Can I Get a Flat Stomach Without Exercise?

If you have ever asked yourself "can I get a flat stomach without exercise," the answer to that question is No. While many people would love to believe that it is possible to lose weight or get a flat stomach without putting any effort into it; the truth is that it is going to take dedication on your part.

No one likes to read that they have to do certain exercises in order to lose weight; however asking the question can I get a flat stomach without exercise is ridiculous. That would kind of be like can I lose weight by eating cheeseburgers all day long. Losing weight is not difficult. Yet so many people in our society tend to struggle with the body fat on a daily basis.

The only reason that we are the fattest people in our society is because we are the laziest people. If you take a look at all the technology that keeps us inside the house as opposed to going out and getting the exercise; there is quite a bit. Kids in today's society love to play video games or surf the internet and they are not as physically active as they used to.

Not to mention the convenience of fast food restaurants that are keeping all of us fat. People tend to make all kinds of excuses about why they tend to eat all the wrong types of foods. However if you were trying to quit smoking; then you would not pick up a pack of cigarettes on your way home from work. Well the same goes with losing weight; you have to learn how to avoid all the junk food that is going to be harmful to your weight loss goals.

Learning how to develop new habits that will help us achieve our goals can be the most difficult thing for many of us to do. We are such creatures of habit and some of us refuse to change our lifestyles. However if you are serious about getting into shape and learning how to lose weight; the truth is that it is not impossible. Many of people have taken the same journey as you; and even though several have failed you have to remember that several have succeeded as well.

You just have to decide that you are willing to do whatever it is to begin to lose the weight that you want to. The only reason that people fail to reach their goals; is because they become discouraged easily and quit before they reach their goals.

If you enjoyed this article about "Is it possible to get a flat stomach without exercise" then visit our site below. It is filled with all kinds of information that will help you begin eating the right types of foods and will even help you along your journey to get into shape.

Dog Clipper [http://www.dogclipper.net] Is An Important Part Of Dog Grooming Equipment [http://www.dogclipper.net/dog-grooming-equipment.html]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cynthia_Hurst

How Belly Burner Can Increase the Effectiveness of Your Workout

Americans are among the most weight-conscious people on the face of the earth. Not only do they spend more than any other nationality on exercise and weight loss programs, but they also diet incessantly. It is a cruel irony that they also happen to be the fattest people in the developed world. More than one-third of adults in the U.S. are officially obese and about two-thirds are merely obese. More troubling still is the rapid rise in childhood obesity, which has trebled since 1980.

Many healthcare professionals have already gone on record saying that obesity-related illnesses are at nightmare levels. Largely preventable conditions and diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even certain types of cancer have all experienced shocking increases in the past few decades.

It almost seems as if Americans have replaced one bad habit with another. We are speaking of course about smoking vs. overeating. In 1960, about half of the population smoked cigarettes or cigars. But in 2010, the percentage of Americans who smoke is below twenty percent. Unfortunately, since the 1960s the national waistband has been expanding at an incredible rate.

Now, we are not suggesting that Americans take up smoking again. That would be ridiculous! But it is clear that folks need a familiar, pleasurable, and social way to relieve stress. And it may just be that eating has replaced smoking as the most popular activity for people who are always on edge. What do we do?

First, we must realize that being an American is incredibly stressful. Not only do we work longer hours than our European friends, but we also have far less security. At present, there is no universal healthcare, no fee college, and no early retirement for most Americans. It is no wonder why we eat. Food provides comfort, pleasure, and security. Unfortunately, it is also killing us. Obesity recently replaced cancer as the number one cause of preventable death in the U.S.

What we must do is redirect our energy in a more positive direction, not only for our sake, but for the benefit of future generations. For as much as Americans like to point the finger of blame at greasy fast foods and unhealthy school lunches, the average child still eats most of his meals at home.

Yes, eating habits are learned at home. Studies have shown that if a child sees his parents eating unhealthy meals and snacking on fatty foods, he is far more likely to mimic their bad eating habits. Although it may be hard to own up to, the American addiction to fast food didn't begin at McDonald's, it began at home with microwave meals and high-calorie snacks.

There is no easy solution to this problem. But in the next few paragraphs we will discuss a possible weight loss aid. We say possible because we want to perform our own investigation on this product, rather than acting as simple shills. After all, the weight loss industry is not exactly successful, at least when it comes to results. Sure, they make a healthy profit. But only around five percent of the people who lose weight on a diet or exercise plan actually keep it off for more than one year. Those are pretty lousy numbers.

What makes the Belly Burner different? Well, for one thing it isn't really a diet aid or an exercise apparatus. It is more of an exercise aid that was designed to optimize your workouts and help you burn more calories. According to the product description, it does this by raising the body's core temperature, which in turn increases the metabolism and helps your body burn more calories.

The Belly Burner looks a lot like a back brace that is worn in the front. Users are asked to go about their normal workout routines and the product will help them slough off the pounds at a faster pace.

The Final Verdict

While no product can magically make you shed pounds, this product is an excellent way to enhance your efforts and give you an extra boost. The Belly Burner does not claim to be a miracle cure. Rather, it is a workout aid that is meant to increase the rate at which your body burns calories. Again, this is difficult to prove, but many users said that it did motivate them to work harder. But for most users, that was enough to get them through a difficult exercise routine. For the many Americans who struggle with their weight, this additional motivational edge, and metabolism boost can have a major impact on achieving and maintaining healthy weight goals for life.

Robert Lambert is a freelance writer who writes about a host of topics including exercise and fitness and specific products such as the Belly Burner.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Lambert_Bert

How to Tone Up Your Stomach - Simple and Easily

Are you having trouble toning up your stomach?

The problem today is that people are not told the truth about fat burning as the weight loss industry is pumping and companies are out for your money rather then to see your success. What you need to realise is that only a few certain products will help you lose weight and you must stay away from the others.

The problem with many diet pills is that they can cause nasty side effects from some of the added herbs in the pill. Sure they may help you lose weight in the short term but they can have devastating impacts on the overall health of your body.

If you are trying to tone up your stomach with diet pills you are best choosing a pill only made with all natural ingredients which have not been created in a lab. The natural ingredients are used in conjunction in your body to help burn fat as an energy source rather then carbohydrates.

It is also important to know that there is no magic pill for weight loss and there will have to be hard work to lose the weight you want to. 30 minutes of exercise a day can work wonders for your body shape and can really help to slim down and tone up your lean muscles.

Diet pills are a great way to add an extra kick to your metabolism which in turn burns more calories through out the day which means increased fat burning. If you are struggling to tone up your stomach a diet pill can really work wonders if it is from natural ingredients.

Sick of being overweight and finally want to kick your life into gear? Robert Howdy is a fitness trainer and highly recommends - Lose weight Fast [http://grand-review.com/weightloss-standard/diet-res.html]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_Howdy

4 Easy Tips on How to Tone Your Stomach in Weeks!

Well, summer's right around the corner and the swimsuits will be out in full force before you know it. So now's the perfect time for you to sculpt those abs and get your midsection ready! Here are four easy tips to quickly tone your stomach and surely make you the talk of the beach:

1. Do some light-to-medium cardio every morning before breakfast. You can run, ride your stationary bike, or whatever you like. Just get a light sweat going for about 20-25 minutes. It's best to do this before breakfast, because you'll have an empty stomach then, and whatever calories are burned will be excess fat calories. The more fat calories are burned, the more definition you'll get. For advanced exercise tips, please visit my website listed below.

2. Instead of reaching for the bagel, go for the orange. Eat fresh fruit instead of cereal. Not only will the nutrients energize you, they'll also boost your metabolism, enabling you to burn more fat throughout the morning. They're filling too, so if you have an orange and an apple, you won't feel hungry.

3. Space out your meals. You can eat pretty much whatever you normally eat, but rather than having three big meals, it's best to have five smaller meals instead. This will supercharge your metabolism, such that it won't need to burn through big meals at one time, and can instead focus on burning more fat! This change need not be drastic at all. Instead of the sandwich for lunch, how about half of the sandwich and a salad? And then you can come back to the rest of the sandwich a little later. If you spread things out, you'll never be hungry, AND your metabolism will have a chance to take out the excess fat.

