave meals and high-calorie snacks.
There is no easy solution to this problem. But in the next few paragraphs we will discuss a possible weight loss aid. We say possible because we want to perform our own investigation on this product, rather than acting as simple shills. After all, the weight loss industry is not exactly successful, at least when it comes to results. Sure, they make a healthy profit. But only around five percent of the people who lose weight on a diet or exercise plan actually keep it off for more than one year. Those are pretty lousy numbers.
What makes the Belly Burner different? Well, for one thing it isn't really a diet aid or an exercise apparatus. It is more of an exercise aid that was designed to optimize your workouts and help you burn more calories. According to the product description, it does this by raising the body's core temperature, which in turn increases the metabolism and helps your body burn more calories.
The Belly Burner looks a lot like a back brace that is worn in the front. Users are asked to go about their normal workout routines and the product will help them slough off the pounds at a faster pace.
The Final Verdict
While no product can magically make you shed pounds, this product is an excellent way to enhance your efforts and give you an extra boost. The Belly Burner does not claim to be a miracle cure. Rather, it is a workout aid that is meant to increase the rate at which your body burns calories. Again, this is difficult to prove, but many users said that it did motivate them to work harder. But for most users, that was enough to get them through a difficult exercise routine. For the many Americans who struggle with their weight, this additional motivational edge, and metabolism boost can have a major impact on achieving and maintaining healthy weight goals for life.
Robert Lambert is a freelance writer who writes about a host of topics including exercise and fitness and specific products such as the Belly Burner.
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