4. Do some light abdominal exercises in the evening. These exercises can be whatever you want: sit-ups, crunches, leg-lifts, etc, for about 5-10 minutes. They don't have to be strenuous at all. Most of the work has already been done with the cardio and smart eating, so these exercises are simply for toning up.

And there you have it! Isn't that easy? You don't have to join a gym or make drastic lifestyle changes to get you all nice and toned. All you have to do is get into the habit, and within weeks, you'll be sculpted and ready to go! So what are you waiting for?

*As always, please get medical advice before taking on any new exercise regimen. If you ever feel light-headed, please stop exercising.

For advanced tips on toning your midsection and looking your best, please visit Tone That Stomach! at http://tonethatstomach.blogspot.com/ Your abs will thank you!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eric_T._Wallace

Lose Inches Off Your Waist Fast - 3 Killer Tips to Finally Get That Perfect Beach Body Fast & Easy!

If you want to lose inches off your waist fast, it is possible to get results 100% naturally, easily, and permanently. Read on to discover 3 huge tips that can make all the difference with how faster you burn fat and drop pounds!

1. The #1 Human Necessity - If you want to shed fat and get rid of excess weight, the amount of water you consume is going to have to SERIOUSLY increase. I'm not talking about the 8 glasses a day recommendation, I'm talking about getting 1-2 gallons of fresh water! I know that is A LOT of water and you're definitely going to be heading to the bathroom quite frequently, but that is a small price to pay for the benefits that's to come.

The benefits from increasing water consumption is that you'll flush out harmful toxins in your body that could be keeping you fat, you'll get rid of water weight, help build new muscle tissue, boost your metabolism, improve your digestive system, and so many more healthy benefits WAY too long to list!

2. Super Nutrients - First off, please do yourself and your body a favor and avoid fad dieting (low carb, low calorie, low fat, etc.). I know the advertisements are VERY appealing and convincing, but trust me, I've tried those diets before and they DO NOT work! In fact, the side effects from those diets usually leads to a slow metabolism, yo-yo weight loss, and your body will STORE fat instead of burning it off!

Now, you must ensure that you get all types of nutrients in your diet, but the three super nutrients that I highly recommend you get are protein (chicken breast, egg whites, etc.), antioxidants (blueberries, etc.), and fiber (beans, whole grains, etc.). All 3 will most certainly speed up your goal to lose inches off your waist fast.

3. Faster Engine - Our bodies contain an internal fat burning engine better known as the metabolism. The metabolism must be fine tuned in order for it to run strong and consistent. The best way to fine tune your metabolism is with none other than food! After trying diet after diet, the moment I got on a program centered around increasing the metabolism with just the foods you eat, not only did I find it easier to lose weight and burn fat, my results came MUCH more faster! In fact, I permanently lost around 50 pounds within 8 weeks time!

Want to Melt Away Fat and drop 9 lbs. EVERY 11 DAYS? Well, I highly recommend the "calorie shifting diet" from Fat Loss 4 Idiots.

I lost an amazing 50 lbs. of fat total in 8 weeks using this popular online diet plan... and it all stayed off FOR GOOD! This diet works so well because it is based on skyrocketing your metabolism by eating REAL foods. NO starvation, NO cravings, NO diet pills... just 100% natural and very EASY dieting!

>> Click http://www.FatLossIn11Days.info to read my full review and testimonial, and get started today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Avy_Barnes

How to Lose Inches Off Your Waist in 2 Weeks

Here's how to lose inches off your waist in 2 weeks. Listen, if you truly want to lose inches from your waist, would you be willing to give me just 15 measly minutes of your time each day? I promise there's nothing hard to do. You don't have to go to the gym, diet, or take diet pills.

Look, if you aren't truly ready to lose weight right now, don't read any further since you're just wasting your time... so go eat some ice cream or potato chips while you watch some Jerry Springer.

Are you still with me? Well, congratulations. You passed test #1. You need the right mindset to lose weight. I don't want some wishy-washy people here that'll find any excuse possible to not do something so simple as what I'm about to talk about.

Now listen, I'm about to share with you a secret exercise that is the best exercise for losing inches from your waist. You probably kinda know it, but you don't really know it. You'll see what I mean.

OK enough with this. The exercise is called the "vacuum pose".

You probably know it as sucking in your stomach, but you'd sorta be wrong because it's a little different than how people normally suck in their stomach.

Here's what you do...

Suck in your belly button and lower belly, NOT your upper belly like what most people do. Now, suck it in as much as you can... it'll feel like your belly button is touching your spine. Got that? Ok, hold that "pose" for 15-60 seconds. The longer, the better.

Done? Ok, rest and then repeat.

Now, to lose a couple inches from your waist in 2 weeks, you'll need to do this a minimum of 15 minutes everyday for the 2 weeks. Even doing this, I can't guarantee you that you'll actually lose 2 inches from your waist in 2 weeks. However, I've had hundreds of clients lose 3 or more inches from their waists doing just this exercise without any changes to their diets or exercise programs.

I know some of you will find an excuse not to do this. Whatever. Are you also going to come up with some lame excuse to not do this? Listen, this is probably the best waist-reducing exercise you can possibly do. It's not hard and you can do it at home.

If you can't find 15 minutes in a row, that's not a problem. Do what I do... I do these during 2 minute tv commercials. The average 1 hour tv show has 22 minutes of commercials. So I give you permission to watch tv for 1 hour, but during the commercials, do this exercise.

One hour later, you will have done 22 minutes of the vacuum pose. 2 weeks later, you'll have about 2 inches less around your waist. That's how to lose inches off your waist in 2 weeks without dieting, going to the gym, or taking weight loss pills.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

3 Exercises To Reduce Waist Size And Lose Inches Off Your Waist

Here are 3 exercises to reduce waist size and dramatically lose inches off your waist. Listen, I'm not going to insult your intelligence or waste your time talking about situps, crunches, and jogging. They barely work and the results are minimal for the amount of time you put in.

But the 3 home exercises below get fast results in just minutes a day.

3 Exercises to Reduce Waist Size

1. Hula Hooping

A cheap $3 hula hoop will help to give you a belly dancer's type of body. A nice toned and feminine waist. All you do is twirl it around your waist for 10 minutes a day. If you are busy, do it during 2 minute tv commercials or for a minute or 2 here and there. Just get in 10 minutes a day. It doesn't matter how.

2. Spinning around in a circle like a 4-year old child

This little-known exercise will revolutionize weight loss within the year. It's fast becoming really popular because of it's quick weight loss results as well as the "fun factor".

Here's what you do... you spin around clockwise with your arms out like airplane wings. Do anywhere from 5 to 15 spins to find out what makes you slightly dizzy. That's the key right there, you want to become slightly dizzy.

Why does this work for weight loss?

It works because it stimulates your Endocrine System to bring balance to your hormones (it controls your hormones). Since most people have big imbalances in their hormones due to unnatural man-made chemicals in the air, water, foods, and products, it makes it tough to maintain your weight... let alone lose weight.

Well, spinning solves that problem by bringing balance to your hormones thereby unleashing your natural ability to lose weight fast. Best of all, it only takes 15 seconds.

I'm leaving out some important details because this is a short article, but if you want to know more about this breakthrough exercise, click the link below to get my free 19 page report.

3. Hindu Squats

This exercise is great for burning off a ton of fat really fast because it creates a massive oxygen deficit which forces the body to burn off fat for the quick energy that it needs.

What you do is squat up and down as fast as possible without weights. Be sure to touch or swipe your finger tips on the ground with each repetition. Your goal should be to do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes. Once you can do that, do 200 repetitions in 10 minutes.

With those 3 exercises, you'll lose inches off your waist faster than you believe possible.

If you're sick and tired of getting the same old boring and tired weight loss advice on how to reduce your waist size with stupid exercises and boring diets... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, do situps, and blah blah blah"... then you found the right person. I'll make weight loss easy and enjoyable for you... AND NOT BORING!

First, click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your free 19-page report "How Spinning Around in a Circle Like a 4-year old Child will Skyrocket your Weight Loss Success". This will give you a jumpstart on how to lose 10 pounds fast as well as force you to lose inches from your waist fast.

Second... after you get the free report, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known weight loss tips, tricks, techniques, and tactics. These unconventional tricks are a "shortcut" way on how to lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks... no mention of eating carrots or celery. I promise.

Third, with my advice, you won't starve, have to go to the gym ever, or basically do anything that is a hassle for your busy life. Listen, I understand you want to lose inches off your waist to reduce your waist size without changing much in your diet or exercise plans... I get it. I have this completely covered. I've worked with over 3,700 clients. I know a 1 size fits all plan doesn't work. So I've come up with lots of "tricks" to personalize weight loss specifically for you and your lifestyle.

Fourth... there is no fourth. Just enjoy the free report and my website. If you don't lose 10 pounds with just my free information... I'd be amazingly surprised!


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

How To Melt Inches And Pounds Off Your Body - Stunning Weight Loss Tips You Can't Afford To Miss

So are you trying to lose weight too? Every person wants to know the easiest and the fastest way to lose weight but guess what? Only a few know the true secrets to fast weight loss and they are the one's who are the start of those stunning weight loss success stories you see everyday on TV. There are some strict laws these guys follow which enables them to lose a lot of weight real fast. Now you are about to be introduced to their secrets. Read on to discover what their secrets are and achieve the same results using them...

Always stay disciplined- If you have started a weight loss diet or an exercise plan learn to stick to it no matter what may come. You see this is the very first rule to successful weight loss. You might get moody, angry, sad, depressed or whatever it might be. If you want to lose weight you can't give excuses. And this is what every person who lost a lot of weight does, they just never blame things and they don't come up with excuses not to stick to their plan.

Have larger meals early- Learn to have larger meals early during the day and reduce your calorie intake throughout the day. For example your breakfast should be the largest but make sure that your dinner is the lowest calorie meal throughout the day.

Take one day off per weak- If you want to see best results make it a point to rest your body for 1 day per week at least. You see when your body gets enough rest that's when it shows the most results too.

The Real weight loss secret- Can you imagine yourself losing 9 lbs every 11 days from now? Yes you heard it right "9 lbs every 11days guaranteed". This is the single most effective way which helps you lose weight. It is truly an absolute breakthrough in the weight loss industry. If you don't know this than you are missing out on the best ever secret "Guaranteed" to help you lose weight right away. So are you ready to drop some pounds within the next 11 days? Read on to discover this rare secret right now click here- Earth shattering weight loss secret guaranteed to help you lose weight within 11 days

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pushpa_Pal_Singh

Diet Tips for Abs - Fat Loss for a Six Pack

In this article, I've posted the "diet tips for six pack abs" portion of our interview we recently did. Enjoy! Here it is...

CB: And finally Mike, 1 or 2 of your top secret nutrition tips for carving out those six pack abs. Open your vault of info!

MG: Well Craig, I think you'd agree that there has never been a more confusing time regarding proper nutrition for consumers. Every so called "expert" out there seems to disagree and contradict each other on what's the best way to eat for fat loss and overall good health.

One of the most important messages I try to teach my readers in this world of heavy confusion is that your diet doesn't need to conform to any of the fad diets... you don't need to go "low carb" or "low fat", or high or low anything for that matter to be successful in losing enough body fat to get lean enough to be able to see your abs. I like to try to simplify things for my readers. I think that balance is the key to success along with eating a diet that is made up of nutrient dense foods in their natural state (as unprocessed as possible).

In general, it is the heavy processing of foods that makes it wreak havoc inside our bodies. Most foods in their natural unprocessed state are inherently good for us. Of course there are always exceptions... a salad of poison ivy leaves is "natural and unprocessed" but certainly would not be good for us!

I'll leave your readers with a couple of the most important aspects of nutrition and diet that help to get you lean for life (and have any chance of getting those abs to show)...

1. Get enough quality protein in the daily diet - not only does it have a higher thermic effect than carbs and fat (so you burn more calories digesting it), but it also creates satiety so your hunger is satisfied longer. Plus it's a building block for maintaining and building lean muscle... And remember that the amount of lean muscle you carry is one of the main factors for controlling your metabolism.

2. Think fiber! When it comes to carbs, make sure that almost all of your carbohydrate intake is from higher fiber sources like vegetables, fruits, and high fiber unrefined grains. Try to avoid refined sugars and refined grains as that is one of the main reasons so many people struggle with body fat. I personally don't eat many grains as I prefer to get most of my carbs from veggies and fruits, but I am a bit of a fan of sprouted grains. I generally recommend looking for carbohydrate sources that have at least 2-3 grams of fiber per each 10 grams of total carbs. Remember that fiber helps fill you up and also slows down the glycemic response of the foods you eat, all beneficial for getting lean.

3. Don't be afraid to eat fat! Many people try to go way too low on their fat intake in their diet and this can negatively affect hormone levels in your body as well as causing more cravings. Try to eat enough healthy fats daily. Good sources are all nuts and seeds, nut butters, avocados, olive oil, organic meats and eggs, coconuts and virgin coconut oil. On that note, saturated fats from tropical oils are VERY misunderstood, even by many nutritionists and other health professionals. Yes they are composed highly of saturated fats, but are actually beneficial (but that's way beyond the scope of this article).

4. Avoid the two worst things in our food supply at ALL COSTS:

*artificial trans fats from margarines, shortening, and hydrogenated oils that are in most processed foods

*high fructose corn syrup, which is in almost all sweetened products on the market

Again, if you avoid processed foods, it becomes easy to avoid these two worst offenders in our food supply.

I always contend that once you get a handle on these 4 main points of your diet detailed above, the rest starts to take care of itself as you gain control over your appetite, blood sugar levels, hormone levels, etc. It all falls into place, and you eventually gain total control over how lean you want to get. Gain control of this part of your life, and those abs may be showing in no time!

Don't miss out on this free report detailing over 29 unique metabolism boosting secrets at Abs Diet Tips for a Flat Six Pack

Are you tired of boring monotonous cardio workouts? Expand your thinking and see: Beyond Cardio Workouts

For any ladies looking to firm up that butt, check out Best Workouts for the Butt

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mike_Geary

Seven Diet Tips to Help Reduce Your Belly Fat

Diet is very very important to your quest for six pack abs. You gotta monitor the calories you burn and compare it with the calories you are consuming. This way, you will know that you are, indeed, going to the right direction. Here are seven diet tips to help reduce your belly fat!

1. Eat fats! You need to identify the kinds of healthy fats that you can safely eat. This will help you to maintain your body's fat burning ability and build muscles. Healthy fats can also suppress your appetite and will help prevent overeating. Healthy fats can be found in seeds, egg yolks, raw nuts, avocados, coconut oil and olive oil.

2. Eat raw nuts about 30 minutes before eating. This will help subdue your appetite and help you consume less amount of food. Even if you do not eat a lot, you will still get fiber, protein and healthy fats.

3. Up the ante of your workouts! If you've been following a workout program for several weeks now, it may be time to increase the intensity of your workout. This way, your body will have not choice but to reach, burn fats and build muscles! Pick up a weight that will really challenge you-it should be heavy enough so you could feel the burn in your muscles. But if you do this, you also need to ensure that you have ample rest time between workouts and at the same time, you should be varying the rest periods between your exercise sets.

4. Avoid fried foods, softdrinks, tofu and soy milk! Fried foods are so laden with fat and oil that they will sabotage your efforts to lose weight and gain muscle. Soy milk is also not very healthy and may even contribute to increasing estrogen levels even in males. If you're in doubt, do check out some health blogs and websites that cover this issue!

5. Even when you are idle, in your car or in the public commute, do ab vacuums. It is pretty easy to execute and will help develop muscles around the abdomen area. Whoever said, you cannot work your muscles while sitting down?

6. Go eat some onions! Onions can help prolong life because of their antioxidant contents and help reduce risks of getting cancer. The next time you prepare a salad or a sandwich, throw in some slices of onions and garlic for flavor and for health reasons. Don't forget to brush your teeth after, though!

7. Reduce the size of your plate! Instead of eating on a big plate, go for a smaller one. It can help you reduce the size of servings you eat, thereby leading to smaller portions of food that you ingest.

These tips are not exhaustive. You can check out other tips as well, but remember that commitment can do wonders to your quest for a six pack abs!

Hey there, get off that couch and start pumping iron! Visit www.BodybuildingTrainingHQ.com [http://bodybuildingtraininghq.com] for FREE bodybuilding training [http://bodybuildingtraininghq.com] tips that could help you lose those friggin fats and build muscles!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=M_Rasing

Fatty Liver Disease Diet Tips - How To Reduce Liver Fat By Watching What You Eat

A good fatty liver disease diet can be implemented to stop and/or reverse excessive fat in the liver without keeping you from enjoying many of the foods you love. Like a healthy diet for the average person, moderation and balance are the keys.

Although you will need to find more healthy alternatives for some of the things you eat and keep a closer eye on your food consumption, you'll still find a multitude of delicious liver friendly recipes to satisfy your taste buds.

Fatty liver disease (FLD) generally falls into one of two categories based on its cause. When alcohol consumption is the main culprit of excess fat in the liver, the disease is classified as alcoholic fatty liver (AFL). If other factors such as a high fat diet, obesity, diabetes milletus, metabolic disorders, hyperlipidemia, or hypertension are the culprit, then the disease is classified as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

AFL is generally considered easier to treat because of its singular cause. Often asymptomatic and benign in early stages, both types can become fatal in the form of cirrhosis, liver cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, and total liver failure if left unchecked.

However, when caught early, simple changes in diet and exercise aimed at losing weight is often all that is needed to slow or even reverse the condition. Fat reduction and weight loss must be done gradually to keep the body from going into an internal state similar to starvation.

When this happens, the body makes up for the lost fat by rapidly producing fatty acids which worsens fatty liver. This is why drastic measures of weight loss such as gastric bypass surgery are not often recommended for FLD patients.

A diet plan for fatty liver should focus on reducing fat consumption to no more than 20-30% of the daily caloric intake. This means if you're eating a 1500 calorie diet, then no more than 450 of those calories should come from fats, especially saturated fats. Replace high fat foods with high fiber foods.

The main energy source for FLD patients should come from complex carbohydrates such as those found in brown rice and pasta. These should make up approximately 60-70% of the overall diet. In our example above, this means 900-1050 of the 1500 calorie diet should come from complex carbohydrates.

Avoid foods containing only simple carbohydrates. These are found in things like candy and other sweets. Simple carbohydrates break down quickly and are used too fast by the body. Once these carbohydrates are used up, the body starts feeling starved and fatty acid production starts to take place in the liver. As we mentioned earlier, this is an undesirable condition for fatty liver disease patients.

Next, now is the time to formulate the best diet plan for reducing a fatty liver: Fatty Liver Disease Diet

If you really want to improve your health and stop FLD from progressing to Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), Cirrhosis, or worse, then learn how to reduce liver fat now by visiting: Diet For Fatty Liver

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._J._Atterson

Safe Diet Tips - Lose Weight Eating the 10 Best Foods That Burn Fat

Is there such thing as a fat burning food? Not technically but it is a phrase that is used to describe highly nutritious foods that give you the most nutrition per bite while at the same time making you feel as full as possible. The more of these foods that you eat, the more likely your body is to burn fat. These kinds of food are called thermogenic.

Thermogenic foods are foods that stimulate the body's ability to burn off fat. The more calories you burn the more energy you have. This increase in energy allows the body to be more physically active, which means you burn even more calories because of this increase in energy. So calorie burning becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy so to speak.

Another reason to choose foods that spur your body to burn fat is because most diets limit your calorie intake. This means that it becomes more important than ever that you choose the most nutritious foods possible. For instance, a cup of corn chips packs far less nutrition than a cup of blueberries.

When you consume a donut instead of an apple you are feeding your body with what nutritionists call empty calories. Empty calories are those with no nutritional value. Most sugary, refined foods and beverages consist of empty calories that will add fat to your body.

Here are 10 fat-burning foods that no dieter should be without:

1. Cayenne. Cayenne refers to a broad range of spicy foods that contain capsaicin. They are commonly know as chili pepper, red or green peppers, or sweet peppers. The large mild form of cayenne peppers is called bell pepper in the US and Canada. Cayenne is a natural stimulant and diaphoretic (induces sweating).

2. Ginger. Ginger is a spice which is used for cooking and is also consumed whole as a delicacy or as medicine. It is the underground stem of the ginger plant. Ginger is very spicy and in herbal medicine is also considered a stimulant.

3. Bitter orange. The name "bitter orange" refers to a citrus tree and its fruit. Bitter orange is used in herbal medicine as a stimulant and appetite suppressant, and has replaced the banned stimulant ephedra in many herbal weight-loss products. Other names for bitter orange include sour orange, bigarade orange and Seville orange.

4. Fish. Fish is not only rich in heart-healthy, brain boosting omega 3 oils but it is also a great source of calcium. All fatty fish (such as rainbow trout, catfish and swordfish) can help reduce the risk of heart attack and help your body lose fat.

5. Avocados. Avocados have a lot of fat but they contain the good fat--unsaturated fat in the form of Omega 3 oils. They are also loaded with Vitamin E, which is essential for free radical fighting and general cell health. Avocados are also one of the most thermogenic and anti-aging foods that you can eat. One half of an avocado supplies you with a full day's worth of Vitamin E.

6. Beans. To stay thin and avoid developing a paunchy middle you need to eat plenty of fiber and that is exactly what beans supply you with. They are also full of protein (for building muscle).

7. Oatmeal. Oatmeal is a healthy well-rounded grain that is low in calories. It is a good choice of food for breakfast. Not only does it contain lots of healthy fiber for cleansing your colon but it is also full of B vitamins. B vitamins help increase metabolism (calorie burn rate). For best results stay away from the instant stuff and make you're own with steel cut oats (raw unrefined oats). Consuming steel cut oats can also help lower high cholesterol levels.

8. Broccoli - All cruciferous vegetables are fat burners and contain zero fat. Broccoli is particularly good for you. This accessible and affordable vegetable contains lots of vitamin C and folic acid (which is needed to metabolize iron). It is also a good dairy-free source of calcium.

9. Leafy Greens - This is a group of greens that includes Spinach, Kale and Collard Greens. These foods are loaded with vitamin C, fiber, and calcium; and have next to no calories per serving.

10. Pineapple - This tangy tropical fruit contains plenty of Vitamin A, fiber, and an enzyme called bromelain that degrades food in the stomach so that the nutrients from them can be absorbed more efficiently. As an added bonus, pineapple is also an anti-inflammatory food and can help combat post work out soreness.

Notice that many of these fat burning foods are cheaper to buy than foods that might contain a lot of empty calories (like cakes and breads). Over the long run they are much cheaper to invest in than expensive vitamins and mineral supplements.

So there you have it, 10 safe and effective weight loss tips.

Gale Tern is an experienced health writer and naturopathic practitioner.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gale_Tern

5 Steps to Choose a Diet Plan to Reduce Weight

Once you have made the decision to diet, you now must choose a diet plan to reduce weight. As you can imagine, there are many programs out there, anything from fad diets, personal trainers, dieting groups, and meal plans. How can you possibly choose between all of these? There are 5 main criteria to evaluate, including talking to your doctor, looking at how realistic the plan is, exercise, maintaining the weight loss, and your budget. Let's look at each of these and get you going toward your weight loss goal.

1. See Your Doctor
The first thing that an individual should do before deciding on a diet is to see your doctor. If you have gained a lot of weight recently, you may have an underlying medical problem. A diet will not cure this. Also, you need to be careful if you have a current medical condition, such as diabetes or hypertension. Your doctor can help you decide what type of diet you should look at that will best help you. If you are healthy and have no current medical issues, you should be fine to pick a diet that will help you long-term.

2. How Realistic is the Plan
The second criteria is how realistic is the plan you are considering. There are so many diets that make claims of huge weight loss, but will that happen for you? See what the plan is really about before committing to it. You don't want to waste your time or money on something that is all hype.

3. Exercise
The third criteria is how much exercise does the plan suggest. Avoid plans that tell you that exercise isn't needed. It is needed to keep your body in shape and help you with your long-range goal of keeping the weight off. The best way to lose weight is a combination of eating the correct foods and getting some exercise. It's very simple, the more calories you can burn off with exercise, the quicker the weight will go down. Burn more calories than you take in each day and your weight will be reduced.

4. Maintain the Weight Loss
The fourth criteria in choosing a diet plan to reduce weight is maintaining the weight loss. If a diet sounds too good to be true, it probably is. You may lose some weight with picking a fad diet, like only eating a certain thing or drinking a certain thing, but that will not help you long-term. Many persons that pick these types of diets gain most of the weight back once they go back to their normal eating habits. So pick a diet that keeps a balance of the major food groups. You need those nutrients to help your body, but eat the right ones to help your new lifestyle.

5. Budget
The fifth and last criteria is your budget. Now if you have an unlimited budget, that's great, you can hire your own personal trainer and nutritionist, but most of us can't afford to do that. So take into account how much this will cost you. Meal plans can get expensive, and so can group meetings. The best way is if you can do it on your own with a plan that will work.

Choosing a diet plan to reduce weight is an important decision. By evaluating the 5 criteria that I have listed, your decision should be a little easier. Good luck, and congratulations on choosing a healthier lifestyle!

Ready to find the perfect plan that will let you still eat many of your favorite foods? I can tell you what works for me, and can work for you too! Steve Pavlovic is a basketball coach and weight loss enthusiast. He has worked hard to get his weight under control, and can help motivate you too. Check out his weight loss blog at http://dietplantoreduceweight.blogspot.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Pavlovic

The Basic Steps to Developing a Diet Exercise Regime

In the last 20 years of the twentieth century, many diets incorporated what can only be described as a punishing mandatory exercise regime.

This often involved extensive gym work and jogging (etc.) to an extent that would today be seen as being at best unnecessary and at worst potentially detrimental to your health.

It's worth being clear that exercise is important for a number of reasons not related to losing weight. For example, a modest degree of regular exercise is highly advisable simply to help maintain your cardiovascular system in the best condition.

In terms of modern diets, exercise is seen as being part of a balanced approach to losing weight rather than a main method in itself.

If you are looking to undertake exercise as part of your diet regime, how do you go about deciding what is for you? Here are a few basic tips that might be useful.

1. If you are very seriously overweight or suffer from any existing non-trivial medical conditions, you should consult your doctor in advance. They may give you some useful guidance as to just how much exercise each day your body could take, given your overall health.

2. Select a form or forms of exercise that appeal to you rather than something you instinctively hate. For example, if you enjoy gentle swimming and brisk walking and will do those things enthusiastically, it's probably better for you than taking on something like gym work if you know you detest it.

3. Consult a diet or physical fitness professional about a gently incremental path for your exercise. If you are fundamentally unfit, don't set out from day one to take on an unrealistically demanding set of exercise objectives. Start slowly and modestly then build up over time.

4. Try to find someone to exercise with. One of the biggest problems and inhibitors to regular and successful exercise is that it can be boring if you are doing it alone.

5. Get yourself some appropriate exercise clothes. If your clothing is tight and 'make do', it's not going to help you.

6. Don't get confused over weight loss following exercise. Weighing yourself immediately after exercise can sometimes show an immediate loss of weight but that may be largely due to fluid loss which will be replaced very quickly. Remember that exercise, as part of a diet regime, takes time to have a noticeable effect.

7. Remember that exercise is meant to be fun and you should enjoy doing it. If you are not having tried it for a while, look for an alternative form (see point 2 above).

8. Don't continue with an exercise regime if it is making you feel unwell. There is a big difference to feeling healthily stretched and tired at the end of exercise and feeling ill. If you are in the latter category, once again, consult your doctor and stop the exercise until you have been cleared to continue.

9. Try to avoid being intimidated by others around you. They may all look superhumanly fit, as you go around panting and puffing but at least some of them will originally have started at the same point as you on weight loss programs. They won't be laughing or ridiculing you and many will be only too willing to offer help and advice.

10. Make sure your clothing isn't just appropriate and comfortable but is also a decent quality. For example, taking up walking or gentle jogging is great but not if you are trying to do it in shoes that aren't offering you some form of shock insulation protection. Assuming you can afford it, spend a little extra on some decent quality kit!

Above all, keep going!

Ratna Rashid is an author and business manager in Adventures in Weightloss team. Adventures in Weightloss is a medically designed, personalised weight loss program resulting in rapid and permanent weight loss. Read tips and blogs for weightloss.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ratna_Rashid

Best Heartburn Diet - 3 Easy Steps to Relief

Do you have chronic heartburn? Are you looking for the best heartburn diet to relieve the horrible symptoms you suffer? Here is the best heartburn diet available and will relieve your symptoms once and for all.

Here are 3 easy steps that will put you on the path to relief immediately:

1. Understand the Cause of Heartburn

In order to treat your heartburn, you have to first understand what is causing your heartburn. Heartburn is cause when partially digested food fails to complete the digestion process and just sits in your stomach. This occurs when there is not sufficient stomach acid of the proper sort available to digest the food you have eaten.

You see, not all stomach acid is the same. You body will produce acid to digest the different types of food you eat. Proteins need one type acid to digest properly, while carbohydrates need another type altogether. And unfortunately, the acid that digests protein neutralizes the acid that digests carbohydrates.

2. Find What Will Stop Heartburn

The conventional therapy is the little purple pill your doctor will prescribe. This pill works by making your body produce less acid. And while it will make your heartburn hurt less, it doesn't take care of the other problem, which is the undigested food you have in your stomach. And the purple pill doesn't cure anything; it only treats the acid problem, and only then when you take it.

3. Stop Your Heartburn

You don't need less acid in your stomach - you have all this food to digest. What you need is the right acid in your stomach to digest the food and get it into your intestines where the nutrients can be absorbed. The faster your food is digested, the more nutrients you will absorb from that food. By combining our food properly, we digest our food quickly and don't suffer from heartburn.

The Best Heartburn Diet

Rather than continuing to treat your heartburn, taking pills everyday, wouldn't it be worth a few minutes of your time to follow the link and learn the best heartburn diet available, and cure your heartburn once and for all. http://www.top10-diets.com/acid-reflux-remedy/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=B.J._Gordey

The Best Get Skinny Fast Diet (7 Step Diet to Lose Weight Quickly and Easily!)

If you're looking for a get skinny fast diet that will help you lose weight fast without a lot of effort, then you're in luck. Even though lots of people might tell you it's impossible, it actually is relatively easy to get skinny quickly. Here's how to do it:

1) Eat Unprocessed Foods. Rather than eating processed and packaged foods, eat whole, unprocessed foods. That way, your body has to do the work of processing during digestion. This actually makes you burn calories just to process your food!

2) Don't Let Yourself Starve. Don't ever let yourself get hungry. The key to getting really skinny really fast is with a diet that gives you just the right amount of calories distributed all throughout the day.

3) Follow a Meal Formula. Your meals should have three components: a lean protein like chicken, pork, beef, turkey or fish; vegetables of any kind in any portions; and a legume like lentils, black beans or pinto beans.

4) Do Not Consume Any Sugars. Until you reach your goal weight, you need to commit to avoiding sugar.

5) Eat Several Meals a Day. Eat about four meals a day: a full breakfast, lunch, a second lighter lunch and a moderately portioned dinner. This will help keep your metabolism strong all day so that you continually burn fat.

6) Drink Tons of Water. This not only keeps you feeling full throughout the day, but it also will help flush out your system as you lose weight.

7) Take a Break Once a Week. In order to keep your metabolism from going into calorie-restriction mode, let yourself eat whatever you want once a week. Choose a day and treat yourself to whatever foods you like best!

If you're ready to start losing weight today and want a guaranteed system to get skinny fast [http://howtogetskinnyfastdiet.com/] and erase the fat in 30 days, discover the secrets in my brand new report, "The 3 Secrets of Winning Losers (Weight-Losers!)" Simply CLICK HERE to get it FREE while it lasts --> [http://howtogetskinnyfastdiet.com/]

If you're serious about losing weight fast, then take action right now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mari_Bruyere

Get The Best Weight Loss Tips - 3 Simple Diet Steps

This article will give you guidelines on the official 3 step weight loss plans to ensure you get the best weight loss diet plan.

STEP 1: Know your BMR

BMR <"Basal Metabolic Rate"> defines the less number of calories which is required to boost your Energy while you rest. Or in simpler definition, BMR is the energy you need to power your heart, temperature control and respiration.

There is need for the calculation of your BMR to determine as to whether there is no need to cut back on calories or not.

If you BMR calculate 65%-70% of your daily calories intake, which proves high, your daily calories depends on your height, age and weight.

STEP 2: Daily Calorie Consumption

In these step, inputting your weight, age, height and your daily activity level, It will indicate the amount of calories you should take daily just to maintain normal body weight.

Your daily diet is considered in other to know if you are on the safe side, because inputting an average days on food into a food calorie calculator planner gives you a better diet plan.

STEP 3: Calorie Food Calculator Plan

inputting your daily intake of appropriate food, will give you your proper daily consumption each day in your calculation plan.

In your own interest, you're advised to take foods that are less in carbohydrates in your diet plan so as to use your fat reserve to burn all energy, a sharper mental focus and a suppressed appetite.

You are also advised to consult a physician so as to give you directions or tips on your diet daily plan if you suffer any ailment in the body system. In other words, there is need for elimination of processed carbohydrate which reduces your fat reserve, but does not necessarily mean carbohydrate is eliminated completely in your daily intake of food plan.

NOTE: "processed carbohydrates" are foods such as: cooked meats/cold cuts, bread, pizza, cakes, cereals, buns, rolls, ice cream, pasta, sausages/hot dog frankfurters cookies, biscuits, tacos, potato chips/crisps, sweets, candy, chocolate, all sodas, sugars and foods containing corn syrup, etc.

Reduces processed carbohydrate in your diet and you will start to see changes in your weight within the first week.

The same remedy helped me lost over 6 pounds in less than a week using the simple techniques in best weight loss tips [http://www.best-weight-loss-tips.com] secrets. And I also lost 38 pounds in less than three months using the same report. So if you like to lose weight in matter of days, then get your free report at www.best-weight-loss-tips.com [http://www.best-weight-loss-tips.com]. Good luck!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Boltonsmith

Health Diet - Controlling Belly Fat With Whole Grains

We all dream of a super flat stomach and hanker after the perfect 'six pack', but tend to overindulge with the good things in life. Rich food and beer are most notorious in adding on to the spare tire we carry around our waist. We also tend to have to much belly fat due to being middle aged and having had children.

Sadly there is no easy way to lose this excess fat, no wonder diet, no specific food and no specialized exercise. Using all three of the aforementioned exercises and foods can and will help you lose that extra tire, because belly fat is one of the easiest fats to lose. Quote - ["Visceral fat, the kind tucked deep inside your waistline, is more metabolically active and easier to lose than subcutaneous fat under the skin, especially if you have plenty of it," explains Penn State researcher Penny Kris-Etherton, PhD, RD].

What? That can't be true, I have tried and tried to lose the extra weight around my waist but to no avail - you say. The reason this fat is easier to lose is because it is visceral fat and not subcutaneous fat.

Visceral fat

This is more metabolically active [found in the peritoneal cavity which we know as the waistline] and when a person goes onto the right diet and exercise plan the waist is the first area to start showing the signs of weight loss, this is especially the case if you have a lot of fat in the area.

Subcutaneous fat

This type fat is just under our skin [and not as metabolically active as the visceral layer] and forms a layer of insulation to slow heat loss from the body thus aiding in the process of homeostasis.

As I have already noted, there are no miracle foods to make your waistline slim down but there are a few that will assist you in your endeavor to lose that spare tire.

Whole grain foods

By eating whole grain and minimizing refined carbs you can assist your body to make changes to your glucose and insulin response [helps the body more efficiently use blood glucose and lower blood glucose levels] which in turn then makes it easier for your body to utilize your fat stores and reduces fat deposition.

In a study case it was found that the participants that ate only whole grains in their calorie controlled balanced diet [five servings of fruits and vegetables, three servings of low-fat dairy, and two servings of lean meat, fish, or poultry daily] lost more weight around the abdomen than people who ate the same diet but with refined grains instead of whole grains.

Trying to eat whole grain foods exclusively can be very difficult in these modern times, try working towards consuming more whole grains, they are higher in fibre and help lessen hunger pangs, this in the long run will assist in lessening the inclination to eat.

Refined Foods

We all love our fresh white bread, but by eating this refined grain [or any other refined grain] a series of events start happening in your body. Firstly your blood sugar gets elevated, this triggers a increased insulin response, this in turn causes fat to be stored/deposited more readily. The more refined foods do not control your hunger pangs, therefore you will end up being hungry before your next meal and be inclined to snack.

In dietary guides it is recommended - even when not on diet - that your daily grain intake be half whole and half refined.

Candice is a full time author and entrepreneur. Visit her Minka Lavery lighting fixtures [http://www.minkalaverylightingfixtures.com/] website for detailed information on thousands of designer light fixtures to suit any possible requirement.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Candice_McInnes

Diet Pills That Reduce Belly Fat

Have you ever seen those diet pills promising to help you to target and eliminate belly fat, fight your trouble spots, etc? Well, to be completely honest, when you see that, the best thing to do is to assume that it is a scam. Yes, it's unfortunate. As much as we would like to think that you can target belly fat, it's unlikely. There are things that you can do to help yourself. But there is no diet pill that will target fat or buildup in that area. So there are a few classifications of diet pills that claim to know how to lose belly fat. There are some that may actually have a valid point in a small way, and then there are others that are just scams.

1. Fat Burners - We are not willing to say that all fat burners are bad. If you choose the right fat burner, ideally speaking, you could actually burn fat and lose weight in general. With those like green tea, you would also get various antioxidant benefits in addition to the fat burning benefits. The problem is that most of these don't even use the right amounts to produce fat burning results. This is why they have to rely on misconceptions. With a real fat burner, you burn fat in general and eventually this also constitutes belly fat. But don't count on anything beyond that.

2. Cortisol pills - Now they did stop them from making claims about cortisol buildup in the stomach area. Frankly, that is a very serious medical condition that requires a professional's help. There's no way of getting around that. Maybe 1% of the population is likely to suffer this problem. So even if they did have a natural way to address it, chances are it wouldn't help you. There's also the fact that none of them use nothing more than sleep aids. When was the last time you took valerian root, melatoning, Ambien, or Lunesta to lose weight? I certainly haven't, because it doesn't work that way!

3. Colon cleansers - this is one of the few that I would say might actually have this kind of effect, but only to a small degree. If you have a big enough belly that people think that you are 5 or 6 months pregnant, don't count on it. But if you are basically a healthy weight and just happen to have a small bulge in that particular area, it could be due to toxic buildup in the colon, liver, and other vital organs that just happen to be in that particular area. Watch out for colon cleansers that only have diuretics or fillers. But if you find the right one, it could definitely make a plausible difference.

4. Female diet pills - this is one of the best ones as far as entertainment value. They often use ingredients you would find in any other diet pill. But they claim it's only for women, therefore targeting trouble spots that many women happen to suffer from like the belly. They rarely have female specific ingredients, and to be honest, they often use ingredients that have been proven less effective or not effective at all in women. Either way, they have extremely small amounts at best, and these constitute one of the biggest scams in the industry.

5. Appetite suppressants - We have seen it time and time again. Now usually these appetite suppressants focus on the idea that they are hardcore fat burners that will only burn fat and only in the area of the belly. So they tell you a few lies, not just one. But that being said, while whole grains and fibers are a good way to reduce belly fat, they are useful when used in a healthy diet and exercise plan. In pill form, it's not nearly as helpful, and not all appetite suppressants are based on fiber in the first place.

These will not help you in your search about how to lose belly fat.

If you are wondering about how to lose belly fat, don't use diet pills as your only method of action. They can help you to burn fat in general and lose weight in general. But you cannot assume that they will specifically target belly fat. Over time, as you lose weight in general, part of it will be belly fat. But keep your goals realistic, and always remember to incorporate diet and a healthy cardio exercise program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mikkel_Roby

Bust Belly Fat: How A Smoothie Diet Can Trim Your Tummy

As another mother, beer-drinker, or probably any other person would attest - one of the hardest places to lose weight in is the belly. Even if one is on a diet, belly fat doesn't really go away that easily. But ab crunches and smaller meal portions aside, there is actually a way to trim tummy fat that isn't as strenuous ab-intensive exercises or as expensive as cosmetic surgery.

A smoothie diet is a great weight loss solution but this liquid diet weight loss program can also be used to specifically bust belly fat. Here are two smoothie diet weight loss solutions you can try to get rid of your gut.

Pure Smoothie Diet for 3 Days

Starving yourself just to lose weight isn't healthy so a liquid diet weight loss regimen is a good way to cut the calories but still get the nutrition you need, especially from fruit or vegetable smoothies.

If you want to lose weight (and your belly) fast, consume nothing but smoothies and water for 3 days. But take note, some smoothies especially those from restaurants still contain a lot of calories so a homemade smoothie diet is still the best solution.

Make sure your smoothies are made from fresh and organic fruit and vegetables. Keep your fruit and vegetable selections as colorful as possible - peaches, bananas, cucumber, and spinach are good smoothie diet options.

However, since you can't consume solid food for up to 3 days, make sure you take up to 16 helpings of fruit and vegetable smoothies a day as well as 16 glasses of water or more.

Just make sure you don't stay on this smoothie diet beyond the 3 days or take fruit or vegetable juice as a substitute - it isn't healthy to just live on smoothies and water. This is a great liquid diet weight loss solution that can help you get rid of belly fat but you still have to eat solid food to be fit and healthy.

Belly-Busting Smoothie Diet Ingredients

Now being on a liquid diet (and eating solid food) isn't enough to facilitate weight loss, much less get rid of your gut.

There are some ingredients you can incorporate into your smoothie diet to improve your liquid diet weight loss. Here are some of them:

Protein. Add milk, yogurt, and whey or protein powder into your smoothie because protein is essential for weight loss. This would help you feel fuller as well and keep you from eating more than you need.
Fiber. Fiber rich food such as oatmeal, nuts, fruits, flax seed, and wheat germ can improve bowel movement, prevent constipation, and a bloated belly. Apple skins, oranges, and vegetables are a great source of fiber.
Calcium. Studies show that calcium-rich food like low-fat or non-fat cheese or milk can reduce a person's risk for obesity and heart disease.

To optimize this liquid diet, avoid artificial sweeteners like white sugar, honey, brown sugar, or even maple syrup. These just add unnecessary calories with little nutritional value. Fresh fruits are natural sugar sources so use these instead in your weight loss diet.

In addition, you can get more quality information about how a smoothie diet [http://smoothiediethq.com/] can help you with your weight loss goals by visiting [http://smoothiediethq.com/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kim_Bermudez

The Coconut Oil Diet: How to Burn Belly Fat With Coconut Oil

When attempting to lose weight, oil is usually the last thing that one would want to increase the consumption of. However, coconut oil is a definite exception to this weight loss rule. Extracted from none other than the coconut seed, coconut oil has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for an array of ailments and to promote the overall health of the body.

Fat Loss

Rather than sluggishly meandering its way into your body's fat posits, this oil is actually very easily burned by the body and it also helps to burn other fatty tissues in the body. This is due to the fact that it is made up of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA's) instead of long chain fatty acids (LCFA's) as most oils are. This means that coconut oil is easily absorbed into the liver and used for fuel. Furthermore, this also helps to burn off the stubborn LCFA's as, when the liver is overworked due to toxins, trans fats, sugars, alcohol, drugs, etc. it becomes sluggish and thus, cannot metabolize fat properly. Once it gets your liver running more efficiently, it literally jump starts your metabolism and thus, increases your fat loss. This is especially affective in problem areas such as the belly, where un-metabolized fats are known to dwell. What's more, it is also said to stabilize glucose levels which also promotes weight loss because a stable glucose level makes it easier to make healthy food choices instead of going for that quick fix of junk food with high sugar and fat content.

Boosts Thermogenesis - Coconut oil can also boost thermogenesis, or, the amount of heat, or calories, that your body burns during digestion. This definitely helps the body to lose belly fat faster, and also fat in other areas of the body. It is even actually said to be more thermogenic than protein, the opposite of which is usually true for edible oils.

Other Benefits

Fights Aging - Due to the fact that it's chock full of antioxidants, coconut oil is also said to have some anti-aging benefits.

Strengthens Immune System - Due to the high levels of capric, lauric, and caprylic acids, as well as antimicrobial lipids, it has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties.

Hair and Skin- Since coconut oil contains some essential proteins, it can be used as a natural moisturizer for the hair and skin. If massaged into the scalp regularly, it can help to prevent dandruff as well as lice. It can also an affective treatment against damaged and shedding hair.

The Coconut Oil Diet

Interestingly enough, although it's commonly referred to as the "coconut oil diet", it really isn't a diet, (in the customary sense of the word) at all. The basis of the coconut oil diet involves swapping fats such as vegetable oil, lard, etc. for this oil. That is to say, you will use coconut oil as your primary oil for cooking, frying, and baking. You can even add it to your morning smoothie or shake if you don't use oils for cooking very often, or just want to add it as an additional supplement. This diet had been known to help many lose pounds and pounds of belly fat fairly quickly.


Remember that there is no such thing as a miracle worker in terms of losing weight, and especially stubborn belly fat. If you choose to implement the coconut diet remember to consult with your physician or health adviser as, although there are very few known side effects, your physician may have some key elements to your personal health.

Furthermore, coconut oil is not a miracle worker, it is much more effective when used in conjunction with an overall balanced diet, as well as exercise plan.

Venus I. Lockett is a mom and freelance writer with a special interest in fitness particularly as it pertains to belly fat loss, an issue that most mothers are faced with. For more tips on how to get rid of belly fat visit bellyblubberblasters.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Venus_Lockett

10 Healthy Eating Habits - Ultimate Secrets For Flat Sexy Toned Abs and a Lean Body

You can easily burn belly fat and get a lean body if you follow these ten healthy eating habits. They are very simple tips but may not be easy to do. Eating healthy foods will lessen your cravings for junk food. You will also achieve balance emotionally as you are not eating as much sugar or processed foods which can cause energy spikes and crashes draining you of vitality and energy.

Healthy eating habits will help you achieve flat sexy abs and the lean body you desire.

So the first phase of this wonderful and nutritious eating plan is to be clear about what you cannot eat, junk food has to go! It comes back to the basics of not eating ice-cream, chips, candy and white things. I mean white bread, white flour foods, white rice and pasta. No sugar either!

You must develop good eating habits with foods that contain healthy nutrients:

Eat a large raw salad every day. Not so hard, right? You can eat raw veggies, such as tomatoes, lettuce, shredded carrots, cabbage, raw broccoli, snow peas, beets, green beans.
Eat steamed green veggies every day. Vegetables such as broccoli, brussel sprouts, string beans, bok choy and asparagus.
Eat some beans daily, about ½ cup. Kidney, pinto, black or gabenzo beans.
Eat raw seeds and nuts daily. Use more seeds if you want a flat belly.
Eat fruit daily. At least 4 fresh fruits and eat more berries and cherries. If you are trying to lose weight stay away from bananas, pineapple, peaches the real sweet fruit.
Have some veggie juice freshly squeezed.
Try to cut down on meat. Don't eat it every day. And when you do eat it make sure it's organic and lean.
Watch your salt intake, when cooking do not add salt!
Watch your oil intake. You can use a little for cooking since you are cutting down on butter and dairy. Only 1 tablespoon daily, which includes your salad dressing as well.
No coffee or alcohol as these set up cravings. Use herbal or green tea.

It is a good idea to have 4-6 meals a day to keep blood sugar levels balanced but for a lot of people this is not realistic. It has been my experience that it can often set up a grazing pattern of non-stop eating! It's Ok if your meals are small and you are actually consuming less calories, no cheating here! As long as it's not a license to overeat and your calorie intake is within reason.

Just in case you are tempted eliminate all tempting foods. Get rid of it all from your house or car. No secret stashes. Remember only healthy foods! So if you do have a desperate attack you can only eat healthy foods because you do not have any candy stashes in the house or car, right?

If you need extra help join a support group (Overeaters Anonymous) especially if you cannot control your cravings. There are many and varied and can offer encouragement without judgment. The rewards are so worth it and the benefits of eating healthy foods are numerous.

Want to learn more? Follow the secrets in this life changing ultimate guide on healthy eating habits to lose belly fat and achieve the sexy abs you have always wanted.

For all the advice and tips on attaining your dream lean physique kick-start your approach with http://www.flatbellyhealth.com.

Kelly Beck is a certified Pilates Instructor who is passionate about fitness and health.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelly_Beck

6 Packs ABS - The REAL Truth on Having a Flat Belly and Lean Sexy Abs

A variety of so-called "health foods" are basically cleverly disguised junk foods that could in fact stimulate you to achieve additional belly fats... nevertheless the diet food selling business continues to lie to you so they will maximize their income.

Ab workouts for instance crunches, sit-ups, and ab machines are seriously the lowest effective plan of having flat six pack abs. You'll find out what sorts of workouts Extremely do the job within a minute.

Boring repetitive cardio exercise routines are NOT the greatest technique to lose body fat and locate those 6 pack abs. You'll uncover the precise forms of unique workouts that build 10x greater results below.

You DON'T need to spend your income on expensive "extreme fat burner" pills or other false supplements. You'll learn the way to work with the power of natural foods in far more detail below.

Ab belts, ab-rockers, ab-loungers, along with other infomercial ab-gimmicks... They're all a total waste of your time and income. Despite the misleading infomercials, the perfectly chiseled fitness models in the commercials didn't get their ideal body by working with that "ab contraption"... They got their perfect body as a result of REAL workouts and REAL diet methods. Once more, you'll discover a number of their secrets and what highly works below.

With this eBook you're going to learn the all truths that you simply wish to know. Like;

Dozens of mistakes most consumers make in deciding upon the wrong ab workouts & the best way to supercharge your abs workout.

The best way to alter your ineffective and boring cardio routines into super fat burning workouts.

The best way to eat healthier for fat loss whilst enjoying your food a lot more and eating more satisfying taste rich foods.

The real truth about how many calories you actually require everyday, weekly, etc whether your aim is body fat loss or muscle building.

Why crunches, situps, and leg raises have almost nothing at all to try and do with obtaining a flat stomach and ripped abs.

Why you've wasted way too much money on bogus fat-burner pills as well as other supplement scams.

The facts about whether you really need protein powders and/or meal replacements.

Distinctive diet concepts that make eating a lot more fun while minimizing your stomach fat.

Tips on how to consume fatty foods which might be basically healthy and still get 6 pack abs.

And plenty more special health suggestions and advice you should pay attention for being at the right track to success for the lean healthy body.

Get additional facts about this unique e-book here. Truth About Abs [http://www.myvirtualstore.net/product.asp?ID=13].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Murat_Bilir

Best Fat Burning Exercises For Women - Workout to Get a Flat Stomach and Lean Body

Everyday I always get the question what are the best burning exercises for women. But before I answer that question I say to them that their major focus should be on their food choices. Most women en men think that if your workout routine is good you can eat whatever you want, however this is not true.

The number 1 time waster If you know what workout routine is not good for you then you can decide what the best fat burning exercise for women are. Now a lot of women do think that they are successful as long as they are doing something.

To be honest with you this is not true. I am referring to low intensity cardio training here. The only real benefit that slow cardio has to offer is that it is not harmful for the joints. However if you do some slow steady state cardio for some time now do you really expect different result within a few months.

Best fat burning exercises It would be impossible to sum up all the best fat burning workouts for women. A general rule of thumb is that as long as you do have enough energy to do something else your exercise is not effective. For example if you can call or talk to another person you are wasting your time when it comes to losing body fat.

Some very effective fat burning exercises for women that really do deliver are hill sprints, stairclimbing, jump roping and rowing

Now listen very carefully: It is time that you know the real secret about getting a flat stomach. And you don't need diets or going to the gym seven days a week. Ladies, let me show you how to get a sexy flat stomach

Clicking the link above will give you access to a lot of free information that will make you super lean and amazing sexy. http://how-to-lose-belly-fat-for-women.blogspot.com/search/label/How%20to%20lose%20belly%20fat%20for%20women

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frederik_Smith

Lose Your Face Fat In 5 Simple Steps

If you think that your face has become too fat, your chin is threatening to double itself, or you cheeks seem a little puffy, you've come to the right article. For here I'll describe how you can lose your face fat in 5 simple steps.

Facial fat is one of the most depressing kinds to have, I know. The reason is that our face is what makes or breaks the first impression people have of us. If people dislike our face, they will never find us attractive. And the plain truth is that rounded, fatty faces are simply not that attractive. Believe me, I wish they were. It would've made things much easier for me, as I'm sure it would to some more of you.

But don't be discouraged. There are ways you can lose your face fat and have a firmer, toner face with more prominent cheek bones.

Here are 5 Steps To Lose Your Facial Fat

1. Lose overall body fat - When we gain too much weight, some of it finds itself in our chin, jowls, cheeks and face. We can't help it. We can't choose where we want to gain fat and where we don't. One way in which you can lose some face fat is to reduce your overall fat percentage. Doing this is pretty basic: become more active, exercise, and maintain a healthy diet.

2. The second step you need to take is to drink more water and fluids - The reason why this is so important is twofold: First drinking water is crucial if we want to lose any kind of fat, facial or other. Second, when our body is deprived of water it starts to retain whatever water it already has. This makes us feel and look bloated and puffy. In no place is this phenomenon so obvious as in our face. By drinking 8-12 glasses of water each day, you will not only improve your health, you will also make your face appears firmer and less fat.

3. Go easy on the salt - Salt causes water retention in a big way. That's why if you indulge in eating salt loaded foods like fast food and French fries your face will appear bloated and fatty. When you add salt to your food do it in moderation. Taste the food before adding salt to it so that you can gauge how much you really need.

4. Facial Exercises - One way in which you can make your entire face appears firmer is to do facial exercises. These strengthen and tone the facial muscles and burn face fat. They also help to prevent or reduce sagging in your face since the muscles are better able to support the skin.

5. Cosmetic procedure - If all else fails to give you the desired result (if you do the 4 steps I've related this shouldn't happen) you always have the option of cosmetic procedure to lose your face fat. There are basically 3 types of procedures that you can do:

Ultrasound which uses sound waves to break apart the fat cells in your face.
Liposuction - which uses a tube inserted into your skin to suck the fat out.
Cosmetic surgery - In which the fat is cut out of your body and the face is patched to appear younger, smoother, and slimmer.

I say that this is the last resort to lose your facial fat since each of these operations is very costly, mostly not covered by insurance (since this isn't a health related procedure), and very risky. Imagine how a single mistake here can damage your face forever. If you do opt for having a cosmetic procedure to lose your face fat, choose your surgeon or doctor carefully to make sure he or she is experienced.

I hope these 5 steps to losing your facial fat will help you in your quest for a youthful, firm, and beautiful face.

Click here to read more ways to Lose Facial fat. Rachel Nesbit writes extensively on Beauty and health issues. To read her in depth review of way to lose face and cheek fat, click this link: Get Rid Of Face Fat Fast

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachel_Nesbit